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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. I hope Zainab develops an addiction to pills, as I see it as the only way to rid her of "clinginess" to her religion and eventually wake her up and see reality. So I hope it isn't a storyline that isn't dropped, like some others under Kirkwood (Vanessa's apparent OCD for example).

    Yusef is supposed to switch the pills that she's taking.

  2. Thanks so much for these Carl.

    The SOW article really sheds light on TD's early years. I never knew Maggie's sister Nora stayed on the show long enough to have a romance. I am surprised they never brought her back later on in the show's run.

    I never knew Rita Lakin was so successful on TD, she's one of those barely known writers to me.

    While the Katy story seems quite bizarre, I like the idea of the writers throwing something different at Mike, rather than the usual heroine or damsel in distress. Mike had been widowed twice by two loving and sympathetic characters(Toni and Sarah). I would have ended the Katy/Mike story on a different note, turning their obvious hostile relationship, one which Katy was the only one with feelings of affection, into one where Mike would eventually fall for her, but only to lose her in the end to her obvious mental problems. It wouldn't have been your typical tragic love story for Mike. Maybe down the road Mike actually meets someone else, this time someone similar to Toni and Sarah, sympathetic and a heroine, and he finds himself torn between this new love and Katy who would be institutionalized at the time.

    Well that would have been my story idea, I find plenty of potential in the show in 1981 and 1982, however it's apparent that the execution and follow through with the storylines was horrible.

  3. :o My mistake, I'm so use to you posting those scans of TD in here.

    Thanks to you PaulRaven!

    Yes, Stuart was at OLTL well into the late 70s, he departed in 1983 actually. While OLTL got one of TD's earliest EP's, TD hired one of OLTL's earliest EP's, Doris Quinlan to take over in 1980.

  4. Re: Best Exits special

    Looking at the episode, there seemed to be an excess of mobsters in Walford at some point in the 2000s, what was all that about? Was this Berridge's tenure as EP?

    What did everyone think of the storyline of Ben's abuse at the hands of Phil's fiance? It seems like a rather interesting storyline from the bits and pieces I've seen, how was this period for the show? I'm guessing it was before Santer became showrunner?

    I'm interested in looking at some episodes pre-Santer, just out of sheer boredom.

  5. Have I missed something? Why has Lauren suddenly become such a whore and has set her sights on any guy that comes her way? Maybe I haven't been watching very closely but her caracter seems to have changed a fair bit. I'm glad they re-cast her though, it wasn't great to begin with but Jacqueline Jossa has really come into her own.

    What do people think of ryan Kirkwood as producer so far? I notice that I empathise for the characters more since he took over. Ronnie always seemed like a selfish b*tch under Santer, but her exit the last few months have been written so well and you really feel sorry for the character.

    Lauren's crushing/pursuing Ryan, something I don't really have an explanation for.

    Kirkwood seems to really emphasize character and raw emotion, which got me back into watching the show on a regular basis. He's made me grow to like people such as Ronnie, Syed, and even tolerate and sympathize for Jack. I think the good outweighs the bad for him, but there are a few weak spots. I don't like the constant revolving door of characters. Normally when a viewer says this, it's because the canvas is being filled with new characters, but that's not exactly EE's problem. The show introduces much needed new blood, and then quickly gets rid of said new character just as viewers are beginning to like them. I think new blood is what the show needs right now considering all the exits it's had to sustain within the last few months, and I believe there are a few characters in Walford that have left or on their way out that could help fill that void somewhat. However the revolving doors continues....

    Kirkwood got me interested in the Jack/Ronnie and Syed/Christian drama, yet I'm not holding my breath in me growing to like Roxy now that Ronnie is gone, even though it seems like the only option they have right now is to flesh her character out. I honestly don't see myself ever liking the actress.

  6. Believe it or not, today was the first episode where I liked Rainie as a character, and not just the actress. I liked that she seemed to be on the top of things at the cafe, how she wanted to keep Phil from getting one last hit, and how she ended her friendship with Phil(I think?). This is the kind of character development I want with Rainie, not the pathetic one that bedded Jack.

    Speaking of Jack, if there's one thing I do like about his character, is how he's sticking by Ronnie these days. It really endears me to the couple.

  7. Gotta love the anonymous comment under the article. :lol:

    Now I'm really intrigued about Cora's return to the square. I honestly believed it was going to be short term, and she would be playing a supporting role in stories. From the sound of it, Kirkwood wants to make Cora a bigger part of the square. I like how he described Mandy's return to the square, to that of a hurricane. Having watched clips of the character from the 90s, she was quite the trouble maker, I wonder if she hasn't changed much.

  8. I guess that would have been Mike Powers. What writers would that have been?

    I'm assuming it would have been either one of the following writing teams depending on when Paley first arrived on the show.


    Douglas Marland


    Mel and Ethel Brez

  9. After today's episode, I don't want the writers ever changing gears on us and revealing that Yusef was the one behind setting Zainab on fire. It simply won't ever ring true to me after today. During Yusef's confrontation with Masood, Yusef appeared as if he did genuinely care for Zainab all those years ago. To add to this, Yusef revealed that one of the reasons he hates Masood, is because his family refused to speak to him after the fire. If Yusef was in on the plot, with his family, to set fire to Zainab, why would his family refuse to speak to him after? Even after Yusef had remarried and had a child? Besides, it adds such a brilliant new layer to this story, not painting Yusef as someone that is entirely evil.

  10. I thought Monday's episode was one of the best in months. Every scene worked, with the exception of the Masood/Afia/Tamwar stuff (Hamesh Patel and the girl who plays Afia are NOT good in dramatic situations) and the idiot plotting of Phil suddenly getting a job in Dubai and hating Yusef because Yusef inexplicably won't help Phil out.

    Friday's episode was the best for me, but Monday was unusually good considering I don't like Monday's episodes of EE very much, and this one was pretty good for it to start the week off. I constantly want to give the girl that plays Afia a chance, because on any other occasion the actress seems to have more spitfire than other young actresses her age, but I think you're right after yesterday's episode, she doesn't appear to do well in dramatic scenes.

    The episode was full of intertwined stories and moments, and effortless character interaction - it should have seemed forced for Dot to have deep conversations with relative strangers like Christian and Shirley

    That's what kind of caught me off guard. I might would be able to swallow Dot having a conversation with Christian out of the blue, (Oddly I had just watched scenes of a very homophobic Dot from the 80s) but I was having trouble believing Shirley would initially be so incredibly cordial to Dot, even if she's feeling down about that pig Phil.

    Her shame when Grace spoke to her about Jim was a tough moment but the most painful was when she had wandered around the empty living room before finally curling into a chair. I know this has been a part of Eastenders for a long time but I feel like Kirkwood has added more of these silent moments which speak volumes. This was June Brown at her best.

    Those unscripted scenes really do a lot for the story, even if it doesn't involve words.

    This isn't exactly a popular story but I love Fatboy's devotion to Mercy, who has been pushed into all of this without having time to process. I still think there was a place for Mercy on the show and I think she brings out such a kind side to Fatboy, instead of dragging him down, as many say she does. Fatboy also looked so incredibly handsome throughout this episode.

    Well you and I are the minority then, because I'm loving the story as well, and I thought it could initially do wonders in developing Fat Boy's character a bit. Too bad the show let go of the actress that plays Mercy, because I don't think the show will allow itself to play the beats to the story that need to be played. And when Mercy is gone, what will happen to Fat Boy? Hopefully he isn't put on the back burner.

    Syed and Zainab, their talk was everything I want out of their relationship, all sides. The love, the tenderness, memories of the past (which were beautifully written and didn't ever sound like lines on a page), regret and fear for the future. I was especially surprised when Zainab joked/admitted that she had interfered in Syed's life. Nina Wadia is best at this melancholy; having Zainab as more than just the shrew who is duped by Yusef makes you care more. It's this type of shading which poor Masood never gets.

    I was incredibly touched by the scenes of Syed and Zainab singing to Camile, as well as Zainab reminiscing about raising Syed. You're right, Nina is best at melancholy.

    What can I say about the Syed/Christian scenes? On the one hand, I think Christian is a very insecure man and I don't like the way he essentially pouted and played the brat when Syed wouldn't rush into accepting the proposal. I can't see this relationship lasting. On the other hand, after I spent much of 2009 and 2010 resenting/hating/being annoyed by this couple, I've grown to accept them, especially compared to the horror shows at Hollyoaks and Emmerdale. They actually talk to each other and since Amira left have not been laden with ridiculously overly melodramatic stories that are forgotten about overnight and show how hollow they are. Even if John Partridge is a bit overdramatic, he and Marc Elliot work incredibly well together, building up a strong bond that carries through their scenes even when they were heavily censored. This made the bed scene seem surprisingly natural. This was a hugely groundbreaking scene - a male couple on the nation's most talked about soap, in bed together, clearly in the afterglow, both shirtless (breaking the Hollyoaks rule), kissing - yet there was no OMG THIS IS SO SHOCKING!!! tinge to the scenes. The BBC is going to catch real hell for this and I applaud them for their guts. I also think Marc Elliot has given his absolute best performances in the last few months. I also didn't realize what a nice ass he had!

    It's funny how I wanted to dislike Christian and Syed when I first started watching back in September, having heard stories of them being your typical sensationalistic gay couple and it was pretty easy to do so once I started watching, seeing how the writers were rushing them into the baby storyline. However, the writing for them during the past month or two has helped peel away layers within their relationship and I'm liking what I'm seeing. The wonders of character driven storytelling can do versus being constantly hyped and propped up.

    I have to admit that I wasn't sure if Daran Little would be able to change his style to Eastenders, as some of his first scripts were almost like a parody of Eastenders. He's gotten better and better and these last two episodes were just superbly written. Among many other things, I love the way he writes for Kim. She's loud and crude but she's also strangely graceful and subtle. Little moments like her birthday celebration, or crying at Fatboy's wedding, are what I love seeing on soap opera.

    I've been loving these other sides to Kim. I hope eventually the show does start taking her character seriously, not simply using her as comic relief. She could be paired up with any guy on the square, and there's quite a few single guys in Walford, or there soon will be.

    Cora will apparently be joining full-time during the summer.

    Good. From what we had seen of her from the few episodes she was in, she could make a good addition to the square. Hopefully she'll stay longer than some of Kirkwoods other new characters.

  11. I don't mind the new arrangement as much as I do the start of the opening with the scene of the car. The way the opening starts reminds me of a car commercial. The title card is boring, with it simply being black, and the font is boring as well.

    It could have been worse, but it could have been a lot better too IMO.

  12. They seem to get rid of most of their new characters very quickly (or just leave them standing around doing nothing) but I hope Greg stays. That would provide more consequences for the inevitable Tanya/Max reunion, and he is also way too hot to get rid of - the show isn't big in eye candy now.

    Agreed, and it's a trend that I find a bit bothersome.

    Here's a trailer of David Essex's arrival on the square.


  13. Today's episode was written by Daran Little, and he did not disappoint. Very good episode overall.

    Nina and Nitin's scenes today should be used as their acting reels for next years awards. Those scenes were the best yet in their story.

    I even found enjoyment out of the Christian and Syed scenes today, as they had plenty of depth to them with Christian feeling insecure about Syed and Zaniab reconciling.

    I'm loving Lydia's interactions with the square. That brief exchange with Pat, Janine, and Ricky outside of the Vic was refreshing as we don't seem them as a family unit (Pat is usually absent) very often these days. Then Lydia stopping by in a car and referring to Pat's hooking days upon seeing her on the street corner, ROFL :lol: Poor Pat cannot escape the digs about her hooker past.

  14. I agree - although it's hard to imagine Nola as a businesswoman I'd like to see Mona in that area.

    Who was Theo again?

    I find that bit about MJ fantasizing as a temptress to be strange. Was this after Kathy Glass left?

    I wish they'd had Maggie carry to term. It would be something new for an estranged, older soap couple to have a child. In some ways this would have caused even more conflict for them.

    I liked reading about Mona vowing to put her energy in business as well. You have a point about Nola. IMO if they were going to get her involved in business, they should have done it realistically, not happen over night. Wasn't she like a singer earlier in her run? I know she did have a part in running The Medicine at one point.

    M.J.'s fantasy was indeed strange. Not sure if it was after KG left the room.

    Later on other over the hill couples like Matt and Maggie would have children; AMC's Joe & Ruth and ATWT's Bob and Kim.

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