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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. Alan Spaulding running for political office? I don't think so. As I see it, Alan was the type who believed that the people with their hands in the politicians' pockets were the ones with real power. I wouldn't have minded a "Manchurian Candidate"-esque story, though, where Alan uses a rising young politician - a protege of Mike Bauer's, for example - as a pawn for some huge political manuevering.

    Years ago, in the wastelands of fan fiction, I did a storyline where a SORASed 20/30 something Matthew Evans(son of Mark Evans and Jennifer Richards, portrayed by Scott Holroyd), Amanda's half brother returning to Springfield and becoming sort of the perfect son for Alan, where he'd use the young lad for political maneuvering.

    I also thought Alan Michael would have been great in a political storyline as well. If A-M wasn't going to gain control of Spaulding to earn his father's respect or love, he was going to climb his way up the political ladder to do so.

  2. Ugh...from the sounds of it CNN is expecting a loss for Obama in regards to the healthcare law. I was expecting Obama to have this in his pocket, but from the sounds of it the general solicitor representing the administration fumbled a few times.

    So if the law is deemed unconstitutional, what next? And what would this say about laws stating that automobile owners must have auto insurance?

  3. ABC News with Diane Sawyer covered this, this evening, and the news piece could have basically served as a attack ad for Romney to be honest, right down to his most recent gaffe about the poor.

    Sad thing is, I doubt the DNC will milk this for what its worth, nor will anybody really care about what he said unfortunately.

  4. There was some back and forth with why the original link a poster posted at DS kept showing up as a empty page. Turns out Sky news had originally reported the news, but after a few hours, took the story down. The twitter account of EastEnders press says they have a major announcement in store for tomorrow. However the cats pretty much out of the bag now.

  5. Wow you are correct, and he was the one who put the writer's together that ushered in GL's golden era. So JFP was just "there," when it all happened, and when Curlee left she totally destroyed the show. Makes sense now why her first few years were great and then it bacame a total Buzzathon suckathon.

    Exactly. When you include the fact that Calhoun was a director at AW during the Rauch/Lemay era, it kind of makes sense why his later tenures at ATWT(Bringing in Marland) and GL were pretty exceptional; production wise and writing. He's repsonsible for two golden eras, both on ATWT and GL.

    Funny to watch there with some very basic sets that still look good and couldnt have been THAT hyper expensive, people actually working (even if all they did was look at files, flirt or talk about personal stuff, Maureen Garret was looking so freaking sexy, and our own Mo Bauer had a rack on her that I don't remember seeing before, (maybe the coffee pot was always in the way!!)

    I love the scenes with Billy and Vanessa, and small moments where Vanessa prepares for Billy's arrival and spots the alcohol and places it in a cabinet; all very good stuff.

  6. I will still defend the first DePriest regime from 1986-88, for the most part. A lot of people have brought up legitimate points on here, but AW was boring as hell under Sam Hall's pen from 1985-86. (Amphora dust? Please.)

    I agree with this. I know Swajeski is credited for bringing consistency to AW, but DePriest's era seemingly did the same for a moment.

  7. I am pretty sure it was Phelps who put in the spinning lighthouse "Hold on to Love," score. I remember thinking "my show," now had a flashy prime time opening (while ATWT had that boring new opening with the seasons changing with a morose theme.) They should have always kept the spinning light house and the theme and just updated it on occasion.

    I agree they should have kept the opening sequence for 'Hold on to Love'. I despised the shortened version and multiple variations of the theme that came after. However I'm pretty certain it was Calhoun that instituted the opening sequence and theme. Calhoun was EP of GL from 1989 to 1991, and the theme was put in place in Jan. 1991. Calhoun's name can be seen in the credits from a episode in early 1991.


  8. i wonder if Garrett was talking about the 70's or when she returned in 88? i thought calhoun's production values were just fine before phelps came in! not that her's were bad but it wasnt like the show looked a mess when she took over! calhoun did the flashing lighthouse opening didn't he?

    Correct. In fact the production values for the show initially didn't improve until 89 which is when after Calhoun took over. Darker/moody lighting was put in place, a new opening, etc.

  9. I didn't mind Vanessa's new home, I rather enjoyed seeing the set in a few episodes from late 1993 and so forth(the episode where a recast Billy has or will shoot Roger). Just was using it as a example of another one of JFP's quirks that was conceived on GL.

    Carl, I recently watched the episode of where that particular home of Revas caught on fire and Michelle was trapped inside. From the camera angles and etc. I suddenly gained a new liking of that set,

    Among Vanessa's many homes while on the show, the one that Matt built was my least favorite, for multiple reasons :lol:

  10. Fletcher was a good supporting character, and a good fallback for Alexandra. I liked his relationship with Ben, and seeing the day to day life of someone raising a young son on their own. I always enjoyed his friendships with people like Ed or Ross. I do think that he wasn't overly suited for dramatic stories but he helped make Springfield a community.

    I don't think his staying up to 1990 involved Pam Long - they'd split up several years prior.

    Interesting I did not know they had split up that long before her return to GL.

  11. Damn the Bauer living room and the Spaulding dining room looked great! Did they always look that good or is Peapack making everything look better?

    Actually around the time this episode had aired it had been announced that Rauch was leaving. Rauch had spent much of the last half of 2002 tightening up the production values of Guiding Light; giving the show a new opening, a few new sets, and improving the lighting. By Christmas 2002, the show was pretty good looking.

  12. This question has been bugging me for years about Beth and Lorelai. I tried asking it on SoapCity but the people on that board listened to the the Lord and Master and not continuity...I hated that board. Sorry for venting: I swore that the time between Beth drowning and Lorelai writing the diary and arriving in Springfield was a big time confusion. Wasn't it only a few weeks between Beth's drowning and Lorelai's appearance in Springfield. If that were the case, how could Lorelai write a journal that was supposedly months between the drowning when it was only a few weeks? Am I missing something or was the diary Beth's inner Lorelai coming out because of the abuse (which if I remember correctly, the writers for the show at that time weren't smart enough to possibly pull off.) BTW: Who WAS writing the show at that time? Was it pre-Conboy/Weston era?

    You bring up very good points, I really couldn't answer your question about the actual time span of the storyline, though you do raise a good point about it. Only thing I remember about that story and its plotting, is how Beth allegedly drowned around May/June, and I tuned out for a few months after that. When autumn arrived, and I tuned in, Beth was back but as Lorelei.

    The story was written by Lloyd Gold I believe. I'm a little unsure if Millee Taggart was his Co-HW at the time or not, but Taggart did pen much of the aftermath of the Lorelei storyline, such as Olivia's involvement in publishing Beth's diary.

  13. It's a bit sad reading that last scan Carl, knowing how far off the rails TD would go after two of the stories featured in that synopsis, the grave robbery/plague and the Adrienne/aging story, were to take off the ground.

    I never knew Phillip Manning and Matt butted heads at Hope Memorial, and it's interesting that TD took focus on Madison Trust, which I believe was a bank run by the Mannings?

  14. P.s. That video made me realise how much I love the current cast! Who was missing?: Tanya, Janine, Phil, Ben...?

    Yeah the cast is great, it's just the writing for them that is the problem. Dot also wasn't in the video as well.

    Both Adam and Nitin were the MVP of that video.

  15. The zombies are the backdrop, while the human struggle takes center stage. It's always been about showing what man is capable of doing to survive in a world that no longer has the same rules and morals. There are zombies, of course, but it's not like Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later. They are there simply to propel the characters' story forward, and serve as the undoing of many characters' sanity and views of right and wrong.

    Shawn very true description of how I feel about the show so far, though I did not read the comic.

    I'm interested in finding out more about the farm.

  16. Read through all 10 pages, and while it took me some time to finally sit down and watch this show; I've finally been able to watch all of the episodes this season. Firstly I've got to say this show is so damn amazing!

    As I simultaneously read through the first few pages, reading how the show itself did not have staying power due to its overall plot, I couldn't help but to disagree. These last few episodes have proven that the story of Emily's revenge could be played out for a two or three more seasons, including Emily carrying out her revenge and the ripple affects of it. There is so much to be done with the Graysons, Emily/Amanda, Daniel/Emily/Jack, Lydia/Conrad/Victoria, Tyler/Ashley/Nolan, even with Jack and Declan's MIA mom, that it's going to at least take a few more seasons for all the beats to be played, which I seriously have no problem with.

    The hair, music, lighting, sets, overall production is flawless. With each episode I'm in awe with the many rooms in the Grayson home. (That foyer is amazing, and the room where the dinner for the Grayson wedding anniversary took place was beautiful.)

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