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Oh, and I couldn't believe it when that girl didn't go home with her boyfriend but decided to hang with Tyler and the MTV camera crew instead. I of course don't know these people from Adam, but it sure as hell looked like she was trying to get her big break. He may be a total dick for all I know, but I kind of sided with her boyfriend, even if he thought it was a cool idea to wear that awful construction vest to the club. Speaking of which, did you see how the guys were dressed to go to the club? I've seen better dressed people in those "meanwhile at Walmart" photos.

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SFK - Yes! Glad Salwa is your fave. I love her exotic Bengali look & she just has so much star potential.

Cara was dolled up! Either the producers influenced that or something clicked for her at home.

And, LMAO. The guys definitely weren't dressed to impress at the club. I'm really tripping because I kind of can't believe some of them are over 21. They all act like HS kids I used to be around not too long ago. Crazy.

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Ok, I'm only half-watching right now. I keep turning my head every time I hear one of those ridiculously sexy hick boy accents, and seeing ol' boy getting down to his undies and jumping into the bayou river(?) wasn't bad either. LOL at the old man all verklempt over the boys riding the dirtbike without helmets :lol:

Salwa's delivery of the line "You're acting like a dumb bitch right now" was pretty amazing.

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Jessie B got his ASS BEAT by Tyler. DAMN! Tyler got all the hits in. LOL at one of the girls saying "Oh my god Tyler, that was so hot!" laugh.png

Jessie B was disgusting but entertaining too. The stuff at his house made me laugh so hard. Wow.

Tyler: "In my opinion, Shae's out Joey's league. I mean he's a cool guy and all but, man, she's hot!" laugh.png

Shae: "Salwa and I haven't talked since she called me a dumb bitch, but whatever I'm over it now" LMAO.

OMG...and Shae showed her slutty side in this episode. Little naive innocent girl licked apple butter off Joey's body and talked about how she's wanted to F him for a long time now. Wasn't expecting that out of her!

Good on MTV airing a gun safety PSA after that shooting segment of the show.

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Jessie B was filthy. Did you see his face? And I mean before Tyler beat it in.

I was really surprised by Shae. "Joey's built like a Jonas brother." Hahaha!

"Member-win-we-found-dat-daggone-cooler-wit-da-dirty-magazines-in-it?" LMFAO!

I want to be a contestant on Salwa's I Love New York-styled spinoff.

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Watched a few episodes tonight ... the one where that dirty ratchet Jessie J gets his ass beat by Tyler (Yum!), the bull riding episode and Joey's birthday. Shae is so weird to me. Her demeanor makes her seem like a total uptight b*tch, but she doesn't actually act that way at all. I think if I was friends with these people, me and Katie would be BFF's for sure. I like that the guys (Tyler / Shain / Joey) are care free and don't seem douchey at all, with Tyler even mentioning that if Jessie J (how unfortunate of a name for him! LoL) called any of the girls a bitch, he would be on his ass.

And I obviously love Shain too, but you can't tell me he's not at least partly retarded. Even the way his name is spelt left him with no choice but to be a dumb hick. LoL

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LMAO! Tonight I was cracking up at how his parents sound so coherent when they speak and here he sounds like a dadgum yokel.

Shae is very pretty but there's something about her that's a little off. I think she's using Joey.

When Joey found her vibrator I was going, "DUDE! Please do not lick it on television, please do not lick it on television, please do not lick it on television...!"

I never fall for people on television, but I look at Salwa's chest and my imagination just goes.

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No. They infamously screwed in Anna's bed, they were feeling each other, but Tyler has a roving eye and Cara realized it would never be anything serious. She still kind of likes him though and it looks like she's going to be very jealous about him hooking up with Becky (is that her name?).

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The latest episode really made me want to bull ride. Has anyone else? It really doesn't seem like it'd be that hard, I feel like I could stay on for a long ass time. IDK about the fake bull ride stuff, though. LOL. That was a freaking mess. Go Salwa!

Despite Joey being kind of disgusting and so beyond immature, I can't help but still find him & Shae cute. I'm rooting for them but also get the feeling she could be using him.

LMAO at the bolded.

I'm fascinated by Shae. It seems like she has many different sides to herself that come out. Does she have DID?

Katie! LOL.

That was hilarious!

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