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A New Version of the Defunct Soap

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Episode 36

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Keith & Gina's Condominium) ----Keith stops by Gina's after work to let her know about the call from Elizabeth. Gina catches up with him as well, telling him everything that she discussed with CC. Keith isn't surprised that she was unable to get him to budge. "I'm telling you, there's something going on there," Gina insists, "I've never seen CC act like this around any woman......save Sophia." "May she rest in peace




IN: OUT: In a move sure to shock some 'RTSB' viewers, executive producer & creator juniorz has fired Christine Tudor Newman and replaced her with Deborah Adair as Elizabeth Wayne. Adair takes over the part beginning today. Why the sudden change? "We wanted someone who people might be a bit more familiar with than Christine. While I love and admire her work and thought she was brilliant in the part so far, I had to take a step back from my own thoughts and think about how ot



Episode 35

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: London, England, eventually setting on a gothic, castle-like home) ---Edmund sits at his desk in the study, smoking a pipe. A nurse walks toward him and informs him that the patient is awake and has many questions for him. He tells her to let Sophia know he'll be in shortly to consult with her. The nurse exits and the camera zooms in on Edmund. Edmund flashes back to telling Sophia how the treatment would effectively attack




That's what we at SONBC would like to know- this week, on "Return To Santa Barbara", Sophia, the long-suffering matriarch of the Capwell clan was killed off! But at the end of Saturday's episode, viewers saw Sophia alive and awake(!) on a plane with Dr. Edmund Lavery. So just what's going on here? To get to the bottom of it, SONBC took the opportunity to sit down and chat with the creator and exec producer of 'RTSB', juniorz1. SONBC: Welcome. juniorz1: Thanks for having me. SONBC:



Episode 34

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ----Kelly walks down the stairs and stops in the foyer when she sees something she never has before: her father, sitting at the dining room table, crying with the newspaper in front of him. She quietly walks up to him and gently kisses him on the cheek. "That's a beautiful picture Warren used....." "There isn't a photograph of your mother where she didn't look beautiful. She represented everything that




I'm sorry guys, I know you're waiting for it, but Friday is just a BUSY, BUSY day for me- and a long one at that! I don't know why I keep trying to schedule a late night episode on Fridays because every week, the same thing ends up happening! From now on there will be no more episodes scheduled for Fridays- instead, the last episode of the week will be scheduled for Saturdays. Again, I apologize to those who have been waiting for it to go up- unfortunately, you'll have to wait one



Episode 33

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Santa Barbara Medical Center) ----The Capwells, Lockridges, and Andrades stand mystified by what they've just heard. CC asks if there's anything that can be done and Ben informs him that according to the readings, there is no brain activity. He informs the family that only the machines are keeping her alive. "Then you're saying she is alive?" "Technically, she is, but as I said, there is no brain activity. She will nev



Episode 32

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----CC & Elizabeth come apart from their kiss. Elizabeth asks him what it was for. Tradition, he claims, and his appreciation for everything she's done for the company. Elizabeth smiles, though she wonders how he feels about her treatment of Sophia. Though CC doesn't agree with it, he says he understands her resentment toward her sister. CC tells her that he'd wish she'd lighten up on Sophia, that she



DECEMBER Episode Counts

Total 'RTSB' episodes for the month of December: 14 DEC TOTALS (Total to Date out of 31 episodes) 1. Lane Davies (Mason Capwell) - 12 (26) 2. Jed Allan (CC Capwell) - 11 (23) 3. Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell)- 10 (22) 4. Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell)- 9 (19) 4. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Capwell)- 9 (22) 4. A Martinez (C



Episode 31

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Cruz walks down the stairs, dressed in a tuxedo. Adriana compliments him on the look, while Rafe pokes fun at him. Cruz insists he's doing it for Eden, since she's hosting the annual charity event at the Capwell Hotel. Cruz tells his brother he doesn't look too shabby himself, and asks who he's cleaning up for. Rafe claims he just wanted to look nice, as Eden walks down the stairs, dressed




Here's the Schedule for the week (all times are US Eastern Standard Time): Monday- Episode 31 New Year's Eve episode, between 7-9 PM, followed by December Episode Counts Tuesday- Episode 32 between 8-11 PM Wednesday- no episode scheduled Thursday- Episode 33 between 8-11 PM Friday- Episode 34 between 10 PM -12 AM, possibly delayed until Saturday (between 7-9 PM) I'll try to communicate any further changes throughout the week! New Year's Eve will be posted tonight!



Episode 30

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Kelly, Julia, and Pamela stand awestruck, looking at Mason & Mary. Kelly breaks the ice. "Mary, Oh my God, is....is that really you? I....I....can't believe it" "Yes Kelly, it's me." She walks up and hugs her. "It's so good to see you. My, you look so different from when I last saw you." ( ) "Well it's been ages......what happened? Where have you been?" "It's a long story." Mason i



Episode 29

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Santa Barbara Police Department) ---Carla and Marta anxiously wait for Angel to be released. They run into Cruz and Marta lays into him once again for taking her father away for Christmas. Cruz apologizes to them both and tries to make them understand the situation that he and the SBPD were put in. Vic comes upstairs with Angel and releases him to his wife and daughter. They greet him with hugs, as they are thrilled to have



New Episodes COMING.....

Sorry gang but the holidays actually have left me swamped this week!! I feel like I'm one of 10 people at my job who are actually in town right now- SO HECTIC!!!! But things will be getting back on track tomorrow & Saturday. I wanted to post a new episode tonight, but I'm so worn out right now, I'm not sure how good it would turn out. I may get a second wind, but every time I try to start writing it, I just can't get it to flow right. Basically, one of two things will happen: e




As you may have noticed on the cast crawl, Nicholas Coster & Louise Sorel have been bumped up to contract status. They will continue to be involved in storyline well into 2007 so I've bumped up their status. They remain in Santa Barbara a little past New Year's, but will still be featured when they go back to London. Gina Gallego has also been added to the recurring scrawl, as has Shell Danielson. Laken will stick around town for a few more episodes, but will be gone shortly after



Episode 28- Christmas Eve

http://santabarbara-...riqueDebutUS.rm (EXT- Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ----Eden is wrapping presents in the living room as Cruz sits at the table, reading the article about the arrests. She can tell that something is weighing on his mind and asks what's wrong. He's quiet at first, only saying he has to stop at the station before everyone comes over for Christmas. Eden pries, saying it's Christmas Eve and for him to go into work, it has to be pretty important. Cruz slowl



Episode 27

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: SPA) ---The ladies are reunited after their massages and are prepared for their facials. Sophia asks for a truce and Gina and Augusta are agreeable. They actually begin to talk about the men in their lives. Sophia tells Gina that whether she likes either of them or not, it's obvious that Keith adores her. Gina thanks her. Gina chokes on the words but admits that CC truly does worship Sophia and probably always will.



Episode 26

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---CC walks down the stairs into the foyer and stops. He sees Sophia sitting at the table in her silk pajamas still, looking beautiful as the day he met her. Sophia looks up and notices her husband staring at her. "What are you looking at CC Capwell?" "Only the most beautiful woman I've met in my entire life." "Flatter me all you want. I'm still angry with you." CC again apologizes for everythi




It's Christmas or the Hanukkah or the Holidays or whatever you celebrate. In any event, this week (and you can, in part, credit the blog outage for this), 'RTSB' is taking somewhat of a break from the heavier stories and bringing some romance back to Santa Barbara. Those who have read Tuesday's episode got the first taste of that, with hugely romantic moments between Cruz & Eden and Ted & Angela. That will continue through Friday. Expect to see the following couples enjoying suc



Episode 25-

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden puts the finishing touches on dinner and setting the table. Her hair is pulled up and she's dressed in a beautiful shimmering silver and white night gown, with long off-white satin slip underneath. She dims the lights, strikes a match, and lights the tall white candles sitting in the center of the table. She checks her watch and thinks out loud that Cruz should be home any minute now.



Episode 24

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Santa Barbara Hospital) ---Edmund sits in his office alone, waiting for Sophia. He flashes back to years before. He remembers arguing with his pregnant wife Loretta about the possibility of CC Capwell being her baby's father. Edmund is extremely confrontational as a teary Loretta tells him the truth. Loretta explains that CC wants nothing to do with her and blames their affair for Sophia's death. Edmund is shown in the pres




'RTSB' is pleased to announce the casting of Clive Robertson as Ashton Lavery, Carrington Garland as Kelly Capwell, and Alisa Reyes as Marta Ramirez. Thanks to everyone who pitched their ideas for each role! Negotiations with Carrington were lengthy and 'RTSB' exec producer juniorZ was scrambling in case the deal fell through. Kelly is integral to the stories I've been setting up for 2007. Given the nature of Kelly's upcoming storyline, 'RTSB' felt that Carrington would be best suited to



UPDATE/ Viewer Feedback!

It's been an exhausting couple of days folks- I'm butt tired right now. I actually really like how the Thursday episode closed out the week so I'm going to leave this week at that. There will be a new episode posted Monday and next week will DEFINITELY be a five episode week, without a doubt. The pre-emptions of last week have screwed up the pacing of some of my storylines so I'm re-tooling things a bit to fit into the proper time frame. In the meantime, I've seen some other blog write



Episode 23

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT- Mason & Julia's Home) ---Mason is floored by Julia's admission. At first, he cannot believe that Mary is actually alive and demands details. Julia tells him she doesn't know much, but goes over what she does know: that Mary was comatose for four years in San Remos before she woke up. Mason cannot understand how any of this could be, since he saw her die. Julia tells him that Mary explained that Mark immediately rushed her



Episode 22

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Beach, panning up to Mason & Julia's Home) ---Mason and Julia lie in bed, with Mason once again tossing around. He dreams of seeing Mary in Heaven, and then once again flashes to seeing Dr. Beckman. He remembers the sound of her voice as he flashes back again to a conversation he'd had with Mary years before. The dream then flashes to him sleeping at the San Remos Clinic, and Mary covering him with the blanket. He ke



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