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Carrie remembers!

CARRIE REMEMBERS!! Episode #216 - Monday, October 9, 2006: - Street goers rush to Lance and Abby's sides who lay lifeless on the street....having fallen many stories off the Salem Inn Balcony. - Carrie remembers giving birth! - Eric and Lucas devise a plan to uncover Sami and Annie's secret. - Sami and Annie meet and realize they are both cracking under pressure. - Alan and Jeremy get into a shouting match over Alan and his plans of revenge against Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas.




Episode #214 - Thursday, October 5, 2006: - Max remains in a coma. Frankie, Greta, and Caroline stay by his side. - Abby searches Lance's hotel room for proof he tried to kill Max, but inadvertantly killed his own daughter, Erika. - Jeremy reveals himself to Carrie! Austin is taken aback by the closeness between Carrie and Jeremy, Mike's son. - Annie tries in vain to win Eric back. - Lucas confronts Sami and asks what her secret is. - Carrie and Austin introduce Jeremy to Will. Jeremy



Promo for Wk of 10/9/06

Announcer: A WEEK OF CAN'T MISS MOMENTS ON SALEM LIVES!!! FIRST... HER HUSBAND CAN'T REMEMBER THEIR LOVE BUT... WILL A KISS CHANGE ALL THAT? Clip of Kayla kissing Steve. THEN!! A CUSTODY BATTLE TURNS UGLY... Abe: How could you do this? I never thought you could sink so low. Lexie: I will do whatever it takes to keep my son. AND SALEM FACES A HORRIFYING REALITY.... Stefano: The Dimera's are back and here to stay! Lexie: I will destroy you all!! Cassie:



Salem Lives Insider-Wk of 10/8/06

Week of October 8, 2006 Edition THE DIMERA'S ROCK SALEM!!! The Dimera's make their resurgence known in Salem this week on Salem Lives as Stefano, Cassie and Lexie serve notice that a new era has begun for their family. The week begins with one Dimera, Cassie, stirring up trouble for Max. "Abby called Max to help her rescue Chelsea and Cassie took the call and just hung up the phone," sums up HW Tim Lowery. "Cassie lies to Max and says no one called and Abby and Chelsea both end




November is going to be a big month for Life in Salem!!!! Here are some previews on what you can expect to see!!! Austin/Carrie/Lucas/Sami/EJ/Nicole : This storyline will be coming to a close in November, Carrie and Austin will reunite have a big wedding and leave town off into the sunset probably towards the beginning of the Sweeps, they will probably return in the future but for now they will have to live elsewhere. As for Sami and Lucas.... expect them to be on the backburner for most of



October 6, 2006

-Billie checks her messages and sees that Abby has not called with word on Chelsea. She is getting worried. Jack tells her to relax and that everything will be fine. He is sure Abby will find her. Billie sees her cell battery is low so she must turn her phone off. She asks Jack where they are going. Jack says he has a surprise that will help both of them keep their mind off the turmoil in their lives and help cap off a great night. -Abby has searched almost every night club. She arrive



Episode 28

Episode 28 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Sarah finally arrives for her date with Justin; Victor has an assignement for Alison that upsest her; As Lauren and Livvie are both hiding in the Austin house, Jack catches one of them and does the unthinkable!! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



October 5, 2006

-Caroline begs Victor and Roman to stop the fighting while Kate tries to get Austin and Lucas to reconsider their decision. They refuse and Lucas says they are siding with Victor and Bo. Kate is stunned and tell them both how unhappy she is. She tells them sarcastically to go ahead and get themselves killed for all she cares and walks out of the pub. Roman tries to get Lucas, Austin, and Bo to reconsider but they won't. Bo says they are just doing what they have to. Belle and Claire then a




Episode #212 - Tuesday, October 3, 2006: - Someone watches Will and Alan having sex. - Sami, Lucas, and Austin begin to wonder if Will has a secret boyfriend. - Max is on the brink of life and death. - Abby calls Frankie and tells him to get to the hospital. - Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, John, Marlena, Steve, and Kayla board John's plane bound for South Carolina to one of Dimera's Headquarters. - Victor decides the key to ruining Kate and Vivian's company is uncovering the secret that she




Episode#27 -Caroline and Shawn Sr. quickly rush down to Kayla’s side, Steve tells Caroline in a worried tone to call 911 now, Caroline grabs a phone and does as Steve said, then Steve looks down to Kayla an quietly says “Don’t worry Sweetness, you will not die, I won’t let it happen”, meanwhile in the back of the Pub the Mysterious Woman is walking out the door and says “Well I might not have gotten you this time Caroline, but your time will come, in the meantime though you can watch your pre



October 4, 2006

-Victor arrives at the pub and sees Caroline at the bar. He gives her a loving glance but decides to just keep his distance. Caroline looks on, disappointed he didn't come over but tells herself it is for the best. Victor sits with Austin and Lucas and asks why they wanted to meet with him. Lucas tells Victor that Austin and him want to join Victor's cause. They heard Bo joined and they want Carrie to be able to return to Salem and raise the baby in a safe Salem, not one with the danger of




OCTOBER PREVIEW! "October is the new November!"...quips the blog headwriter, taking note that October is going to be just as exciting as the blog's November Sweeps. The adventure!: "Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, John, and Marlena are going on a witchhunt for Kristen Blake and John and Marlena's baby boy! It's going to be an awesome two month-long adventure filled with danger, lust, forbidden love, unrequited love, mystery, and intrigue! Little do they all know that Stefano, Meg



Episode 27

Episode 27 ---> Wednesday Victor is angry with Dr. Kent Marshall after his plan failed; Karen comes up with a plan that she needs Livvie for; Lauren realizes she may not have to kill Sarah when Jack gets a hold of her. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 203

Dusty returns and tells Meg of how John has agreed to be his best man. Meg tells Dusty of Roxie coming over and having so many problems of her own. She debates asking Emma to be her maid of honor since she doesn't really know Roxie all that well yet. Roxie stops by Will's house and finds that Gwen has left for a few hours. When Gwen returns, she finds Roxie outside waiting for her. Roxie screams and yells and blames Gwen for all the problems she has in her life. Gwen takes it, but then b**ch-



Episode #211 - Monday, October 2, 2006:

Episode #211 - Monday, October 2, 2006: - Max lays by the side of the road, unconscious. - Abby feels like something is wrong with Max. - Maggie wonders how to let Lance down lightly. - Frankie and Greta react to the news they just received from their lawyers! - Lucas and Eric close in on Sami and Annie's secret. - Austin and Carrie decide to make a decision about their relationship TODAY. - The mysterious man bandies about Salem looking at Horton's and Brady's. - Max is found by pas



October 3, 2006

-Nicole is at a meeting with a business client. She calls LA to check in with Highstyle and is alerted by her secretary to the fact that investors aren't happy with her being away from the base of operations so long, especially since the company has actually lost money this quarter. The secretary tells Nicole something must be done or investors may pull out. Nicole checks her cell phone after her meeting ends and realizes she has a ton of messages from Eric and that she is very late for their



Episode 202

Roxie comes into the Insteenct offices and finds a furious Barbara awaiting her. Roxie challenges Carly and Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs and asks Barbara to present her with proof. When Barbara is unable to, Roxie exits, all the while reveling in her own victory. Jason meets up with Henry at Ice and they decide to take a break from the wedding planning and have a little fun. Jason gets hit on by a hooker, while Henry turns his attention to a woman named Margarita. While Henry g



Episode 201

Carly runs by the Insteenct offices and arrives just in time to support Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs. Barbara flashes back to seeing a "GN" on some of the designs and calls Roxie to the office. Meanwhile, John accepts Dusty's offer to be his best man and the two share a lengthly conevrsation about Dusty's childhood and John being as close to a father as he ever had. Roxie arrives at Meg's to vent about Gwen but her selfishness turns Meg off. Across town, a runaway named Erin fi



October 2, 2006

-Kayla is still outside Steve's cell and is in shock over finding him after all these years. Kayla: It's really true. You're really here...Oh...I am so sorry. I better get you out of there. Steve: Yeah...good idea. Who the hell is this chick? Kayla searches for something to help her get into the cell. She can't find anything around to help so she decides to use a bobby pin and pick the lock like Bo and Roman taught her how to do when they were younger. She gets the door open and r




TWO STARS MAKE BIG RETURNS! The blog is very excited to announce the return of two fan-favorite characters and actors that should leave DAYS afficianados jumping for joy! Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker) and Thaao Penglis (Tony Dimera) will be returning the show this November and December, respectively. "I'm so excited to be writing for these characters again. Nicole is going to be back and better than ever. Tony will be redeemed and reformed to his former glory of the 1980's and early 1990'



The Light: Episode 004

The Light: Episode 004 Friday, October 6, 2006 Gus arrives back in Springfield and Harley, who asks him what happened in Zurich, greets him at the airport. Gus informs her that Roy Baker died before he was able to talk to him. Reva goes to the police station where Frank Copper greets her. She tells Frank that unless Edmund was released from the jail last night, then there is no way that he could be her stalker. Frank argues Reva to reconsider what she is about to do, but she does not, she t



Episode 26

Episode 26---> Monday TWO-PART EPISODE!!!!!! ---> Part One: Chase listens in as Megan's former friends put her down; Justin awaits his date with Sarah; Lauren attempts to kill Sarah, who is being harassed by Jack; Trish wakes up and has memeries of her time under Victor's control; Ian demands to know what Karen is doing at the Fox Mansion! Part Two: Carli updates Erin on the current situation with the Atkinson family; Trish recieves some uplifting news; Bruce asks Michelle if she stil




Don't miss all of last week's five - * CAN'T MISS * - mini episodes! All of last week's episodes back-to-back in one post! Episode #206 - Monday, September 25, 2006: - It is a new day in Salem. - Austin and Carrie continue to grieve their baby's death. - Annie and Sami re-call their plans and how they stole Carrie's baby, convinced her it was dead, and gave it to a clueless Simone, Ivan's neice and Vivian's personal assistant. - Abby tries to help Max mourn, but to no avail. -



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