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Does anyone here have Aspergers??


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I was reading an MSN article just now about aspergers. I commented on someone else's post who said that they are tired of people always assuming someone with Aspergers is the same as the next person who has it. I replied since I was in Julia Shugurbaker mode:





I think I met my new best friend (or my long lost twin)!! I am SOO tired of being around people who can identify some of my quarks and determine I have aspergers or find out about my disability and ask me complex questions about math/science. I HATE math/science. I like history/social studies. I can't spell so I do not even like English that much. Most people think I am joking when I say "oh, I like social studies better than math". They automatically assume that just because I have this disability that I am afraid of people and I would rather work on a computer in a small dark apartment.

I was eating lunch with my parents and there friends once at a restaurant. I think my parents asked how they explain there sons condition to other people. They said that "we tell family and friends that do not understand our sons condition to watch 'Big Bang Theory' and observe Sheldon." I was thisclose from going livid!

Who else can relate with my story??

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I have it, and I also have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Both illnesses certainly make life a challenge at times.

I feel extremely uncomfortable in social settings (though I usually do a good job at pretending that I am having a good time), so that is one way my Aspergers Syndrome manifests itself. (Posting anonymously on message boards really doesn't provoke anxiety.) The other Aspergers trait I possess is that I like to memorize facts (e.g., how well a song did on the charts) that most people don't care about. Like many others with Aspergers, I am fortunate enough that I can function well in society; sadly, those will full fledged autism cannot.

The OCD is perhaps even more difficult to deal with. For me, it manifests itself by having to check things too many times. I also have unwanted and intrusive thoughts constantly popping into my head, like family members dying or property damage occurring (if a compulsive ritual is not followed).

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