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AMC: Zach, Kendall Dixie Spoiler

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Kendall & Ryan have amazing chemistry. I don't see this so called chemistry between zach & kendall. he looks bored and she looks unhappy most of the time. Ryan & Annie are a bore and a joke. i have noticed that most of their support comes from zach fans who don't hesitate to bash Ryan. i give props to zendall fans who have fought for and received quite a bit of payoff. i congratulate them but i don't like zendall and i don't know why rendall fans and there are plenty of them, have to be satisfied with throwing Ryan at a boring newbie. we deserve a real chance for our couple like any other fanbase does.

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Kendall would be stupid to go back to Ryan, he's treated her worse than any man she's been with. But the way Kendall is with Ryan, she acts like she wants Ryan and Zach. I wouldn't blame Zach for leaving Kendall for Dixie. Dixie's a much better woman, more mature, not Erica, Jr. I do like the more mature Kendall. It's time that she matured. Hell she's 37 years old in real time. Erica gave birth to Kendall a year before AMC aired, so that would make Kendall 37. (btw Josh was born in 1973, so he's 34. So he really needs to grow up too, lol).

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people change and Ryan has.he's been her rock for awhile now standing by her and helping her when it does little for him. anyways i really don't care what he did 2 years ago, anymore. no soap character is without a past, kendall included.

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I agree with you mel. I'm one of those Zach fans that actually doesn't hate Ryan. I was MAD at Ryan at one time. When he married Greenlee right in front of Kendall I was livid because at that time, I was a Ryan and Kendall fan. There just aren't words for how mad I was and then some of the things he did nd said after that were awful. I wanted Ryan to understand what he did, to truly apologize for it and then seek help to deal with all of those things that sent him down that dark path. I think I got the first two and after watching the boring sessions with Sonny and Lainey on GH I can see why we didn't get Ryan's therapy sessions. (I still think we should have gotten a mention of them but I'll settle). I don't mind introducing a little bit of darkness to my characters but I have to see a logical story that writes them out of where they've been. It bugs me a little bit that Ryan was violent and was thisclose to hitting Greenlee one day and then he's the bestest father ever the next. I don't like having to just accept that without seeing him recover.

That said, I have enjoyed Ryan lately. I thought he did a great job during the coma story. Erica I wanted to throttle but Ryan really seemed like he was trying to do the right thing.

Just because I am a Zach fan and a Zach and Kendall fan doesn't mean that I automatically must attack Ryan. I like the chemistry that Ryan has with Annie but I require a little development between them. I liked Ryan with Julia if they would have given that some direction. The writing killed that one for me though because Julia seemed kinda Stalker Girl around the time of the Mardi Gras Ball...hehe.

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what she said

Mel that may be true.. but the issue of the abuse towards Kendall needs to be address

And talking about someone that needs to apologize... Kendall said on the boat before marrying

Zack, that Ryan apologize to her for everything he did..

MMTrash ruint Ryan.. and then she is not redeeming him..

For everything that is done off screen.. the apology that Ryan gave to Kendall should not of been one of them

That should of been shown. But MMT knew she went to far and to have Ryan apologize would of admitted that.

But instead the issue ever being discussed and ended.. it isnt..

I was at one time a big Rendall fan.. but I am also a woman that was abused.

Physically,Emotionally, & Verbally.. And it is not ok.. for it to be written, acted and then swept under the rug

It is not ok... address... and then ...lets move on

Sorry if I offend anyone.. but I will say IMO... but the truth is .. this should be everyone thoughts on abuse.

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Well said! I hated that Kendall, and that's why I can NEVER ever like Rendall again.

Cady IMO was better as Rosanna. Dixie is just a waste of airspace, I don't know why Cady even bothered to return

I agree, I'd lose all respect for Kendall if she ever went back to Ryan, and I agree about him treating her worse than any man she's been with.

Dixie a much better woman, more mature? Sorry disagree. I don't call whining and crying, and running from Tad, to David to Zach mature or a better woman.

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" For everything that is done off screen.. the apology that Ryan gave to Kendall should not of been one of them

That should of been shown. But MMT knew she went to far and to have Ryan apologize would of admitted that.

But instead the issue ever being discussed and ended.. it isnt.."

I`m sure I remember Ryan apologising on screen . When they were trapped together in the rubble after the explosion they had a very moving , cathartic conversation about their past . Ryan repeatedly said " I`m sorry . I hurt you " At first Kendall made light of it but he persisted & she accepted his apology . I remember thinking those scenes could have been written by a Rendall fan............... :)

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I agree about Dixie. Dixie is acting like Tad doesn't have a reason to be upset. She's mad because Tad was dating her sister? Ummm...TOO BAD chickie if you don't like what people were doing while they THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!! Too bad she didn't consider the harm she did to her son while she was taking the easy way by NOT telling them what she did. Speaking of what she did, giving away Tad's baby without his consent or knowledge (no matter what she THOUGHT he was feeling, he deserved a chance to make that decision) is unforgivable. She was right about that. Dixie's constant need for Zach's attention, someone she knows to be happily married, someone who watched his wife in coma not so very long ago, is a childish and immature way of NOT dealing with the relationships SHE destroyed when she faked her death. She doesn't want to do t he work that it will take to repair those relationships so she runs to someone else. Brilliant! That makes me believe that she is more pathetic than I thought she was BEFORE (that's pretty pathetic too...trust me).

To compare who Kendall is right now to who Dixie is right now, Kendall is the better woman HANDS DOWN, IMHO.

Of course, this is just how I feel about Dixie (and I have felt since they announced she was coming back).

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the fact is Ryan never abused kendall. i guess each of us has our own definition of verbal abuse, so i'll respect others and i hope they respect mine. as for physical abuse, Ryan never hit kendall. he almost hit greenlee but he didn't. it's over for me and i'm through debating it. frankly i find it to be an excuse for why Rendall shouldn't be 2gether, and that is just my opinion. i will always want them 2gether.

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The dynamics being displayed by Tad and Dixie's relationship are a lot more complicated than that and I think that is the story that will continue to unfold.

Kendall did the same thing. She signed away her baby without Ryan's consent (and she had already given him legal rights to their child) even though she knew she had his full support, in addition to Zach and Erica supporting her and telling her to keep away from Greg. And unlike Dixie who was alone, Kendall hadn't just given birth and told she was going to die that day after being in a horrific car accident which would take over a year to recover from and had bandages wrapped around her head (hardly conductive to reasonable thinking). The difference is Kendall has her baby (and that is thanks mainly to Dixie).

Dixie has not sought out Zach's attention. Zach is the main one who has been going to her. She even told Zach that he didn't have to help her anymore because she knew that Kendall would be upset. Zach is the one who did not heed that suggestion and that is his responsibility.

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Verbal abuse can be just a awful as physcial abuse. I never want Rendull together again. After getting two rounds of them, it's time to move Rendull out of each others storylines. It really shows me that the writers don't have any type of imagination whatsoever, so what they have Rage Spike to raise, but do they need to do it next door to each other. It's time for Ryan and Kendall to have separate storylines and just touch base regarding their Rage Son from time to time.

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The Di issue is just one incident where Dixie, to me, appears to be misplacing resentment towards Tad. It does not now nor will it EVER make sense to me that she regretted her actions and spent years trying to find Kate without even thinking of using the resources available to her through Tad or her son's Chandler wealth. When I watch the show, I think it's another move of a mother that is putting "saving her own face" in front of her children. She hurt JR by making him grieve and then when she SAID all she wants to do is find her daughter she didn't do everything she could to find her because she wouldn't ask for help from the people who she knows would give it to her and also have an interest in Kate. Dixie seems to expect that Tad would just accept what she's done on that front as well but he is understandably upset and he has a right to be.

Tad was not a sperm donor who's sperm was later stolen by his wife, who is not even the person giving birth to the child. He didn't then fake his own death to avoid fatherhood and still avoided the surrogate that he discovered later used her own egg to give her best friend the baby she always wanted. Kendall's situation was MUCH more complicated than Dixie's. Dixie wanted to get pregnant and have a baby with Tad. That was not Kendall's intention on the night she was inseminated. Kendall was struggling with her own ability to be a good mother because of her own issues. Kendall gave Ryan rights but then Ryan really pushed her to do things his way and she pushed back. That isn't a bash on Ryan but an understanding of where Kendall was at the time. EVERYONE was pushing her.

Dixie sought out Zach when she was shot and she knew that Zach was in love with another woman and she knew he had a whole lot of other things on his plate. Dixie sought Zach out again when she thought Madden was "getting away" the night he was buried and she DAMN SURE knew he had other things on his plate including a comatose wife that he loves more than his own life. She sought him out to plead for mercy for her murderous son and Zach reluctantly granted him clemency ONCE. She DAMN SURE knew that Zach had a right to whatever retribution he wanted to dish. I also do not think she wanted to keep Zach from hurting JR for JR's sake. It was her own guilt that drove her to do that because she KNEW that her neglectful and cruel treatment of her son and the way he discovered her alive and well drinking margaritas DIRECTLY RESULTED in JR's state of mind that eventually put Kendall into a coma. I hold Dixie responsible for that. She sought out Zach again when the news of Madden's death hit and she DAMN SURE knew that she was going to the home he shared with the WIFE that he loves and in her selfishness threw herself in his arms seeking comfort from someone that she felt couldn't question her motives for all her transgressions in the past. Yes, she does actively seek him out and his need to save women that he thinks need saving will ensure that he will help her. She told him that he didn't have to help her in that half hearted way that says that you can stop helping me but little helpless and innocent ol' me will NEVER find poor Kate. Oh woe is me. Zach isn't going to let any woman lose hope or faith like that.

I hope when all is said and done on this front that we get to see Zach and Kendall deal with whatever it was that happened in the past that drives him to his "white knight" complex that he has. There has to be an interesting and compelling story from his past that we need to see. Zach needs to deal with whatever that is because it seems to indicate an insecurity on his part. I think maybe something happened to his never mentioned mother that he needs to uncover but that is supposition on my part.

I do appreciate what you are saying though. I guess I just see it a little bit differently because I cannot forgive Dixie for a lot of the things she did to JR and Tad. She cannot ever be redeemed in my eyes.

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Please accept my apology.. I didnt mean it like that.. sometimes when I write.. I dont type what Im thinking

But I.. as an abuse woman.. wanted the abuse to be address.. And it never has been..

So my feelings became painful two ways...

First.. I felt like ABC , was saying it is ok to treat women this way... Not only OK ... but that there are leading heros... and everyone will kneel.. because this is romance.

Second.. My favorite character was Kendall... and I started to feel like dirt.. because she never said anything to him.. she almost does say.. Thank you sir, may I have another...

So AMC.. please know that I didnt mean to say that " I'm sorry" fixes anything or everything..

I needed it to be address.. and it never was and it never will be..

So JR can try to kill babe.. and they love each other.. and then Tad can shake Di so hard one day her hair fell down.. and Jackson after 17 yrs.. manhandle Erica... And then the other day... I understand.. didnt watch that Jamie.. picked up Kendall and held her..big strong he man... had to man handle a 100 lb women .. to protect his big brother ...

Anyhow that is what I meant..

Thank you for correcting me.. because I wasnt watching the show from Feb to May..

Im not watching now .. so I should of wrote that...

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I agree that Tad has every right to be upset but we know that Dixie does not expect Tad to accept what she has done and she has said so numerous times.

They were all supporting her though and trying to help her. If Kendall had just had major surgery, had a head injury and thought she was going to die that day, I would have more understanding of her choice.

Yes, like he was going to kill himself and she talked him out of it and encouraged him to fight for the woman he loved (who wanted nothing to do with him at the time) and not give up on her or them and Zach did take her advice and thus we have Zendall again.

Dixie found out Zach was in jail so she went to see him and ask for his help and so Zach made a phone call for her. They then talked about Madden having a plane (Zach brought it up). It was Zach's choice to go with Dixie. Period. She didn't point a gun to his head.

No one has a right to take illegal retribution against anyone. If Zach had killed JR as he threatened he would be worse than JR - an actual murderer.

I disagree. If Dixie had nothing to feel guilty about obviously she still would have wanted Zach to not murder her son.

Dixie was hysterical this day and I don't see going to tell Zach about Madden's death as a crime. She was frantic about whatever they did that night that they should not have done. As soon as Dixie saw Kendall and Ryan she apologized twice and went to leave immediately. Zach was the one who followed her out to talk to her.

Yeah, the three times you mentioned and he had a choice whether to ignore her or not. He has seeked her out much more to check on her and offer his help.

She did not say or even imply that last part and Zach is well aware that Dixie has plenty of people that can help her. If Zach still wants to help, despite Dixie's request not to help her, it's all on him.

Thanks and I agree we all see things in different ways. For example, Dixie and Zach did similar things by playing dead and denying their families. When has Zach been redeemed for denying his son? For not only not acknowledging him but then betraying him again by marrying the woman he loved? And Zach's pathetic reason was because of the Cambias Curse! IMO, even Dixie's excuse for staying away isn't as bad as that, and at least she had been severely psychologically and physically traumatized for over a year. Ethan never recovered from Zach's betrayl and IMO Zach was responsible for his son's death, as Ethan couldn't bear being trapped in the rubble explosion, with the man who had hurt and traumatized him so much. At least Dixie has deep regret for everything she has done as she always says and Zach has no regrets as he usually says. He has barely given a second though to Ethan since shortly after his death.

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