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Best and worst of 2011 primetime


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I wanted to like it and maybe I am being unfair because the show sounded like a winner but its just turned out to be IMO another procedural and I find the lead actor very blah and uncharismatic. I guess its not bad but its been the most disappointing to me based on my expectations.

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Best Show (overall) - NCIS, Fringe

Worst show (overall) - Terra Nova (I tried to give it a chance despite being bored by Jason O'Mara in Life On Mars but he still bores me silly and the rest of the show just wasn't doing it for me either)

Best Drama: - NCIS, Fringe

Worst Drama - The Mentalist --it's become formulaic and repetitive

Best Sitcom - I don't watch any current sitcoms

Worst sitcom - ditto

Best reality show -Biggest Loser (despite this past season being one of my least favorites) and The Amazing Race

Worst reality show - can't think of any that bad that I'm still watching!

Best new show - Unforgettable

Worst new show - Terra Nova and that one with Noah Wylie and the "skitters" (I've already forgotten the name of it)

Best actor - John Noble

Worst actor - Jason O'Mara (zzzzzzz)

Best new actor (to you) of the year - well...one new show I really like is Unforgettable and since Poppy isn't new to me I'll go with Dylan Walsh as I never really saw him in anything before

Favorite reality show personality - Phil Keoghan

Least favorite reality show personality - Brooke Boobs Charvet

Best scene (on drama or sitcom) - not just one scene but I'd go with Jim Beaver's tour de force performance on Supernatural after Bobby was shot

Worst scene (on drama or sitcom) - ???

Best reality show moment - JR wins DWTS

Worst reality show moment - Nancy Grace bitching her way through DWTS (pick any moment)

Most improved show - NCIS & Fringe --great already and just keep getting better

Most ruined show - The Mentalist--again, repetitive, too formulaic, Patrick Jane's charm wore off a long time ago, the Red John thing has become ridiculous, Patrick is too smug to be likeable anymore and the formula makes the CBI look like Keystone Kops that Patrick has to show everyone how stupid they all are....VanPelt has turned into wallpaper acting-wise, Rigsby and Cho aren't much better

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