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All My Shadows

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Posts posted by All My Shadows

  1. 4 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    While many would say this is in line with how Erica Kane would react - apparently the blue ribbon panel had a good laugh at this scene when Lucci submitted it as her Emmy reel that year. The soap press generally wasn’t that kind to Lucci around this time as well.



    See, I've never read this scene as overdramatic or campy because in my 30-almost-31 years, I've gone to at least 20 funerals, and in my family, this is type of heart-wrenching grieving is extremely common. I actually find it hard to watch because it feels so real.

  2. I recently started Paper Dolls and I'm loving it! For the first few episodes I was wondering why they never established Racine's last name, but then there was a scene with her and Roscoe Born where she literally told him her last name doesn't matter :lol:

    Also, Brenda Vaccaro is cracking me up every time she comes on screen.

  3. On 2/11/2021 at 12:09 AM, Vee said:

    Zero chance of that. We'll be lucky even if they even acknowledge the PP AMC existed.

    What's your rationale on that? Not trying to challenge the thought, just curious as to what circumstances would prevent that. I paid basically no attention at all to the legal battles that ensued with ABC and PP, so I'm wondering if it's just a wise decision on their part to ignore it.

  4. I would absolutely be in for a show that focuses on the children of the major players. I mean, if the mothership was still rolling, that's basically where'd we be right now, anyway. What interests me, though, is will they SORAS characters born in the last ten years, which would make them in their 20s/30s, or will they ignore SORAS and have them as teenagers? As much as I loathe SORAS, I'd much rather the former as it keeps continuity (as screwy as it is) and also gives us adults instead of kids. The CW is the only network that targets teens, so I'm gonna assume our core characters, whoever they are, will be older.

    Let's start talking possible characters, guys!

    My body is ready for 25-year-old AJ Chandler, and I would assume Hayley and Mateo's son Enzo would be around at a year or two older (with a wife, husband, or other significant other?). Characters like Colby and Pete would be in their 30s.

    Erica has a shtload of random grandchildren at this point, they could honestly take their pick on who to have as her anchor to the core.

  5. On 2/1/2021 at 3:46 PM, DRW50 said:


    I don't even care that much for most of the Saved by the Bell people, but anyone who is going into Twitter to try to badmouth them for being polite (if they ignored Dustin's passing they would be torn apart) is pathetic. If they want to spend their time more productively, they should send some kind thoughts to Lark Voorhies. 

    The bold part is exactly it. I think it's insane that people think it's okay to make commentary on how other people choose to acknowledge the death of a person they actually knew. Like for fcks sake, what exactly does Philippe Berry get out of tweeting that (besides, like you said, the likes and attention). Learn when to stfu!

  6. I love Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman to death, but it's just a show that was a product of its era. It was a commentary on what was going on in that time and place, and I just don't see what's going on in today's world translating into a soap opera satire the same way. You just can't use today's "issues" the same way they used that time's "issues." So many of the characters from MHMH just don't exist in today's world.

    Also, the show was an incredibly slow-moving soap, which was something good and sometimes not-so-good. Nobody makes stuff like that anymore.

  7. The clause in Bev McKinsey's GL contract that allowed her to take vacation time whenever she wanted, and she chose to do it at the perfect time so that it would line up with when her contract ended so that she could leave way earlier than she was "supposed" to. Someone who knows more about it (or has the lengthy interview where she explains it) can go into detail.

  8. Nina was said to be sickly throughout most of her childhood and had diabetes. I believe it was something along the lines of appendicitis that put her in the hospital and into Cliff's orbit. The blind storyline came after they already met.

    I think the 1980 wedding was supposed to be at Cortlandt Manor.

    Palmer and the Dobermans was at a masquerade held for Nina's birthday at the manor in February 1980. EricMontreal, a longtime SON poster, generously posted the two episodes on YT years ago. I hope they're still there.


    Monique's last name was "Jonvil."

  9. Palmer was super controlling of Melanie and her love life, but I wouldn't say it was as bad as it was with Nina. Hopefully, by then, he'd learned his lesson - the harder you try to keep them apart, the more likely they are to end up together.

  10. On 1/27/2021 at 2:39 AM, David_Vickers said:

    Tonja Walker (ex-Olivia Jerome, GH; ex-Alex Olanov, OLTL) guested on the season premiere of TO TELL THE TRUTH.  She was a possible Serena from Bewitched. Panelist Sherri Sheppard actually thought for a bit she was Serena lol.

    But...Elizabeth Montgomery is dead. I'm confused.

  11. On 1/24/2021 at 10:57 PM, j swift said:

     Also, Vinny's line about the cake cutting being a chauvinistic tradition seemed out of character, given his history of chauvinism. 

    It was Jim Craig who had that line, not Vinnie. He did have Karen and Larry recreate the “first cake-cutting” moment later in the episode.


    I’ve watched the 1975 ep and first 1977 ep so far, and they were SO GOOD. It’s weird to watch a pre-Buchanan OLTL because the show had so many established characters who were tentpoles that would eventually be written out not even five years after these episodes aired. Eileen seemed like such a neurotic 70s mom, contrasting with cool and calm Anna and Carla. Then you have Jim, Joe, Steve, and Ed basically running Llanview. I’ve never been big on the Buchanans, but getting a real taste of how the show was before their arrival just makes them less appealing to me.


    The music score - so big and sweeping! 

  12. Amazing finds, and I can't wait to watch them! Hopefully this is just the beginning of that channel sharing more from soaps from that era. It seems like there are quite a few channels with miscellaneous tapes from the early/mid 70s out there.

  13. I was unaware of the Simone spin-off until y'all brought it up. Just read up on it, and I can get behind the concept, just not interested in seeing her as the center of a show. That could have easily been Kia.

    A Laura/Mo conflict would hit SO hard!

  14. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I hope they paid that guy (was that Clay's old chauffeur?) extra money to have to give conviction to that "Phoebe Wallingford AND Claudia Cohen..." line. Unless he was glued to Regis & Kathie Lee every morning I doubt he would have known who she even was.

    This was a clever way to show just how powerful and influential the Alden name was, and I especially like the dueling phone call with Claudia and Phoebe (Ruth Warrick must have gotten a kick out of this since by this point Phoebe wasn't used as much on AMC in this capacity), but it really is bizarre they had her not interact with Jeremy at all. I don't think they were close on AMC, but still, why not use the connection that's there?

    Thanks for the tag!


    Phoebe is too precious, all concerned about "Corinth society" as she very vaguely has an air of "Thank God I'm from the Valley and not this place!" And of course, Enid back at home dying to know what's going on even though none of it concerns her one bit. :lol:

  15. I also enjoyed the premiere. It was so easy to get back into these characters, whom I've missed so much!

    Not much to say besides...I strongly dislike Simone. I love love love Patience. I'm really nervous about a Spencer/Olivia/Asher/Layla quad - I do love a good quad, but I'm not sure if this can be a good quad. The show's strengths have been in concepts that aren't as blatantly soapy, but if they can make it happen, I'm ready for the ride. Lamon Archey is ABSOLUTELY sexy as hell as the new principal.

    I'm with you on Mo, @ChitHappens. Everything about her since her arrival has been classic soap villain-goddess, and I absolutely want that to continue, but at the same time...I could love her as a rough upstart trying to clean up the streets.

    Side note - the call-backs to Coach's mom being a legendary history teacher at South Crenshaw are always so sweet. The one thing that Friday Night Lights let me down on back in the day was the lack of establishing Dillon High as an actual school with teachers and a culture outside of football.

  16. 1 minute ago, Vizion said:


    LOL I don't agree with him either (movies like Unfaithful don't work without sex scenes), but specific to soaps how do you feel? Have you missed them now that Covid prevents any show from doing them?

    I haven't watched any of the soaps with any regularity in a long time, so I can't really comment on what it's like without sex scenes, but I'm just thinking of how many times an episode-long conflict between a couple was punctuated with a love scene. It's definitely one of soaps' favorite tropes, and it's just one of those things that made the genre what it was. It's not the same to just open the next episode with the couple glancing at each other and making vague comments about "last night." Let us fade to black on some heavy petting, please!

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