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The ratings increased(after years of flopping) late 2011/2012 when Kim Scott and Jacqui were anchoring and driving stories. It is a fact fan engagement went up. If Kim were still on. Her and Jacqui would be the stars.

it reached a decade high the 2015-2016. And whom were the leads? Steffy Maya and Caroline. 
even now Thope and Sinn are the B&b couple with the most vocal fandom and engage. This Thope video on IG had 2 million views. And Sinn video on FB had 16.5 million views. The most engagement a post on each platform had gotten in recent years. I have receipt for my claims. So if it makes me ageist so be it

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Spencer and Trina during their run. Was that shows most popular couple. To the point where their popularity translated mainstream for one. They were even featured and voted in a poll against prime time couples. That’s how strong their social media presence was. 
Ciara and Ben was days of our lives IT couple for some time. Though polarizing. Their fandom was pretty vocal.
the Thomas and Hope pairing on B&b is very controversial. But they had a strong media presence. And creates a lotta debates intensity and dicusssion. Which keeps these shows relevant.

Don’t have any examples from YR because they are way too obsessed with their vets being front/center. This is why they have a weak prescense compared to the others. Nolstagia keeps that show alive. But it isn’t evolving.

Vets are essential but I don’t want to see them front and center at the expense of younger characters. With the same plots younger characters could be having. At that. They had their time for decades. These soaps need to evolve and focus on their future. They need to put in more effort in casting and stories for younger characters. And I agree the casting. More specifically for the 20s set has been weak. But like I said if that makes me ageist then. Idk. But I stand by this.

Edited by Boldsoaps
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Ageism is not a good look, darlings. And we still don't have any real proof or argument why older characters should not be leading. Just screenshots out of context and disgusting narrative how old people need to be in the shadow, once they "had their time".

Just one fact that you may not know - in YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc there are algorithms that make clips and channels popular. This is especially true when the content has more racy nature - it gets views and clicks, yes, but that is the same for every show on Earth. You will find that on YouTube the most watched clips are the ones with the shirtless guy or a couple in bed. In fact the most watched video EVER on Bold's official YouTube channel is this one - it has 21 million views and the thumbnail are two naked VETS, Taylor and Thorne in bed.


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This in no way proves that younger or just sexual things in nature should be the focus of every show. This is just something that happens and is normal for these media platforms.

When you look deeper you will find that the staying viewers and the ones that watch the commercials and ARE the target audience of the shows are not the people clicking on the naked videos or more racy scenes, but the plain normal folks, yes, sometimes older folks who watch these shows for the storyline and the characters.

So all of this is yet again a derailment and nothing that can't be debunked. If you look closely into most soap operas you will find that older characters have intricate histories and some of them have contributed to the show's success in ways that can't be measured by Facebook likes.

I will end this like this - if you say the name Stephanie Forrester in Europe, people smile and laugh and know who this is instantly. This has happened to me in Germany, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. When then... you say some other name, be it a 55 year old or 22 year old character on the show... pretty much nobody even remembers. Stephanie has always been an older character. A vet.

I am not saying people don't recognize younger characters, I am saying that vets have an important place and their influence sometimes can not be measured by clicks on media platforms where the most watched videos are always racy and youth oriented.

Older people are not entities anyone should be speaking in a manner like this. These are not some cows that need to be up for slaughter once they reach a certain age.

I am not going to engage anymore with now this self confessed ageist. I just think the other point of view needs to be said too.

Edited by Maxim
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There is no if about whether you are expressing ageism. It is there for all to see, repeatedly, I might add. Now, about Spring, I was a huge Sprina fan, you see I am quite capable of loving people from ALL ages. And that is the hill I sill stand & die on, multigenerational soaps. Anyway, good to talk to you. 

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B&B videos on the channel. with not just the most views but most engagement. Steffy/ Hope centered. Yet I’m suppose to believe they’re not keeping this relevant? When their fandoms are the most active.

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Deflection, again. Nobody here has ever claimed younger characters don't have vocal fan bases or disputed their importance. The issue rose from a another statement that is still hanging naked and unsubstantiated and that was... that older characters should not be leading in soaps. 

And I'm putting this just for some context. Businesses and companies know who watches TV.

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Again we are in streaming era. A lotta the younger gen don’t watch TV. They stream. Which I mentioned before. If you’re going by Nielsen. the 18-49 demo is the KEY demo. Which keeps the shows on air. So viewers, younger or older than that. Are irrelevant.
And streaming can save these shows. If there is a strong enough social media presence. which is why that’s vital. Which is why the focus should be on ther shows future and target demo. Anyways we don’t agree so. 

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You're talking about 2 things that do not go together, as if they did. Streaming is one thing. The Nielsen ratings is broadcast ONLY. 

Like for GH, the Nielsens count broadcast only. Those watching abc.com, or on the app, or YouTubeTV, none of them are counted. And, then, you have Hulu, which also is not counted in the Nielsen ratings. Fortunately, often GH is their #4. 

I also dispute your claim that it is younger viewers who show up in engagement in social media. I find all ages involved with different platforms. Recently some fans have collated the statistics on Jarly fans versus JaSam fans versus Liaison fans. Most of the time Jarly fans are winning. Some times JaSam fans pull ahead. Liaison fans never seem to. 

There is no current activity for Jex & nothing has even started yet with Trio. Even then, in those fandoms you simply do not have one age of fan. Rather you have all ages. 

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Once again, deflection. I have never said that we weren't in the streaming era or that the younger ones watch primarily TV. You are grasping for straws trying to add some substance to your argument. I am again for millionth time asking (this time rhetorically) how does everything you say have anything to do with the statement that older characters should not be leading in soaps? We know the key-demo. This is nothing new. Did you decide that people 18 to 49 years old don't want or need to see older characters leading on their shows? How do you know this - did you have a poll or something? And how does younger social media presence equal older characters to be left in the shadows? You repeat the same things over and over while avoiding the question. I tried to explain how wrong and ageist you sound in the most respectful way possible. Now I realize I should have been more stern and not that respectful. My mistake. You know what you are, GOOD-bye. 

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