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Episode 288



TWOO Opening

Holden walks into the living room, still reeling from the news that Lily told him about Lucinda last night. Lily comes in and says that she forgot his gift at the office last night and runs out to go get it. Luke comes home and Holden thinks that Luke's come home to talk, but in all reality, he just came to get his present for Maddie. Luke leaves and Holden wonders how he'll ever get through to his son. Later, Lily arrives home and the two sip hot cocoa and watch their favorite soap Life In Oakdale. "Ya know, sometimes I feel like I, myself, live in a soap opera. Life has been very complicated for us. That's no understatement. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. Beacuse I know at the end of the day, I can come home and snuggle next to you and our children", Lily exclaims. Just then, Lily breaks a smile and grabs Holden's hands. As she places them on her stomach, he lets out an excited gasp of air. He can feel the baby kick!

Bob and Kim try to enjoy a romantic day at the house. Kim teases Nancy about her next door neighbor over at the apartments. Bob tries to enjoy the day, but he just can't. His day is brightened, however, when Frannie and Sabrina call and wish them a Happy Valentine's Day. Kim and Bob return to the living room, while Nancy sits at the table reading From These Roots, a novel based on the history on the infamous soap opera.

Chris roams the streets of Oakdale, looking for the perfect last minute present for his mom and grandmom. Roxie rounds the corner and shopping bags from the department store King's go flying. Roxie breaks down in tears, saying that she absolutely hates this holiday! Chris offers her help and notices her as John Dixon's girlfriend and the same girl that slept with his brother. Roxie claims to know nothing, saying she must have a twin, and runs off. Chris stands in amazement, knowing deep down that Roxie is all he wants.

Lisa comes by Tom and Margo's to bring Daniel a gigantic teddy bear. Lisa talks briefly about Grant and says that she and Emma aren't attending his birthday party.

Mike stands alone in the Oakdale Mini-Mall. He sees a present that Katie pointed out last year that she wanted for this year. Mike, emotions rumbling, kicks the snow in frustration.

Grant comes home and finds Millicent making herself comfy on the couch. Grant asks what the hell she thinks she's doing and she scolds Grant, saying that her show, Salem Lives, is about to go off. When it does, Millicent asks what he wants and Grant laughs, saying she's the one who came to see him. "Oh yes. I almost forgot there for a second. How terribly shameful of me. I came to collect the money you owe me", Millicent replied coldly. Grant replies that it meant nothing to him. "She was just a ....", he tries to continue, but Dana walks in the room.

Jack sips on a mud of hot cocoa at Emma's. Emma pats him on the shoulder and slides into the next room. Just then, the phone rings. He picks it up and it's Carly on the other end. In a rare moment, we see Carly on the other end of the phone. The tears on her face drip down and fall on the phone. She smiles, mouthing the words "Happy Valentine's Day, G-Man". The camera turns back and close in on Jack's face. His smile is untouched when tears roll gently down his cheek.

Ben and Jessica try their best to celebrate, but Ben gets called away at the hospital. Later, Ben comes home. He turns off The Stories, which is just going off, and snuggles into bed next to Jessica. He promises her that one day, their lives will settle down.

Craig sits all alone in his suite. He stares at an old family photo and calls in room service. As he sips from hsi wine glass, he wonders if he should listen to Lily and forget all about it or make Lucinda pay for what she tried to do. He turns on the TV and scrolls through until he finds Return to Santa Barbara. Once he watches for a little, he falls asleep. As the camera pans above Craig, we see that he's sleeping beside the family photo he was just holding.

Luke leaves Maddie's present on her doorstep. After he leaves, Maddie comes outside and reads the card: "As the days go by, I think a little piece inside of me dies every time you avoid me. I'm sorry. Forever and always. -Luke- "

Gwen comes out of the bathroom and is obviously not feeling well. While Will is out getting the present he's been hiding at his mom's house, Gwen decides that she needs to do something about this sick feeling she has and walks out. Later, she returns. After seeing Will still isn't back, she closes the bathroom door. A few minutes later, Gwen looks down at a pregnancy test. "No, it can't be", she mutters. "I can't be pregnant." As she looks up, she sees Will in the doorway with a huge smile on his face and the biggest Valentine's present you've ever seen.

Lyla notices Katie's depressed mood and offers to take her to Al's for a bite to eat. Lyla address Katie's amnesia and says something similar once happened on The Guiding Light. Katie scoffs at her mother and tells her that this isn't a soap opera! As a waiter brings them their food, Katie begins seeing a couple dancing and singing in the restaurant. It's obviously another one of her memory flashes. Katie stops dead in her tracks. As she recalls dancing and singing with Mike at this very diner on Valentine's Day a few years back, all the memories from the past year or two all hit Katie once. Katie collapses to the floor in pain and agony. Her head throbs. Lyla lunges to her feet.

For the following scenes, click here. Scroll down the page and click on the number 3 in the bottom right corner. If the song ends before you get done listening to the song, juct click the number 3 again. The song is "Find My Way Back" by Martha Byrne.

Lyla pats Katie's head with a warm, most toilette and tells Katie that she had quite a fall. Lyla has a gleam in her eye. It's obvious that she knows what just happened. Katie yells, "I remember!! It was Mike. Mike was the snow angels. Mike was the man I was singing and dancing with. It was Mike! I remember now! Mama, I remember!"

Minutes later, Mike walks beside Java. It's so cold, but he just doesn't feel like facing people. What if he sees a blode haired girl? It'll just remind him of Katie. "Crap. See?! I just thought of her", exclaims Mike. Just then, he turns and sees Katie running towards him. Tears stream down her face. At first Mike thumps himself on the head. "Maybe I caught something", he thinks. Katie leaps into his arms. As time slows, we see a beautiful montage of Mike and Katie. They kiss and kiss and kiss. Time comes back. Time they thought was lost forever. Their time. No one else's. And all is right in the world. As the montage ends, we see a nude Mike gently lay a nude Katie down on a red satin bed sheet and the two make sweet, passionate, neverending love.


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Very nice job. I loved all of it. Loved the ending alot. I have loved that song by Martha for awhile now. I also Carry Me With You on that CD too. I used it in my blog early on.

Great references to the other blogs. Good job man.

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I didn't know we had a show!

I hope it isn't on NBC!!

Thanks so much, Dusty! We are honered and humbled to be included in your blog. :)

And BTW.....the episosde was fantastic. Great work, especially the musical motages that went along with the material you wrote. Wonderful job.

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As usual, GREAT episode! LOL at the little plugs in there. I think its hilarious that Ben was watching "The Stories" at night. Must be on a SONBC-SOAPnet type channel LOL!

I'm gonna catch up on this week's episodes tomorrow morning. Was busy with MARDI GRAS all this weekend, so I didn't have too much time to devote to blog-reading.

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