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A New Version of the Defunct Soap

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January Episode Counts

Total RTSB episodes in January: 20 JAN TOTALS (totals to date out of 51 episodes) 1. Jed Allan (CC Capwell)- 14 (37) 1. Robin Mattson (Gina Blake)- 14 (32) 3. Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell)- 13 (32) 3. Carrington Garland (Kelly Capwell)- 13 (17) 3. A Martinez (Cruz Castillo)- 13 (32) 6. Nina Arveson (Angela Capwell)- 12 (30) 6. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Capwell)- 12 (34) 8. Lane Davies (Mason Capwell)- 11 (37) 8. Marcy Walker (Eden Castillo)- 11 (31) 10. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana Castil



Episode 51

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: BAJA, Mexico- Royal Flamingo Hotel- Room 207) ---Angel and Cruz sit at the small round table together, playing cards and drinking coffee, trying to pass time. Angel throws his cards down in frustration, saying he can't do it anymore. "They said to make sure we were here before 5 PM yesterday- we did that. Why haven't we HEARD anything from em yet? It's been an entire 24 hours now and still....no contact...



Episode 50

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! EDITED- change of plans on the double episode- see the 'RTSB' schedule for details!!! (EXT: LONDON, England- Edmund's Transylvanian Mansion) ----Edmund sits in his study, reading. He remembers talking to CC Capwell on the phone the week before and the thought brings a smile to his face. He's startled when Sophia appears in front of him, wearing an old-fashioned white satin robe of Loretta's, worn over her night go




I LOVE Writing RTSB, but the pace is suicidal and I think caught up with me today. As much as I wanted to have a 5 episode week, I'm slowing down this week and only doing 4. It's one of those days where no matter how hard I try to get started on it, I can't get going so, I'm calling it a day. I just can't get into a rhythm today and don't want the episode to suffer because of it. RTSB will definitely return tomorrow and the week will continue, as scheduled.




This week, Renee Jones makes her Return To Santa Barbara debut in the short term role of Nurse Sherri Rhodes. Sherri, of course, is the nurse who was supposed to have been in the delivery room when Mary's daughter was stillborn. RTSB executive producer juniorz is said to be ecstatic to have Renee aboard. "She's perfect for this part- it actually worked out quite nicely for both sides, since Ms. Jones didn't want to commit to something long-term, with the possibility of her return to DAYS st



Episode 49

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ----Cruz walks down the spiral staircase with his duffel bag in hand. Eden sits on the couch pretending to read the newspaper, obviously annoyed with him. He looks at her and smiles at her stubborness. "OK, I'm headin out." "OK. Bye." "That all you're gonna say, darlin? Bye?" "I don't see why I can't go with you." "Heh-ho, we're gonna go through that again are



Episode 48

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Ramirez House) ----Carla sits at the small rectangular shaped card table in her kitchen, sipping a mug of hot coffee. The bags under her eyes tell of the lack of sleep she was able to muster the night before. Angel walks in wearing his grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt. He opens the blinds covering the small window over their sink to let in measured amount of dusky light. He takes the cross at the




Sorry about yesterday you guys but there's a nasty bug going around my work that I unfortunately have caught. I slept for 12 HOURS LAST NIGHT!!!! Still don't feel so hot but I promise, Episode 48 will be posted sometime tonight!!! Hope to see you all here! ETA: Starting today, there will be a link to the GET SANTA BARBARA on TV webpage posted after the theme song. I do hope you all check out the site & help us in the effort to bring Santa Barbara onto Soapnet in '07!!!!



Episode 47

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----The whole party is stopped and fixed on the scene developing between Pamela and CC. Mason rushes to his mother's side and helps her up. "It's just like you to disrupt this entire party Pamela- typical of the Pamela Pepperidge that I've always known." CC says. Mason continues helping his mother stand on her own two feet. He offers to take her up to her room and get her out of there. "I think that's



Episode 46

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Rafe arrives with Samantha and Adriana. Samantha is pleased to see her father and mother talking across the room. They see their daughter and immediately walk over to her. Julia hugs her and is elated to see her on her feet. Samantha directs them to her cane, saying that she's not 100% but she and Rafe will be working on it. Adriana sees her own mother and leaves to give them all some time together. R



Episode 45

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Gothic Mansion) ----Sophia is stunned that Edmund cut the phone line. She asks him just what exactly is going on. He apologizes to her, claiming that he's very methodical. He explains that, being both a neurologist and a psychologist, he tends to use both studies in his treatments, this one being no exception. "I don't understand.....Why would you just yank the phone line out like that, knowing I'm



Louise Sorel Radio Interview NOW

Apparently, Louise is giving a live radio interview. Thanks Wendy for letting us know! This is the only link I have to give right now but I'll update as I get better info! http://radiologer.com



RTSB Chat Room!!!

Thanks to Wendy for creating the 'RTSB' chat room! Now if you're waiting for the episode or want to talk about 'RTSB' or the current post, you can go to this site: http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia/ And chat with other fans of 'Santa Barbara' and 'Return to Santa Barbara' I'll be popping in here & there, offering some insights into the stories. I'm actually there right now, with a couple 'RTSB' faithfuls. Check it out! And don't forget to look for tomorrow's '



Episode 44

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---CC is pleased that Eden is already in the banquet room, directing the servers and getting things set up. She remarks that she finds it ironic that, once upon a time, he didn't want her running a restaurant. He laughs, saying he hadn't thought about that in years. Eden notices that he looks particularly stressed and asks if everything's alright. "Sure. I just wish your mother was here, that's all..."



Episode 43

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC arrives for work for the day and Kathleen gives him his messages. He asks her if Elizabeth is in her office yet and she nods that she is, though she asked not to be disturbed. CC reminds her that even though they've merged, he's still the CEO of Capwell Enterprises and can see whoever he damn well pleases. "Of course, of course you can, shall I let her know you're coming." "Let her know, don'



Episode 42

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Ted & Angela's Condominium) ----Angela lays in bed in her satin slip, laughing in her sleep and muttering something about Ted. She wakes up to realize it's a pillow that she's hugging and now her husband. Ted walks in from the bathroom, buttoning the last button on his shirt. He begins putting on his tie, but Angela has something else in mind. She starts kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt. "What are you doing?




IN: OUT: In what comes as no surprise to anyone who read Episode 40 of 'RTSB', 'RTSB' creator juniorz just gave official word of Tuc Watkins departure from 'RTSB' and Justin Deas reprisal of the role he created. This morning, SONBC received the following statement from junior: "It is with great sadness that I announce the departure of Tuc Watkins from 'Return to Santa Barbara.' I'm very fond of Tuc and his acting skills and thought he made for a fantastic Keith Timmons. Unfortunatel



Episode 41

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Mansion, panning in to Kelly's bedroom) ----Kelly wakes up in Ashton's arms and kisses her husband good morning. She tells him how much she's missed him and that it's killed her to be apart from him for so long. He smiles and says she won't have to be apart from him any longer. He leans in and kisses her passionately. She kisses him back and pulls open his shirt. "Isn't it a little early?" he says, teasing he



Episode 40

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm HEAD WRITER: Juniorz1 GUEST WRITER: Tishy ****Be sure to click on everything that's underlined throughout today's special episode. (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ----The camera settles on Kelly tossing & turning on the living room couch, mumbling something about Cruz. She tosses and turns as the camera closes in on her face and enters her mind. "CRU-UZZZZZZZZ, don't DO THIS TO ME PLEASE" shrieks KELLY "I'm sorry Kell. Som




Tomorrow (January 15, 2007) marks the 14th anniversary of the final episode of our beloved 'Santa Barbara.' To commemorate the event, 'RTSB' creator juniorz1 is planning a special episode for Monday. Basically, the episode will be me flipping the bird to Susan Lee (the NBC prez who cancelled 'SB' after giving fans false hope just weeks prior to the announcement), Paul Rauch (the bastard who gave no closure to long-time fans of the show), and Pam Long (probably a decent writer, but not right




Since everybody seems to be popping in & out tonight and is in a chatty mood, I thought I'd do a little 'RTSB' questionaire. Answer any or all of these SB and RTSB-related questions as honestly as possible. I'm gonna play along too, after I see what some of you think. Even though I'm the writer, I read every episode after they're posted, sometimes repeatedly so. It helps me keep everything straight with the characters- who knows what, who doesn't know what, what's been revealed, etc.



Episode 39

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- fade to Edmund's creepy castle-like mansion) ----Edmund sits in his study, looking through his wedding pictures to Loretta. He zeroes in on a picture of them so happy together, feeding each other their wedding cake. He then flashes back to when they were younger. He and Loretta argue about CC, she still insisting he's not the baby's father, she's sure of it. Edmund says he isn't so sure about anything anym



This week's final episode.....

Is coming- working on it as we speak. Hopefully, it should be up before 9PM. Also, be on the lookout for tomorrow's news item. There's a very special 'RTSB' episode coming up in which I'll need viewer input. I think you all are gonna love it!!!! Again, don't miss episode 39, to be posted shortly!



Episode 38

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON!!!!!!! http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Kelly sits in the living room, looking through an old photo book. Rosa walks by, stopping when she sees Kelly looking at old pictures of Sophia. "Your mother was quite beautiful when she was young, wasn't she?" "Yes, she was." "You know, it's so nice having you home Kelly. It's been a big help to your father and I know your mother enjoyed having all of her children



Episode 37

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Cruz & Eden's House) ---Adriana tells Eden about the gift she brought for Marta. Eden scolds her daughter for going over to the Ramirez home and asks why she even went in the first place. Adriana explains that she went to High School with Marta and knew about Angel's release. She then tells Eden that she overheard her conversation with Cruz about Angel being locked up for Christmas and felt bad for Marta. Eden admits tha



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