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All My Shadows

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Posts posted by All My Shadows

  1. Am I understanding this right - her boyfriend was with her in the hospital, and when she closed her eyes, he assumed she died, so he just left the hospital without telling anyone...but he told the rep when he showed up???

    That sounds...weird.

    And the video of him receiving the phone call that she's alive? Do we trust this dude? He seems off as hell to me.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Forever8! I originally posted that audio on YouTube, ripped from another source, so it's nice to see people appreciating it.


    All four of the basic AMC themes (including 2013) were great, IMO. I know the David Benoit composition from the late 90s/early 00s isn't a favorite for most, but I always thought it had more of a "classic AMC" feel than the Barber/Israel theme.

  3. I don't think it'll ever happen unless more seasons are released on DVD. You'd think that the two that have been released would pop up somewhere at least, but I don't think they ever have. Even Falcon Crest is available for streaming purchase on Prime.

  4. @DramatistDreamer's status update about spotting Tonya Pinkins in the 80s film Beat Street inspired me to create this thread, where we could possibly share it when we come across our favorite soap stars appearing in other TV shows and movies. Kinda like the "Where Are They Now?" thread except exclusively focused on past performances that might have happened before/during their time on soaps (or after).


    To start us off, here is the clip featuring Tonya.


  5. On 12/22/2020 at 6:25 PM, Dylan said:

    Question, I didn't watch AMC, But my mom did, shes excited for the reboot and i think i will watch it, So.. what was AMC about exactly? What happened in pine valley. Did they have any businesses etc

    AMC was about the same thing basically any other soap was about - the drama between people who live in the same town. Some like to go on long tangents about each soap having a central theme to every storyline, but I don't really think that's true. The basic premise is the same for most soaps - what makes each one unique are the characters and the tone. To know AMC is to know its characters, and to understand AMC is to understand its sentimentality and humor.

    13 hours ago, Jonathan said:

    Happy Birthday Susan Lucci!  Love you and Erica Kane!

    Yes!! The Decades network had a nice little profile of her this evening to celebrate her birthday. Love that girl!

  6. 5 hours ago, Vee said:

    I just think most modern primetime soaps these days are either very overly campy, very poorly paced and thought out or both. They're ashamed to be what they are and be substantive. We'll see how this goes - I am cautiously hopeful.

    Yes! They’re either too aware of themselves and goofy or too serious and dark. For fifteen years, I’ve gotten excited when a new show is described as being a primetime soap “like Dallas,” but none of them have ever managed to match that balance of light fun and serious business. Yellowstone impressed me until we had main characters committing murder.

  7. I really need to know for whom they are mostly making this. Are they more concerned with targeting old AMC fans (it’s been almost a decade since it left ABC...) or are they focusing on new viewers? That will be a big factor in whether or not we will be pleased.


    I don’t think we have to worry about a BH90210-style thing too much. That was Tori Spelling and friends wanting to have their own little fun and play pretend. I guess Kelly and Mark could be wanting the same type of thing, but it doesn’t seem likely.


    It feels weird to not be super excited but we’ve heard so many rumors over the years. Clearly, this has way more traction than anything we’ve heard in the past, but still. I need more.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Vee said:


    I really don't worry about that tbh, because I disagree. Sadly I don't think most people have much of any awareness of AMC 2.0 due to the circumstances and timing. AMC prime is what AMC is remembered for. In the best case scenario, this show is a hit and the larger whole is what becomes known for both. But I don't think AMC will necessarily be wholly supplanted by PV whatever happens. Not if they do it right.

    I hope you're right. I know we're getting way ahead of ourselves, but I'd be cool with a Doctor Who-type existence, where those who are into the "current" show can be in to it, but a new appreciation for the big, huge, original monster is cultivated.

    Surprised I'm the first to bring it up, but if this is a means to the end of getting more classic AMC officially released via streaming (or, preferably, DVD), then this can literally be Kelly taking a sht on Mark's belly every week, and I'll support it.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I'm just not interested in them purely sending up AMC like it's Devious Maids. That was an original property designed for that specific purpose. AMC had enough light and humor to it, we don't need to piss on the genre that has proved hardier in various forms and formats than TV cares to admit. You can absolutely poke fun at AMC's ludicrous history without dogging the show itself, and still having a sense of love for it.

    This mostly sums up how I feel.

    My fear is that AMC proper will become secondary to anything this new series tries to be, which could happen even if the new series flops. Even now, seven years later, 2.0 shows up more prominently than it should in a simple Google search for the show. This being a primetime thing could ultimately make it the "default" incarnation of the show, which...I can't go for that, booboo.

    To me, maintaining a certain tone and atmosphere is the most important thing about doing any kind of reboot, and some shows do it well (ODAAT, SBTB) while others don't (Charlie's Angels, Dynasty), so it's just a time will tell thing, I guess.

  10. On 12/11/2020 at 7:12 PM, bboy875 said:

    Guiding Light- Jackie Marler. I will never understand why Jackie was killed off and Elizabeth left Springfield BEFORE Philip found out Jackie and Justin were his biological parents. Some of us waited for what seemed like an eternity, and they both ended up mostly forgotten by TPTB 

    After falling in love with late 70s GL this summer, I have very little interest in watching much of the 80s because of how important these two characters were and then they just...were gone. It sucks when you think of the contenders they could have been by the 90s.

    I'm just gonna throw in all of the characters Alexander Cambias killed on AMC. I find most serial killer storylines unnecessary on soaps, but this one was clearly written bc they were completely out of ideas and did not know where to go next.

  11. I think classifying it as a soap really depends on if one places more importance on content or format. There's really no right or wrong answer, it's just a matter of what you think is the bigger factor in making a show a soap.

    I'm still confused as to why Decades doesn't air all of the episodes. For most of their weekend binges, they start at the beginning of a season and just roll through as many consecutive episodes as they can. With "Family," they air episodes from all five seasons, and when it was on regularly each night, they skipped many episodes.

  12. Isabella's IG post is killing me. This was such a great show. I haven't gotten a chance to see all of S4 yet (I know, Vee, I know), so I'm glad I still have more of it to enjoy, but I will miss it immensely. I'll never be thankful enough to this cast and crew for showing how you can take a classic series and update it without missing a beat.

  13. I've loved that Jerrold Immel theme since the first time I heard it, but the sequence definitely doesn't match up to what I'd imagined in my head all this time. I always assumed it would be like the other Lorimar soaps, starting with some great scenic shots that set the scene, leading into a big, dramatic appearance of the title card that matches the music (which would have been perfect at the 20-second mark), followed by the good ol' "starring in alphabetical order."

    And no cool visual effects, either. Truly a let-down. It's basically a rip-off of Apple's Way.


  14. I watched the first episode when it aired and never went back to it. I'm just over this type of show and that it's supposed to be what a "soap" is these days. It's just not the same.

  15. I'm watching the first few episodes, and it's enjoyable. Like KMan said, they're embracing the stiltedness that was just a normal part of the original series while also forming its own tone.

    The new set of kids are giving me strong, strong, strooooong Degrassi vibes, and I love it. This is low-key what Degrassi: Next Class could have been had it not tried to be sooo many things at once.

    Okay, the thing about Bayside being a rich kids' school. I don't remember that being a thing in the original series, which is whatever, but I just have to wonder. Between Beverly Hills 90210, this SBTB sequel, and All American - do rich people in California really send their kids to public school? I'm not nitpicking at all, just curious.

    I loved all of the cute old school things that, for whatever reason, still exist in the rich kids' school in 2020. The handwritten sign-ups for tryouts on the overstuffed bulletin board lol And of course, the class president who gets to execute massive school policy changes like where the bus drops students off.


    The only thing I want to complain about it is that awful remix of the theme song. Yikes.

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