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Rush Limbaugh detained over Viagra in luggage


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Limbaugh detained over Viagra in luggage

Source: UPI

PALM BEACH, Fla. (UPI) -- Conservative U.S. talk show host Rush Limbaugh was detained at a Florida airport after a Viagra prescription for someone else was found in his luggage.

The 55-year-old arrived at Palm Beach (Fla.) International Airport Monday afternoon from the Dominican Republic with three other people on a private jet and underwent a routine U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service check.

The Viagra bottles found had been prescribed to a Florida doctor and customs agents called in the sheriff's office to investigate, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported.

Limbaugh's attorney, Roy Black, issued a statement saying Limbaugh's physician had deliberately avoided using the celebrity's name on the prescription "for privacy purposes."

A month ago, Limbaugh signed a deal with prosecutors after a lengthy investigation into allegations of doctor-shopping for prescription painkillers. Limbaugh signed a pain-management contract that required him to get all his drugs from one doctor and reveal which pharmacy he would use to fill the prescriptions.

Limbaugh was released after questioning, and the State Attorney's office will determine if he will be charged with breaking his agreement, the newspaper said.

Copyright 2006 by United Press International

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The sad thing is, he is a joke now. ALl of these radio/tv people COULD be so good, but then you have them acting either like idiots or doing stuff like this....Rush, Frankin, Coulter...all COULD be good, but they instead feast on hate and it just ruins then....and yes, BOTH sides have them.

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You not like Glenn Beck, Kwing? I disagree with some of what he says when it comes to politics, and as obnoxious as he can be at times, he is a breath of fresh air from the Michael Savages, Sean Hannitys and Bill O'Reillys. I hear his radio show is even better.

When it comes to Conservative TV/Radio Pundits, Glenn is the man.

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I have caught some of his show, but I did not know he was left or right.

I like Sean Hannity and Bill O' Rielly, except I think they throw too much weight around. They made very valid, intelligent comments and have proof to back them up, but they do what I hate, when someone disagrees they get the power of the All Mighty in them and its a turn off! (lol)

I do not listen to someone based on how they vote, but I base it on if they have the facts and tell a complete story. If I listened to someone ONLY because they believed what I did, how could I put up a fair argument of the facts if I don't know the whole story?! Which is a HUGE problem not only on these boards, but all over the world.

I do not know who Savage is.

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He's a Conervative. He always mentions it on his show. You probably couldn't tell because he does a lot of entertainment stories. AND because he's on CNN Headline News(which, if I didn't know any betterwas trying to turn themselves into a FOX NEWS clone).

True. I typicallly lean left, but I enjoy Glenn Beck because, for the most part, he makes valid arguments. Even if I DO disagree with them.

Thank God you don't know who he is. He's a disgusting radical. He's the male Ann Coulter. I'm just waiting for a scandal with him involving an affair with a gay black man. Wouldn't THAT be a major dontradiction?

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Now bellcurve, you are someone I can relate too.

You can see the picture for what it is, base your opinion, but be civil and humane as well

Cheers to you and the way you handle yourself. Very refreshing after the last couple weeks of hatred.

I will have to check Glen out more. But I do have a question, do you enjoy the radical Frankin and those types? Or do you prefer your people more about facts rather than personal beliefs?

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To be honest, I enjoy hearing radicals libs speak, but I know how biased they are. I prefer both types of arguments: the entertaining and the factual ones because both have good arguments. You could probably say the same as well for the Conservative argument.

If you heard Al Franken when he appeared at our university(with Ben Stein), he was less of a loudmouth, Elephant hating Lib than he usually is. Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11 was a good piece of propaganda. A lot which I agreed with, and could probably take a step further. But alas, that is ANOTHER topic, another time.

But at the same time, I have friends who voted for Bush and are card-carrying Conservatives. I can listen to a well constructed Liberal or Conservative argument and still respect it, but disagree with it.

I guess you could say I'm a moderate, but(as I've mentioned on the board before) I used to consider myself a lib until people told me to think twice about the things that were coming out of mouth. I still think I am liberal on more issues than conservative, but I try not to ignore Conervatives. What else will I be able to talk about on dates and at a bar with friends?

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LOL. Good post...mostly. I am not either a liberal or a conservative and in fact I think both of those are more destructive than anything else. I am a moderate or as I call it a centrist. I am not left socially and more right fiscally.

I am not surprised that Frankin had a good speech. I know he, as well as other loud mouth wind bags that are usually talking out of their back-sides...CAN do that. They just CHOOSE not too.

I like to hear anyone speak as long as they can do it in a mature manner, not be petty and make a point of fact. Not what they want to say or what they believe. Michael Moore is that ...propoganda. He twists and turns everything to get it to how he wants it. Which is neither fact or real.

I think Moore could be good if he let his opinion sway him less and could sort out fact from fiction more. What a waste of a possible talent.

Me voting for Bush does not mean I am a conservative. I voted for him because I believed he was what we needed, and yes, I still believe that. Does that mean he is perfect? Na. Lots of mistakes, I know that. But thats called being a President.

I know we got a little off topic, but you made it enjoyable.....sorry to other posters who wanted to read alot about Rush and his stiffy! LOL.......back to your regularly scheduled post!


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I've never liked Rush, but he truly needs help to kick this addiction. If he thinks he can get away with prescription drug fraud, he's sadly mistaken. Perhaps some hard jail time is best for him to clear his head.

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