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Storage Wars


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I just started watching a few months ago but they repeat enough to where I've seen most of the episodes.

I mostly like the whole idea of finding these amazing items, sometimes out of nowhere. This is the main appeal for me, more than the personalities, but, rating the personalities:

I probably enjoy Jarod and Brandi the most. They seem the most believable, they don't seem to worry so much about how to get camera time - their natural personalities and interaction with each other are enough to cause entertainment. Sometimes I wonder if Brandi is a little over it.

I also like Dave, even if he's there just to antagonize people. I'm glad we're getting to see other moments like when he accidentally broke the expensive item he found (a case or something) and started cursing himself and saying this was an amateur mistake. He's a dick to people but he is good-humored enough to where it isn't offputting.

Barry - too much camera whoring for me. Again, I like him, but I think I like him more in the moments where he's more himself (dragging out heavy items and having them fall on his head) than when he brings in whistles/psychics/scooters/Harlem Globetrotters.

Darryl - probably the only one I don't care for. I don't dislike him, I just think he's dead weight - he mostly is there to gruffly complain about everything and storm off.

I'm hoping that this new woman, Nabira or whatever her name was, who seems to be close to Dave, might become a regular. I know they've had other buyers around who have small roles and speaking parts (like the Hispanic guy last year who was painted as some quasi-nemesis to the others), but I think she's a good contrast to the other people and I'd like to see more of her.

As for Storage Wars: Texas, they seem to have worked very hard to cast based on "character". I think it has mixed results.

Moe - A little too much camera whoring for me; it seems like a bad Barry imitation (they even have the same theme music). I'd like to see him more as his own personality.

Lesa - Well, she's certainly a character. I wonder if she has a long history of this or if she's just there to cause drama - so far she hasn't bought anything, I don't think. She seems to be drunk or off her meds a lot of the time, or that's how her behavior comes across to me, anyway. She also reminds me of Liz McDonald on Coronation Street:


Jerry - I'd like to see more of him. He's the most natural with the one-liners, and has a likeable personality.

Victor - I am actually most interested in him of everyone in this cast. I loved that we got to see him bartering with someone and selling at a big loss - it was something I had always wondered about, as we see these big prices announced for items yet we rarely see what they sell for. I think he has a lot of charisma and personality. The only drawback is the badly scripted stuff where he keeps insulting Texans, complete with bizarre, stupid comments (like saying the North beat the South in the Alamo...unless the "North" is Mexico, I don't get it). I can't believe he actually says that stuff in real life, as most people would respond with a beating.

The Smiths - They don't do anything for me. Too many scripted catchphrases, and they are kind of dull.

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I find J/B the most interesting to watch, because as you said - it seems natural. They are not playing it up for the camera. They seem like this is them in their everyday life, and there just happen to have camaras following them. they are out to do the best they can and trying to have a nice business. Barry, i like but when they focus on him too much i get annoyd. Darrel is just annoying. And i HATE dave, a lot.

Texas.. i tried it, and hated it.

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WOW! Those little cases Jer & brandi got really are worth a lot! I have a TON of those in my grandmothers closet... humm....

I do wish the show would tell us how much they actually get for some of this stuff. The value really is only what you can sell it for, not what it may be worth.

Also, i LOVE it when the little end clips are of J/B & Barry.

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The second episode of Storage Wars Texas actually went into this, surprisingly. Victor found a huge Swiss Army knife that a dealer valued at $1400 or $1500. Victor wanted to get rid of it quickly and the dealer was a tough sell, finally agreeing to about $500.

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The Texas episode last night was probably the best so far. I didn't even realize until the end that the Barry knockoff, Moe, was nowhere to be found, and was then shoehorned in for some rambling conversation about wood that clearly took place at an entirely different time than the episode was filmed.

I hope this might mean they are phasing him out.

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I had read something about how someone made a mistake that cost them over a thousand on the Texas version. At this point, I'm only watching the OR Storage Wars, and I too liked the friend of Dave, whose name I could not recall.

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Victor, the guy from New York who likes to make fun of Texans, was manipulated into buying a scooter for about $1600. He then got chewed out by some bike expert who said it was a dime a dozen scooter, mass produced in China, and he didn't even have the key.

I think her name is Nabila. I liked in this last episode when she was bitching about Darrel. Of course, that meant Darrell got a big money purchase, but I still liked it. I hope that we see more of her.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I wonder how Storage Wars Texas is doing, and if they feel they are making any changes. The last few episodes have been a lot different from what was first offered - there's been none of Victor going on about Southerners, none of the tedious story about Lisa needing to show she can compete. There is less character stuff all around, although there's still a few too many bad puns.

This was the second episode where Moe was nowhere near the others, and his scenes were shoehorned in. Did something bad happen between them? Or is he being phased out?

The two Smith guys still annoy me and just seem dull. Episodes with less of them markedly improve.

That scene of Victor with the sword was way hotter than it should have been. As is he, generally...

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