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Gentleman Jack HBOMax Mon. pm

S2E2 5-2-22 Two Jacks Don't Suit

When we begin we're in a restaurant at a table, there's quite a crowd of people, and, oh, yes, we're in Paris. GJ is still walking just as fine, talking just as fine, addressing the camera directly just as fine, in short the good stuff from last week is back again this week. Oh, and, kissing and making love just as fine.

Right off, a plump, chest-heavy woman joins them by appropriating a nearby chair with one hand & slapping it under the table halfway between our girls who, yes, are seated across from each other & not on the same side. That would be too modern for the 1800s.

I believe this is Mrs. Laughton but if it's not her they we have a name for someone whose not here & no name for someone who is.

Now, Isn't she insipid? Be happy for me. Just who is supposed to have said that? And, who repeated it to us? And, who is it about? That lost me. Do better Wainright. Next up: Maryanna with a question mark. But then maybe it is a sprinkling of Maryanna's thoughts as she surely must think that Anne is a force of nature. I wish they'd give us an unambiguous answer to how much does Anne really love our new soon-to-be like bride. After all, two Jacks don't suit. Maybe Maryanna is a Jack, most assuredly Jack is a Jack.

We see someone go calling on old lady Walker with news that the Alps were actually an improvement by everyone. Oh, this is a sister to Anne Lister, well what errands will they not do for her! Mrs. Walker objects to getting messages passed to her instead hearing directly from her niece. Furthermore, Miss Lister is worldly & you, my dear, are naive.

We're in the barn with someone whose seat is definitely below the salt. She wants them to help unpack all of this so she can start a meal. Amy doesn't want to learn to read. One of the boys chased her around with a pig's head.

Who did that to you, lad? Uncle Ben? (Anyone know who this person is?) Grew up with pig parts, was going to apologize.

The mountains & snow & then them holding hands looking at this massive display of raw nature! So alive & so happy!

Now we have a circle of men & women. ... dereliction of duty ... ignored & humiliated ... people will talk ... going to live together ... do something & then feel the consequences ... figuring a husband ... A couple, M&W, copulating, from the rear, both standing, said I wrote & told him. I never did. Came from here. You?

Is this Maryanna? I don't see how it could be. What saddens her friends, saddens her.

Our young Miss Walker has some questions? Some concerns? What is this about before her? You said you had never done this before. She did. We heard her. You have to understand that I am older than you. There had been another, not this but something dear. Don't be jealous.

Here, I don't know what 'Fair book selling?' means. Been a fair amt. not making sense tonight.

Child asks, "Is she a man?" Not the first time that's happened & won't be a last.

Mr. Sundelyn ... ? No idea.

Adney is what Young Miss Walker calls me now.

Saturday night? ??

She wants to go see her aunt. Take gifts, etc.

They are now calling this groom by his middle name of George instead of his first name of Joseph.

Customs had confiscated ladies' handkerchiefs, so she put them in her underwear.

She said she had nothing to declare & they did not search her.

Old Mrs. Walker was very ugly to them. That will probably mean they never see her again.

Back at Shibden.

Someone's been bullying his mother. George's dad wants to stay.

Aunt Walker & the Misses Walker & Lister, we brought you gifts all the way from Paris. They almost reached the summit of Mount Blanc. (lost rest of episode, rewatch)




She said she'd had heartache over this for her whole life - which is surely an exaggeration because she is older than Anne. She says how special Anne is & how you can't just put her into a box. For just one example, look at young Miss Walker's face! Have you ever seen anyone that happy?

Anne & Miz Walker continue going through the house but their minds don't seem to be on their tasks. No wonder!

Anne brings out the letter that was waiting for her when they got in & asks Miss Walker if she can read it for her. Letter from Miss Scarborough. She undertands she must give up doting on Freddy. She must love her less. She would like it if they could see each other sometime. How would your Miz Walker feel about such a visit & about being friends? Miss Walker looks like a burden has been lifted from her, She says they could be friends.

Anne's mother & father come flying around the corner in this rig he bought that was too much for him. All for 100 guineas.

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Well, she did flaunt the Kill the Lesbian trope. That was short-sighted. But, she does possess a gift.

Gentleman Jack S2E3 5-9-2022 "Tripe all over the place, presumably."
The new railroad went by & a cow exploded.
Like a carriage with no horse pulling it.
Revolutionize the country.
Marion thinks the railroads won't catch on.
In Vichy, racing to get back to the hotel, try to take advantage & try to get the best price. Raced after a vehicle & got a man to hire me his horses. Light rail?
Maryanna, Miz Laughton, experiencing dizziness in her head. Is she about to faint?
Might invite Ann over for a few nights. Oh, it's Maryanna, ltr. from Ann Lister. Crying after she read the letter.
Young girl. Had made another young girl cry.
Eliza wants to come back.
Can she go with you? Says things & touches her.
People from down below. A guy with cuts.
Visiting 81 yr old Mrs. Rossen.
"People should not grow moldy at home."
A Fiction about their past.
Mr. Ingram, a letter for him. Unmarried.
Keep an eye on Matthew.
People need education.
Tiddly Taddle from Mr. Priestley.
Maryanna cannot meet your little friend.
Things still to say.
list of proprietors.
# of shareholders 637.
160 thou' pds. Sterling
Mr. Waterhouse, you do not have enough to pay the shareholders their 5%!
We spent too much on expansion, deepening the channels. The subcommittee us meeting this afternoon & will decide quickly. Is that a sell-out? No, no. Will you let me know?
We talked about the railway.
Panicking. No respect for property.
They are upset that she took father's carriage without his permission.
She brought all this on herself. So many times she could have just had me.
Withholding information.
Abney, what's the matter? Wanted a groom to write a letter for you, for your sister about settling the inheritance. About separating assets. For her, to her. Right now, no heir. Expedite the estate coming to her & Elizabeth.
How about we use a non-local attorney? I have somebody in York.
Maryanna is feeling sorry for herself.
Trying a deal with some others about coal.
All off now.
Changes railway versus carriage.
Speed, distance, capacity.
Saw Mr. Waterhouse. Stay away from Eliza. Show him around.
Get shut in this room! Not funny.
Don't want anything to do with it. (They were kissing.)
Delicate, difficult: Mrs. Lawton, very low.
In her last letter she was asking could she see me.
I think she needs to hear it from me, to achieve peace of mind. Reach equilibrium.
I need for her to accept it.
But, Ann won't go if Abney doesn't want her to.
Decision made by the general meeting. Copy of Mr. Farmer's report.
The loudest voice swayed. Now there are more blue shareholders than yellow.
Hers & Miz Walker's shares.
Abney said okay. Leave her & go to see Maryanna.
She is happy & has all she needs here.
Maryanna needs to hear this from me.
Abney: Come back.
Me: I love you.
Mrs. Lawton is upstairs. Writing in her journal.
Travel. Time. Arrival.
Hello Freddy.
Maryanna: Have you had any dinner?
No & it would not be unwelcome.
M: I'm wretched. You've no idea what you've done to me. Destroyed me! You're not in love with her!
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The show is hitting it out of the park!  I'm disappointed that Walker still doesn't speak up for herself.  She should have told Lister she didn't want her visiting an old girlfriend.  On the same note, I don't like how Lister has made herself responsible for Walker.  I'm hoping by the end of the season, Walker stands up for herself because if/when she falls apart, it will be Lister's fault in everyone's eyes.  

Lister not being acknowledger as a shareholder has my full attention because I can't wait to see what she does with this.  

Giving Sowden a twin makes me happy because I really like the actor but did we need to make him an identical boozehound as well?  

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The way the actress is playing it, it seems she is in turmoil most of the time! I feel like she's been candid a few times & that made for better drama, but I suppose having Anne go see Mariana is necessary for the 'plotting of it all. I'm just really high on the show. I do wish they would have it up by 10 on Monday nights.

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Gentleman Jack S2E3 5-9-2022
"Tripe all over the place, presumably."
Things still to say. The new railroad went by & a cow exploded. Like a carriage with no horse pulling it. Revolutionize the country. Marion thinks the railroads won't catch on. In Vichy, racing to get back to the hotel, try to take advantage & try to get the best price. Raced after a vehicle & got a man to hire me his horses. Light rail? Maryanna, Miz Laughton, experiencing dizziness in her head. Is she about to faint?Might invite Ann over for a few nights. Oh, it's Maryanna, ltr. from Ann Lister. Crying after she read the letter.Young girl. Had made another young girl cry.Eliza wants to come back.Can she go with you? Says things & touches her.People from down below. A guy with cuts.Visiting 81 yr old Mrs. Rossen."People should not grow moldy at home."A Fiction about their past.Mr. Ingram, a letter for him. Unmarried.Keep an eye on Matthew.People need education.Tiddly Taddle from Mr. Priestley.Maryanna cannot meet your little friend.
list of proprietors.
# of shareholders 637.
160 thou' pds. Sterling
Mr. Waterhouse, you do not have enough to pay the shareholders their 5%!
We spent too much on expansion, deepening the channels. The subcommittee us meeting this afternoon & will decide quickly. Is that a sell-out? No, no. Will you let me know?
We talked about the railway.
Panicking. No respect for property.
They are upset that she took father's carriage without his permission.
She brought all this on herself. So many times she could have just had me.
Withholding information.
Abney, what's the matter? Wanted a groom to write a letter for you, for your sister about settling the inheritance. About separating assets. For her, to her. Right now, no heir. Expedite the estate coming to her & Elizabeth.
How about we use a non-local attorney? I have somebody in York.
Maryanna is feeling sorry for herself.
Trying a deal with some others about coal.
All off now.
Changes railway versus carriage.
Speed, distance, capacity.
Saw Mr. Waterhouse. Stay away from Eliza. Show him around.
Get shut in this room! Not funny.
Don't want anything to do with it. (They were kissing.)
Delicate, difficult: Mrs. Lawton, very low.
In her last letter she was asking could she see me.
I think she needs to hear it from me, to achieve peace of mind. Reach equilibrium.
I need for her to accept it.
But, Ann won't go if Abney doesn't want her to.
Decision made by the general meeting. Copy of Mr. Farmer's report.
The loudest voice swayed. Now there are more blue shareholders than yellow.
Hers & Miz Walker's shares.
Abney said okay. Leave her & go to see Maryanna.
She is happy & has all she needs here.
Maryanna needs to hear this from me.
Abney: Come back.
Me: I love you.
Mrs. Lawton is upstairs. Writing in her journal.
Travel. Time. Arrival.
Hello Freddy.
Maryanna: Have you had any dinner?
No & it would not be unwelcome.
M: I'm wretched. You've no idea what you've done to me. Destroyed me! You're not in love with her!

Gentleman Jack HBOMax Mon. pm
S2E2 5-2-22 Two Jacks Don't Suit
When we begin we're in a restaurant at a table, there's quite a crowd of people, and, oh, yes, we're in Paris. GJ is still walking just as fine, talking just as fine, addressing the camera directly just as fine, in short the good stuff from last week is back again this week. Oh, and, kissing and making love just as fine.
Right off, a plump, chest-heavy woman joins them by appropriating a nearby chair with one hand & slapping it under the table halfway between our girls who, yes, are seated across from each other & not on the same side. That would be too modern for the 1800s.

Now, Isn't she insipid? Be happy for me. Just who is supposed to have said that? And, who repeated it to us? And, who is it about? That lost me. Do better Wainright. Next up: Maryanna with a question mark. But then maybe it is a sprinkling of Maryanna's thoughts as she surely must think that Anne is a force of nature. I wish they'd give us an unambiguous answer to how much does Anne really love our new soon-to-be like bride. After all, two Jacks don't suit. Maybe Maryanna is a Jack, most assuredly Jack is a Jack.
We see someone go calling on old lady Walker with news that the Alps were actually an improvement by everyone. Oh, this is a sister to Anne Lister, well what errands will they not do for her! Mrs. Walker objects to getting messages passed to her instead hearing directly from her niece. Furthermore, Miss Lister is worldly & you, my dear, are naive.
We're in the barn with someone whose seat is definitely below the salt. She wants them to help unpack all of this so she can start a meal. Amy doesn't want to learn to read. One of the boys chased her around with a pig's head.
Who did that to you, lad? Uncle Ben? (Anyone know who this person is?) Grew up with pig parts, was going to apologize.
The mountains & snow & then them holding hands looking at this massive display of raw nature! So alive & so happy!
Now we have a circle of men & women. ... dereliction of duty ... ignored & humiliated ... people will talk ... going to live together ... do something & then feel the consequences ... figuring a husband ... A couple, M&W, copulating, from the rear, both standing, said I wrote & told him. I never did. Came from here. You?
Is this Maryanna? I don't see how it could be. What saddens her friends, saddens her.
Our young Miss Walker has some questions? Some concerns? What is this about before her? You said you had never done this before. She did. We heard her. You have to understand that I am older than you. There had been another, not this but something dear. Don't be jealous.
Here, I don't know what 'Fair book selling?' means. Been a fair amt. not making sense tonight.
Child asks, "Is she a man?" Not the first time that's happened & won't be a last.
Mr. Sundelyn ... ? No idea.
Adney is what Young Miss Walker calls me now.
Saturday night? ??
She wants to go see her aunt. Take gifts, etc.
They are now calling this groom by his middle name of George instead of his first name of Joseph.
Customs had confiscated ladies' handkerchiefs, so she put them in her underwear.
She said she had nothing to declare & they did not search her.
Old Mrs. Walker was very ugly to them. That will probably mean they never see her again.
Back at Shibden.
Someone's been bullying his mother. George's dad wants to stay.
Aunt Walker & the Misses Walker & Lister, we brought you gifts all the way from Paris.
They almost reached the summit of Mount Blanc.

She said she'd had heartache over this for her whole life - which is surely an exaggeration because she is older than Anne. She says how special Anne is & how you can't just put her into a box. For just one example, look at young Miss Walker's face! Have you ever seen anyone that happy?
Anne & Miz Walker continue going through the house but their minds don't seem to be on their tasks. No wonder!
Anne brings out the letter that was waiting for her when they got in & asks Miss Walker if she can read it for her. Letter from Miss Scarborough. She understands she must give up doting on Freddy. She must love her less. She would like it if they could see each other sometime. How would your Miz Walker feel about such a visit & about being friends? Miss Walker looks like a burden has been lifted from her, She says they could be friends.
Anne's mother & father come flying around the corner in this rig he bought that was too much for him. All for 100 guineas. (Anyone know what that value is?)


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Gentleman Jack S2E4 M 5-16-22
"I'm not the other woman; she is."
Mariana liked to call Abney, Anne, Miz Walker that insipid heiress & insisted that Ann Lister, aka Freddy, didn't love her. I think we should all start calling them Walker & Lister, that has a nice ring to it. There are too many names & too many of them are Ann/Anne! Yes, I am an old fuddy-duddy so try & sue me for it. "I'm not the other woman; she is." is the name of the episode but it's also a line of dialog, which, yes, Mariana says so intently that you know she believes it! Mariana is feirce & Ann Lister went right down that rabbit hole like a very stupid girl, which she is not. All sorts of things could come of this, none of which are good.
So, she arrived after a long journey. Personally I was feeling worse & worse about this as we got closer to arrival. She shouldn't be here without Walker! Okay, Mariana manages to growl at her if she's had any dinner & if she would like any & she hadn't & she would so she got fed something, thank goodness for that much. But, then right off the bat, Mariana started in on her, first accusations, she could not know what she had done to her, you'd think she'd murdered her. But, after she did some attacking she asked how often they (she & Anne) "connected"? Very bold, very nosy, very invasive yet Lister didn't really react to anything! And, that continues. Mariana then asked if that insipid heiress knows of their "connection"? At some point Lister told her that she should know that Walker is read all of her letters, wanting Mariana to take some care with what she says, but that didn't seem to faze her. Mariana worries that the time will come when she will never see Lister again. Mariana can't sleep. Mariana cries. Mariana is stuck with Charles. Can Lister still be a friend to her or is she now a wife? Then, baldly, do you still love me? I want to strangle Lister but I think she said that of course she still did. (Was I hearing things?)
So, then, and I know Lister should not be encouraging her, but for the first time she tried to kiss Lister. All of the time they keep their heads so close together they are practically breathing each other in & out. Almost reluctantly she pulls back & says she can't do that to Adney & Mariana questions what that is, oh, the name she calls her, etc. She says further that she took an oath & she aims to keep it. And, time goes by. She tells Mariana that there need be no interruption in their friendship. I was floored. "We are who we are." Well, she is just playing right into Mariana's hands. Or some body part. Mariana said she hoped that Lister had not forgotten the nights they had had together. Then she went on, unbelievably to me, to name nights! In Scarborough during the thunder storm when we didn't get any sleep all night long. She repeated that a few times. Then, she named a yr, 18-something & they were at her mother's house. Then something about Lister defending her but the marriage to Charles. Lister said there was no choice, that within 10 yrs they'd have been penniless. Mariana said people treated her badly & she was being made to marry Charles.
Back home Walker is made aware of a gentleman who is there to see her, a Mr. Ingram. She receives him. She says she's been trying to paint. He asks her what they say about Lister, that she is ... eccentric. She shakes her head and says that, no, not to her, she's not. She had a little smile on her face as she thought about Lister. She added, "She's clever, interesting." Then he said something I didn't get, about her cousin, Mr. Priestly & she replied that she was very happy. Lister told Mariana to read Walker's letter to her. She did & then of course she judged it & found it lacking. Said she wrote as a dutiful schoolgirl. Mariana & Lister talked more about Charles. Well, we've had news, bad news & more bad news but the worst news of all is that Mariana kept at her & finally they made love. The next day as they are about to part, Mariana gives Lister a present for Walker. She shrugged & said that Lister wanted her & Walker to be friends, didn't she? We see her inside a carriage & then in no time she is home. They embrace. She tells Walker she loves her & that she shan't be leaving her again. Finally a good idea!
Edited by Tonksadora
Correct Episode Number
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Gentleman Jack S2E5 5-23-22 A lucky & narrow escape

- The show begins at a political rally. Matthew the groom was attacked & they are questioning him as they clean him up. (He's a mess!) He couldn't hear for the rabble all around. There is discussion of the blues and the yellows.

- Gentleman Jack sent someone to someone.

- Can someone join us? Can join her? The chumps who dumped you?

- Ann Lister's sister & some man.

- Ann asks her if she's told him that who she was. Not yet.

- Same man is the man Lister is about? No idea.

- distresses to be given to tenants by next week, more than half evictions! significant arrears, out of work, elderly, etc.

- Miz Walker says to do it.

- Doesn't like her sister writing everyone but her about her & about her tenants.

- For their hip every day for a month castor oil.

- Anne listens to hip lady.

- The division of the estate should've been done already.

- Rabble rousing.

- Father & Gentleman Jack.

- Walker distressed by her sister.

- volatile time for the election.

- forgive authenticity when he'll

- G'night Father.

- Her sister wants to marry that man from the other night.

- He knows you have no inheritance.

- Do talk on,

- marrying so far beneath you

- Anne Lister will have nothing more to do with.

- You are a Lister.

- I'd think to be a mother,

- Anne back if?

- ? Need never again be troubled

- Hip lady fire after fellow?

- Political rally! Rail car on five.

- She's bashing heads,

- Mr. Goodard, distresses within the week.

- Lister affectionate to Abney while she slept.

- Splashes very cold water on her face.

- The final payment is today.

- Are you a yellow?

- No, she is black in mourning, for damage

- That man with Captain Sutherland, what do you know about him?

- He is frustrating the process - rents!

- chicken - groom - sex happening in that carriage

- The damage was 10 thousand pds. it couldn't be rematched.

- Moving through Halifx, Hope Hall carriages are

smashed up & broken into pieces.

- People talk about a man stealing her coal.

- He used us both badly.

- Come to Shipben House & we will discuss.

- A lucky & a narrow escape.

- Anxious, scrutiny over the vote.

- New:

- What event for doc.?

- What news for doc.?

- Damages!

- Marriage announcements

- Tom Lister m. Ann Walker as a marriage, a joke, a send-up! amused, not annoyed.

- nervous laughter

- carriages, poetic justice

- guns!

- George, I need you to go to Halifax to post a letter.

- discord/harmony




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Sat., 7-9-22, Bad News! GENTLEMAN JACK was jointly sponsored by the BBC & by HBO. HBO has just announced, earlier this week, that they are cancelling the show effective with the end of the second season, which just finished week before last. No idea if the BBC will want to go it alone or look for a different partner & do Season 3, or not.

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