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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Pre-Nom's Announced!

The World Of Oakdale has released the names of those submitted for pre-nom's in the 2006 SONBC Awards. They are as follows: Lead Actress: Kathleen Widdoes ("Emma Snyder") Kelly Menighan-Hensley ("Emily Stewart") Lead Actor: Jerry Douglas ("Grant Hamilton") Scott DeFreitas ("Andy Dixon") Supporting Actress: Colleen Zenk-Pinter ("Barbara Ryan") Arianne Zuker ("Roxie Miller") Supporting Actor: Peter Parros ("Dr. Ben Harris") Trent Daw



Episode 296

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Mike and Katie enjoy their romantic honeymoon in Florida. Comical scenes and romantic lovemaking sessions. Mike and Katie have never been this happy. Emma exhaustedly take osff her gloves and steps back. As she stares at the makeshift memorial to the horse that just couldn't stay around to watch her beautiful, bouncing baby colt born. Faith emerges from the house with Holden. It's obvious that she loved the poor, old horse. After a brief, impromptu burial se



It's The End Of 'The World'!

'THE WORLD OF OAKDALE' STOPS TURNING! by Jack Rabette After almost 16 months of being on SONBC, The World Of Oakdale will no longer be turning come Friday, March 2nd. The day will not only be the show's final episode, but will also be their 300th episode. "I'm just tired. And as much as I hate to end it, it's just something that has to be done", says Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford. "I'm ecstatic that we've gotten to be on the 'air' so long. I just want to thank the fans for all the



Episode 295

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Lyla appears in the bridal room. She can't believe her little girl is finally getting married to the man of her dreams. She thought she'd never see the day. Lyla lectures Katie, saying they should have waited until Margo could come, but Katie insists that with her complicated relationship with Mike and all the things that have happened to them before, the sooner is the better. First, Mike and his best man Jack enter the church. As they stare out at the audien



Episode 294

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Katie presses Maddie to tell her how this all her fault. Maddie angrily replies that any time it looks like Henry has finally moved on and is doing good for himself, Katie has to do something dramatic to reel him back in. She tells Katie that when she first came to town, she thought Mike was the bad guy and did everything she could to keep Mike and Katie from getting back together. She wanted Henry to be with Katie. But now she realizes what a piranha Katie i



Episode 293

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Roxie wakes up to find Chris nowhere in sight. She finds a note on the edge of the bed, thanking her for such an amazing ride last night and telling her that he will stop by later today to see how she's doing. Roxie's startled when there's a knock at the door. Thinking it's Chris, Roxie answers the door, dropping the bedsheet she's wrapped herself in. But it's not Chris. Lisa takes one look at Roxie and bursts into the room, hurriedly closing the door behind



Episode 292

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Kim asks what Bob has to tell her. Bob says it's nothing, but Kim says that Nancy told her about Bob's odd behavior the other night. Bob is just about to tell Kim about Chris when Margo walks around the corner. Margo, crying, says that they just rushed Casey into the ICU in California. He has a severe case of pneumonia and some sort of bacteria in his blood. She and Tom are on their way to go see him and Adam and Abigail, but since Andy and Emily are nowehere



Episode 291

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Dana convinces her father to wait until his party before they leave town. She tells her father that she has a surprise for him. Grant agrees and goes to see an old friend. Dana sits Milly down to talk. Dana invites her mother to Grant's birthday party Friday, but Milly refuses to come. Dana almost spills that she knows what happened between Milly and Grant all those years ago, but when Milly asks her what she said, Dana lies and says something that sounds sim



Episode 290

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Kim tells Chris that Roxie is Lisa's granddaughter and all the history and mystery surrounding her. Bob sits down to watch his favorite show "General Hospital: Secrets & Lies". Nancy pokes fun at him, but can tell that Bob is in a bad mood. She asks her son to tell her what's wrong, but he just stares. Nancy turns off the TV, saying that he can watch Robin and Sarah go head to head some other day. She asks again what's wrong with him. He tells her that he



Episode 289

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Mike and Katie make a trip to Memorial, where Ben gived her a clean bill of health. Mike and Katie are both still reeling from their wild, romantic night and go home to pick up where they left off. However, Lyla soon comes by and tells them that they need to tell Henry. Bob corners Kim and is about to tell her all about Chris. His conscience is getting the best of him. However, Chris comes in and asks his parents what all the know about Miss Roxie Miller. D



Episode 288

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Holden walks into the living room, still reeling from the news that Lily told him about Lucinda last night. Lily comes in and says that she forgot his gift at the office last night and runs out to go get it. Luke comes home and Holden thinks that Luke's come home to talk, but in all reality, he just came to get his present for Maddie. Luke leaves and Holden wonders how he'll ever get through to his son. Later, Lily arrives home and the two sip hot cocoa and w



Episode 287

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Barbara smiles wickedly as she approaches Dana and tells the young woman her jig is up. Barbara notifies her that the Oakdale Police will be notified if she doesn't hand over the file immediately. Dana realizes she has no other choice and hands over the file. Barbara thanks her and walks off. Just then, Grant returns and finds Dana standing outside. He ushers his noticeably upset daughter back in the house. Dana changes the subject and tells Grant that she ha



Casting News!!

Rue McClanahan Enters A 'World' Of Her Own It can now be officially confirmed. Rue McClanahan has joined The World Of Oakdale on a short-term basis as "Millicent Hamilton". In a soap stunt much like Hunter Tylo's infamous return to The Bold & The Beautiful a few years back, Rue's arrival on the set was kept very hush hush. "They had me so disguised I looked like I just came out of that Dana Carvey movie The Master of Disguise", jokes McClanahan. The Golden Girls alum is no stranger to da



Episode 286

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Luke comes by Emma's house and finds the place practically empty. He finds a note from Emma saying that she has gone to town with Lisa and will be back shorty. Luke goes down to the barn to think about recent events and just clear his head. He's surprised to see Kevin is back in town. Kevin says that he was just on his way up to the house to ask Emma where he could find Luke. After a brief chat, Luke learns that Kevin's parents divorced and he's been living w



Episode 285

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Nancy and Kim are floored with the news that Bob is thinking about retiring. Bob tells them that he's done good for all the years he's been at Memorial, but he thinks it's time to hand over his stethoscope to his son. Bob excuses himself and goes to talk with Ben. Jessica informs him that Ben isn't home, but asks if there's anything she can help him with. "Why yes. There is something you can help me with", Bob replies. Chris comes home and finds Nancy in th



Episode Delay

I hate to do this, but Episode 285 is going to be delayed a little. I have had so much to do all day today. And I'm actually walking out the door to do more...but have no fear! Episode 285 will be up an hour or so after midnight tonight. And I promise, this episode will be well worth the wait!!



Episode 284

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening As Dana comes to, Barbara scoffs at her obvious attempt at getting out of a heated confrontation. Dana tells Barbara she probably fainted because of the stress regarding the loss of her job at B.R.O. and her spending money on stuff for her dad's 65th birthday party next week...stuff that she doesn't have the money for now. Barbara, disgusted that Dana still won't produce the file, orders her out. When Dana persists for Barbara to listen to her, Barbara calls



Episode 283

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Dana is at a loss for words when confronted by Barbara. Barbara curses Dana for all she's worth and demands that Dana give her the file back. Just then, Dana coincidentally faints and falls back in her chair. Bob arrives home and is a bit uneasy when he sees Chris. Kim comes in and asks Chris what he was dreaming of last night, saying that all she heard was tossing and turning and then him screaming bloody murder. Kim sense Bob's strange behavior and calls hi



Episode 282

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Emily asks Andy what he and Roxie discussed and Andy tells her that Roxie made a very poor decision when she trusted his father. He tells how he questioned what John had given Roxie in turn for helping him break Andy and Emily up and he informs Emily that he thinks Roxie might be coming around to John's selfish ways. Across town, Roxie rips her room apart. Angrily crying and yelling, she damns the day she ever met John Dixon. Lisa hears Roxie's fit and busts



Episode 281

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Susan returns to the hospital where she soon runs into Lisa. Lisa asks Susan how everything went with Grant and if they hit it off. Susan flashes back to slapping Grant and telling him to go to hell. Susan says that Grant's not her type and wonders aloud if Lisa and Emma thought that they could get Grant out of their hair simply by introducing him to her, but Lisa denies it. Later, Lisa speaks with Emma and gives her the bad news about Grant and Susan not exa



Casting Announcement

Oakdale Digest reported to you last week that Terri Garber would be reprising the role she originated, the infamous Iris Dumbrowski. However, sources tell us that when Garber arrived for her first day of work, the writers weren't content with what they had given her to work with and subsequently sent her home. Our phone calls to the TWOO studios weren't immediately returned, but we did, however, receive this official statement from them: "It is with great displeasure that we report to y



Episode 280

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Andy gets through talking with Roxie. We're left with the impression that he's finally broken her down. Andy grabs Emily and they go inside, leaving John and Roxie outside. Once back at John's car, Roxie blasts John for deceiving her. When is he going to follow through with his part of the plan? Roxie explains that the only reason she agreed to break up Andy and Emily was if he helped her hurt the people that have hurt her. John denies everything and Roxie qu



Episode 279

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Ben arrives at Windy Falls Medical with a million and some questions for Dr. Dagar. The receptionist's shady behavior after he asks to speak with the good doctor about Chris Hughes makes Ben re-think his coming there. Dr. Dagar arrives and offers help for anything Ben needs. Ben asks if he knows why Chris Hughes was terminated and Dr. Dagar replies shockingly that Dr. Hughes was partially involved in the death of an elderly patient. After he was uncooperative



Episode 278

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Will appears at the door over at Holde and Lily's. Holden is on the way out to run some errands and Will asks to speak with him. He tells Holden that he thinks Luke might be bipolar and tells of Luke's incident with Maddie. Holden is furious that his son would do such a thing, but Will informs Holden that bipolar disorder is easily treatable. However, if not treated, it could spiral out of control. He prompts Holden to speak with Lily and Luke and get Luke so



Episode 277

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Lucinda is shocked when she see Margo and Craig walk into the St. Joseph's, where Rico is seeking medical treatment. She ducks behind a wall and tries to hide herself, but a nurse come out of Rico's room, saying that Rico has asked for Miss Walsh and Mr. Montgomery. Craig is baffled, wanting to know why Lucinda is there. Lucinda says that he was an old business partner and asks to speak with Rico first. Craig tells her that they will both go in together. Marg



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