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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 276

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening After pulling an all-nighter at The Intruder, Andy and Emily are exhausted. Emily finally was able to salvage the magazine from files saved on her computer and replaces the article about John with an article about a picket going on in Washington D.C., leaving the Roxie article in tact. Andy still doesn't approve, but Emily leaves to take it all to the press before deadline...which is in half an hour. After she successfully drops it all off, she decides to pay



February Sweeps Promo!

FEBRUARY: The Most Romantic Month of the Year A time for promises... ---Clip of Mike rubbing Katie's forehead--- MIKE: I'll make it up to you, I swear. If it's the last thing I do... ---Clip of Luke standing in front of Holden, Lily, and Dr. Michaels--- HOLDEN: Luke, you need to get help, son. LILY: Baby, please. LUKE: Okay. I'll get help, but only under one condition... A time for romance and "I love You"s... ---Clip of Emma and Grant talking--- GRANT: Emmy, I



TWOO Opening!!!

The veteran SONBC blog soap "The World Of Oakdale" is pleased to announce their brand new opening!! Starting January 29, 2007, all episodes will begin with this brand new, totally awesome opening...developed by, none other than, fellow SONBC blog writer Josh. Josh has not only been a staff member here at S.O.N. for quite some time, but he is also a longtime 'viewer' of "The World Of Oakdale". Thank you, Josh!! And blog readers.....sit back and enjoy!! Link to the opening: http:/



Weekend Roundup

The World Of Oakdale: Weekend Roundup RUMOR MILL/CASTING NEWS/ETC. Despite Mark Collier's departure from the show, the actor has signed a brief extension contract with the show, leaving "Mike" in Oakdale until late February. Also, could a leading lady be leaving with him? Stay tuned. Though Kathleen Widdoes has indeed been frontburner since the current headwrite began his reign, sources say that the actress has been given a break. The show has finally founnd someone to take over the role o



Episode 275

NOTE: The roles of Sage Snyder, Faith Snyder, Parker Munson, Natalie Snyder, Daniel Hughes, and J.J. Larrabee have NOT been SORAS'd, depsite ATWT's recent SORASing of the aforementioned characters. Faith just stands there with the widest eyes. She asks why Mommy was in the shower with Daddy. Holden replies with some story about how Mommy was getting out at the same time he was getting in. Lily takes Faith into the living room and Faith asks why Luke has been so upset. She says that she heard



Episode 274

Holden returns home to find that Lily has not only cooked supper, but has totally cleaned up the house. Holden, who's had quite a tiring day at work, goes to take a shower and is overjoyed when Lily decides to take one with him. Holden applauds Lily for putting all her feelings aside about his new job and he thanks Lily for being the mother of his children and his best friend. The couple passionately ambraces, as they make love. Later, they're startled to open the shower door and find little Fai



Episode 273

Emma meets up with Lily and hears Lily say that Carly has left for Switzerland to be with Rosanna, who has just awoken. Emma wonders what all this could mean for Craig if Rosanna returns to town. Lily then takes the time to fill Emma in on her recent dilemma with Holden/Lucinda/Worldwide. Emma calms Lily's inhibitions and gets a call from Grant. She ignores it, but later, we see it was Dana calling Emma. Dana turns to see Lisa strut into the Lakeview. Lisa spots her, too, and warns Dana that



Episode 272

Maddie explains that Luke just hasn't been the same ever since he was kidnapped that time in Mexico. She tells of his constant temper tantrums, mood swings, and violent outbursts. Will becomes noticeably distracted and leaves the room. Maddie takes the opportunity to confront Gwen about what Jason said about her. Gwen grows cold and lies, saying she doesn't even know Jason Summers. Will returns with some stuff that he printed off the internet. He tells the girls that he might have just found out



"Viewer" Of The Week (01/15 Wk.)

Congratulations go out to oakdalelover. He wins the "Viewer" Of The Week title for the week of January 15th!! See the sidebar to the right for a complete list of runners-up.



Episode 271

Emma meets Lisa at the Lakeview, just like she requested. Lisa approaches and tells Emma that she can't stay long since her granddaughter was arrested last night and she has to go post bail. Emma tells Lisa of Gran't latest actions and Lisa concludes that they have to come up with a plan to get Grant out of their hair. Lisa promises to be in touch and leaves. Outside, she runs into Chris who is clearly upset about something. Chris seems fidgety and overly aggressive, which Lisa takes as a sign a



Trouble Ahead??

Could there be trouble ahead for troublesome Luke Snyder and ever-so-innocent Maddie Coleman? Insiders are hinting that the current story the powers that be are mapping out is their exit story. Both Van Hansis and Alexandra Chando, who head up one half of Oakdale's teen scene, are fan favorites both on The World of Oakdale and As The World Turns. So it comes as a shock that both actors would be written off. When asked of the rumors, Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford has this to say. "We



"Viewer" of The Week (01/08 Wk.)

Congratulations go out to SteveFrame. He wins the "Viewer" Of The Week title for the week of January 8th!! Also, a long list of runners-up. See the sidebar to the left for a complete list of names and number of comments. Also...be sure to read Episodes 269 and 270 posted directly below this entry!



Episode 270

Grant comes over to Emma's and finds that she has put a security system on the house. Grant asks to borrow a cup of sugar and puckers his lips, but Emma slaps him instead. Emma barks at Grant for coming over so late at night while she has her grandkids. Soon, a very heated debate over their feelings for one another ensues. Grant suggests they take all this tension to the bedroom, Emma slaps him again, and orders him out of her house. Once she's regained her composure, Emma calls Lisa and makes p



Episode 269

Barbara calls Dana into her office and grills her, asking why she seems so interested in 1997 models. Dana says that she had a dear friend that died mysteriously at the same fashion show and to this day, she can't seem to quit investiagting. Barbara warns Dana that if this type of behavior continues, she will be fired. Later, Gwen comes across Dana, who acts very coldly towards her and Dana warns Gwen not to double cross her. Henry & Katie return back to Oakdale. Lyla wonders what took th



Episode 268

Jack and Margo survey the area by Memorial and get a call that Roxie just tried to use her grandmother's ATM card. Jack and Margo quickly arrive to the scene and re-arrest an emotional Roxie. Meanwhile, Barbara asks Gwen again if she got the information that she requested. Gwen says she did and hands over all of Dana's recent activity. It seems Barbara wanted to know why Dana had been staying so long after work and Gwen admits that Dana seemed a bit weird when she found Gwen at her computer.



Episode 267

Gwen makes up a story about her faulty computer and Dana, though still skeptical, apologizes for jumping on Gwen. Later, Gwen arrives at Barbara's office and locks the door behind her. Barbara looks up and asks Gwen if she got the information Barbara sent her after. Gwen nods yes. Andy and Emily rush to the hospital and learn that John showed signs of a stroke when they were booking him. Both are relieved, however, when the tests come back and the readings are good. Emily wonders if all the s



Episode 266

Dana comes into the library to find her father perusing over some financial notes. He shoves it to the side when he realizes Dana wants to talk. She asks him why he has this absurd infatuation with two women who are well past their prime, telling her father that he could do so much better. Grant dismisses his daughter, who in turn, arrives for work at B.R.O. only to find Gwen on her computer. Dana asks Gwen what the hell she thinks she's doing. Jack gets a call while at work. Though viewers d



Enter Grant's World!

The World Of Oakdale presents... GRANT HAMILTON Ever since his world started turning, Grant has... arrived in Oakdale at the request of longtime family friend Carly Tenney Synder. helped Emma Snyder get her farm back by calling in some favors. took an immediate liking to Emma and noticed she returned the feelings. met and became angaged to Lisa Grimaldi, which he was only doing to make Emma jealous though Lisa was obviously head over heels for him. was outed for the sorry sleazeball t



Enter Roxie's World!

The World Of Oakdale presents... ROXIE MILLER Ever since her world started turning, Roxie has... arrived in Oakdale, seeking out her long-lost paternal grandmother, Lisa Miller Grimaldi. sought refuge from her abusive maternal grandmother, Nadine, after Lisa called her to town to get the full scoop on Roxie. befriended Meg Snyder worked for Barbara's new teen-based B.R.O. clothing line, where she stole up and coming fashionista Gwen Norbeck's designs and claimed them as her own. faced



Episode 265

Henry takes a step back when Katie continues to come onto him, despite the broken bed. Henry tells Katie that this is wrong. She is in love with Mike, not him. Katie rebutts his statement, saying that Mike left her for a life with Jennifer and that's what he's got. Henry has had enough and storms out. A panicked Katie calls Lyla and wonders what she did wrong. Lyla assures Katie that Henry is just as confused as she is right now. Katie gets upset when she starts having flashes of Mike and hersel



"Viewer" Of The Week RETURNS!

Congratulations go out to SteveFrame. He wins the "Viewer" Of The Week title for the week of January 1st!! Also, quite a few runners-up. I want to personally thank each one of my readers for continuing to support me. Even if you don't comment, you help more than you know! Without all of you, this blog would not be possible! See the sidebar to the left for a complete list of names and number of comments. Also...be sure to read Episode 264 posted directly below this entry!



Episode 264

The short-term role of "Rico Perez" is being played by Maximillian Alexander. Katie and Henry arrive at their hotel suite in Hawaii and find that the place is a complete hellhole. Lots of comical scenes ensue. Soon, we see a passionate "almost"-lovemaking session between the two, but a faulty bed interrupts them as it plummets to the ground. Rico arrives and Lucinda asks for him to take a seat. He asks Ms. Walsh if she's ready for his services now, but Lucinda stops him mid-sentence, thre



Episode 263

At Lucinda's, Craig comes to the door and Lucinda wonders aloud what he wants this time...since his last visit lasted until the wee hours of the morning...and the visit mostly consisted of his whining about not having Sierra and Lucy in his life anymore and how he thinks someone is following him. Craig tells Lucinda that he knows someone is following him home every night. He's not crazy. As soon as he describes what vehicle, he thinks they drive, Lucinda flashes back to issuing a hit on Craig an



Episode 262

Chris is sleeping, dreaming. Viewers don't see the dream, but when Chris awakens, Bob is standing nearby. Bob explains that Chris's screams could be heard all the way to Springfield. Bob asks his son what's going on. "What's got you so upset?" Later, Bob asks for Ben's advice with Chris. Emma covers with Jack by making up some fib, but he doesn't buy it and gives Emma advice with Grant. Emma thanks Jack, but assures him that she has everything covered and tells him of the pact her and Lisa m



Episode 261

Emily refuses to go with Andy. Andy finally gives up and meets Susan at Java like she requested. Both are surprised when Emily comes in. Susan tells her daughter to take a seat...they have alot to go over. Over at Katie's cottage, Lyla arrives and listens to her daughter's heartfelt plea for Lyla to convince Henry to go on a second honeymoon. Lyla asks for time alone with Henry and convinces Henry to take her on the trip because it may do the exact opposite of rekindling flames between Katie



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