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All My Shadows

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Posts posted by All My Shadows

  1. It's funny how there were three distinct Peteys, depending on who played him. RSW's typical soap hunk version, DK's nerdy but endearing version, and then, of course, Mitchel David Federan's Petey, who always seemed to have his jazz hands on stand-by. Kennedy's was my favorite.

    I googled to see what Hunter's portrayer is up to these days, and I actually found some nice pics of he (Daniel Covin) and Eric together, assuming from long after AMC. He has gotten absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Interesting, they must have decided to put those reruns in for the holiday season as it was previously said that there enough Alex episodes to last through Christmas Day. It'll be nice to watch the repeats. I'm sure it'll be some of the ones they already aired during the quarantine, but still.


    It still doesn't feel real. I've been watching just as regularly as I ever did, usually 3-4 times a week, and I have to remind myself during the show that he's gone. It really feels like business as usual, which of course is what he wanted.

  3. I wanted AJ/Miranda just because it made so much sense, but AJ coming out and them ending as super tight best friends wouldn't have been hard to buy at all.

    Would Sam have been in the right generation, SORAS-wise, for him? Not that it would make a huge difference, but I always put him in the Colby/Pete circle. (ETA - I see that y'all have already discussed that in the above posts, which I missed)

    AMC had so many of those random ass little children at the end. I think a few years ago, I had a pipe dream about Kendall's son with the stupid name growing up, idolizing Maw Erica, and stealing all of MIranda's boyfriends. It's what should have happened with (Mark's son) Josh and Kendall.

    I might have to watch The Bay. Randy Wayne is #chefskiss


    I don't know how to quote sht on this board anymore, but...

    I think Elizabeth Gillies is terrific in Dynasty.


    ERIC:  Oh yeah, and you know she and I dated for two and a half years during the whole run of the show 13.  Elizabeth is very talented.   She is amazing.  The funny part of it is, we were dating forever, and kind of had a bad breakup, and then Sainty, my wife, gets cast in her show Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, in the pilot to play Liz’s best friend on the series.  So, all of the sudden, I’m like, “Wait, wait, wait, out of all the shows, all of the things, this is who you have to get cast as best friends with?” and so they actually became really, really, close friends.  So, I’d actually come home from work or filming, and Liz would be on my couch sitting there giggling with Sainty.  I’m like, “This is just becoming too much.  This is a full-circle moment here.  I can’t deal.” (Laughs)


    Now, you and Elizabeth are broken up at this point?


    ERIC:  Yes.  We had been broken up at this point.  Sainty and I were actually together.  I started dating Sainty in New York and the pilot she was shooting was in New York, and she gets cast as Liz’s best friend, and I was like, “Oh, of course.”


    ...the fact that Eric told this entire story and Michael was clearly not paying attention is cracking me up so much.

  4. 18 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    Exactly when did All My Children's shooting style and lighting turn so cheap. The sets and picture quality seemed to really have improved with the move to LA towards the end.

    I'm sure some would say it happened before this, but the grand opening of ConFusion was shot in the processed/FilmLook style in the summer of 2006, and the show maintained that hideous "look" until they went to California.

  5. I've shared my personal connection to Alex and Jeopardy! in the memorial thread, but I just wanted to also mention here how thankful I am to have been able to enjoy watching his hosting of Classic Concentration over the last year or so on Buzzr. Everyone knows Jeopardy! mode Alex, but it's just so fun to watch him with a more playful game format.

    Alex holds the distinction of being the only host to helm three daily daytime game shows in the US at once for a few months in 1991 - Jeopardy! in syndication and Concentration and To Tell the Truth on NBC. The previous year, he beat himself at the Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show when he was nominated for both J! and CC (tied with Bob). I believe he was nominated for both shows again in '91.

    I hope that more of his first hit game, High Rollers, shows up. Buzzr would probably give it the proper showcase it deserves if those tapes are ever found. We mostly see Alex as the wise man of game shows these days, but in the 70s, he represented a new era of young, hip hosts who injected some energy and quickness into the genre. It would be great to see more that.

  6. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    Valerie had a pretty full life long after that diagnosis that she would die in like 3-6 months - how much longer did she keep going? Six years? And an even busier career. That was some solace.

    Yes, around about six and a half years. In that time, both Mary Tyler Moore and Georgia Engel passed, and I guess that made many forget that Valerie had been sick, too.

    I just really hate watching all of the people I grew up loving pass away. I know "better places" and "the nature of the passage of time" and all that, but still. I remember when it was maybe once or twice a year a big classic TV star would pass away.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    That’s such a depressing loss, even though we knew his diagnosis was grave.

    I couldn't agree with this more. You always just want to believe that they'll beat it, regardless. Valerie Harper's death was similar in that, since she'd made it so far past the initial diagnosis, I was so gutted when she passed away.

    Jeopardy! is an institution, and Alex is an institution. My very last memory of my grandmother, the one with whom I watched so many hours of soaps, game shows, westerns, and other "old people TV" growing up, was watching the show in the hospital with her, a month into Ken's run. Since then, I've always thought of her when watching. These people and these shows just become so much a part of us.

  8. I would never think Julia Barr feels bitter towards AMC or its legacy. She might be disappointed in how things ended (in 2006 and 2013), but she enjoyed 25 years of solid success on the show. I'm sure she would see any reunions/retrospectives as honoring that.

  9. My parents and I enjoyed the daytime Weakest Link back in the day. I wouldn't mind seeing reruns of that pop up on Buzzr. I really am liking the revival, though.

    Supermarket Sweep. Lol. A hot ass mess.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Franko said:

    Don't forget her work on PASSIONS. I remember Hecuba coming on with a lot of fanfare and petering out fairly quickly (I guess not too many OLTL fans changed the channel). Also, wasn't her role on AMC not particularly memorable?

    I've only ever seen one episode of her AMC run (Tom and Erica's wedding - I watch it yearly on their anniversary :lol:), but yes, Christina didn't seem to be the most exciting character. With Erica in her young, selfish twat prime and Brooke in her early vixen phase, it's hard to imagine RS could have ever stolen the show with blah Christina. Her heading for Llanview was just the best possible scenario for all involved.

  11. 5 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I think ATWT is gonna own this thread as they stayed stunt-casting folks in stupid roles in that last decade. 


    And, in true 2000s ATWT fashion, they were really only hired on short-term basis. I don't think they ever planned to develop any of those characters beyond the one-note roles they played for a few months. Daniel Hugh Kelley, Robin Mattson, Laurence Lau, Brian Gaskill, Kin Shriner, Sarah Brown, Judi Evans, the list is endless.

  12. Tom was a true legend and just an all-around wonderful host. He ran laid-back, easy-going shows that made contestants and celebrity guests comfortable, but he also had tons of personality without upstaging the game. I first got to know him through Body Language, but I’ve come to also love the random episodes of You Don’t Say! and Split Second that pop up.

    I’m just going off the top of my head, but I think this leaves Bob Barker, Peter Marshall, Bob Eubanks, Wink Martindale, and Trebek as the remaining heavy-hitters of the classic 60s/70s era of daytime games.

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