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K&L Love Nest

Ryan Chamberlain

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I don't know if he'll be the cliffhanger or just on the full eppy. He didn't clarify. :(

Oh, there's a spumor going around that he's got a connection to Sam. And, that John and Sam are going to find clues that make it look like he's Sam's dad. But, then they are supposed to figure out down the line that Ryan's her father and Kevin's her uncle. Ha.

Samantha....You get stuck with PSYCHODADDY!

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That's right :( it probably won't be till next week. I always get it confused because here we get promos for [!@#$%^&*] like weeks before it even starts airing.

I'd rather it be Ryan than Kevin if they have to go there. I think that'd be more interesting.

If it was Kevin, it'd be annoying because why didn't Alexis say something when she first came on the show (I know Sam is a recon but you know LOL). She obviously remembers who Sam's father is, and doubt she'd hide it if it was Kevin. I guess we shall see.

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I said on another board when they mentioned in spoilers that Kevin informs the audience that there was never any vampires on PC. That it was all in Lucy's mind because of her guilt.

That they could retcon everything PC wise.

So, they could retcon that Livvie was Grace's (Or, was it her sister that was her mom?) and they could say she was Alexis's also. And, Alexis just didn't know. And, she came to PC on her own. Knowing her dad was Kevin. But, she didn't know she had a twin. Or, that her mom was Alexis.

So...Maybe Alexis has twins. Sam and Livvie.

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nope despise her, might like her if she ever owned the things she did and didn't look down on others self-righteously when she's done just as bad or worse. I was rooting for Todd against her the other day given what she did to Liz's kids and never paid for it, but has the never to want others to pay.

Anywho I think that's the route they're going is to make her and Sam twin cousins

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