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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 2002 was a year where I can actually say the show was at least 50% salvageable.  So much potential with its storylines, but all sqaundered away because of Conboy/Weston. 


    The show even hinted at a storyline about insider trading if I recall, involving Phillip. The stalker should've been Jonathan. Danny and Cassie would've been a better pairing than what we were actually subjected to. Alan Michael should've returned and thrust into the Spaulding drama. (I personally would've also had Blake get drawn back into the war over Spaulding Enterprises perhaps conspiring with Alan-Michael to get their own shares. Not sure if Taggart was planning on having Blake thrown into the mix of Alex and Alans war.)



  2. I think the actor acknowledging that his character is bi, just shows that the show is waiting to play on that part of Steve at the appropriate time. It's why they writers are purposely trying to paint Lauren and Steven as being incompatible. Perhaps once Lauren and Steven are obviously done with they explore his bisexuality more. 


  3. With news of James departure/death I've always thought that they'd have Emma be responsible for his death (which would result in the unfortunate loss of Gillian Kearney) I hope my suspicions aren't true. I mean I've read before on here that  she once left him for dead?

  4. Don't really have an issue with the pirate ship stuff, but I think more drama should have taken place upon Ashley learning that all those guys were just babysitting him. IMO it should have also been where Ashley learned that he's not allowed to be alone with Arthur. 


    I am noticing that since McLeod's arrival the show has become much more lighthearted than it was under Oates. Now whether that's negative or positive for the show, it has yet to be seen. So far IMO, I like it. 

  5. I liked that they had that small Carly and Laurel scene on Thursday in which Laurel discussed losing Daniel. The actress that plays Carly was so subtle but incredibly effective in that scene. I hope Ian MacLeod gives her some meatier material to play. 

  6. It seems like Oates is just bidding her time until she leaves for CS, as demonstrated by the past week (My excitement has vastly decreased for ED after the conclusion of Gordon's trial and Paddy's departure). And no, Holly is not going to jump start my interest in the show.  Shame.

  7. So I'm watching scenes from GL on youtube from 1990, and it's very interesting to see this GL versus the one that it became under JFP/Curlee. With Calhoun/Long at the helm, it seemed like there was some potential of a AC/Mindy romance, or even a Mindy/AC/Rick triangle, you also had Josh/Harley, and Blake/Alan-Michael, all of which would change for the next year or so with AC/Harley, Blake/Ross, Mindy and the intro of Nick, Beth/Rick/Phillip and Josh being written off. You had Sam Marler also in some pivotal storylines under Calhoun/Long compared to JFP/Curlee. 

  8. Anybody remember those town hall meetings that were being held across the country around the time Obama was first elected, and the right was entirely on board with disrupting such events with shouting and yelling? My how times have changed. 

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