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AMC: SoapNet Preview Must Mean

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there is a preview that David drops a bombshell on Kendall the 21st of November

after the soapnet previews my hope for David to say that Spike isn't Ryan isnt getting dimmer all the time, because David just must tell Kendall that Ryan is the father of Emma.

although i don't find it hard to believe that MMtrash precious .....

would get to be a father of Emma before losing Spike, it also isn't hard to swallow that they want or demand all things Lavery.

As in more babies being Ryan's . i am just wondering if anyone else thinks that Ryan becoming Emma daddy means Spike will belong to someone else ?

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I would much rather Ryan be Spike father then Madden. It is just too creepy for words and so vile and evil for Spike Kendell's first born maybe only child to be hers and Madden. That is a rape and violation all in it's own.

Give me Ryan baby daddy over Greg any day.

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^Well then the writers should keep Spike Ryan's and then rewrite it again so that Emma is really and truly Emma or she is really Annie's with some random guy who lives far away from P.V. Really don't get why Ryan gets 2 kids when last year the dude jumped off a cliff to avoid fatherhood. Ugh

Okay I'm done commenting on this...I will save my thoughts for a nice letter to be sent to Frons and McTavish. Hehehehe *rubs hands together in an evil way*


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Does anyone else think that they are going to make Zack Spikes father. There was that episode during the time they were waiting for the preturnity test to determine if Ryan was the father were they showed a scene of Zack holding Spike telling him not to worry he knows who is father is. And by judging from that sly look on his face I got the impression that he also switched up the donnor samples while he was making the lights go out.......What do you think????

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There's been so many anvils already that hint that Ryan's NOT Spike's father. I don't think it's a coincidence that Emma is sharing lots of scenes with Jon & Erin, and Spike hasn't had one scene with his aunt & uncle.

Actually I think the bombshell is that Ryan is Emma's father. I'm going by the new AMC promo

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This doesn't even make sense because supposedly Dr. Madden used Donor #1 on all the women except Kendall. Is McT now going to say that Ryan was Donor #1 and his sperm impregnated several women all over the world?

I hope Spike stays Ryan's son, although with McTavish's crappy plot twists, anything is possible.

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I hope Spike turns out to be Zach's son. I think David may have faked the latest DNA tests on Emma and that she really is Kate Martin afterall. I wouldn't put it past David, since he seems to be off his rocker slightly now. He's probably doing it to get back as Dixie for not leaving town with her. (At least I hope so since Emma looks so much like Dixie and I love Lucy Merriam as Emma and don't want her to be FakeLee's daughter).

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Ryan told Annie that he used to donate sperm to make money before he came to PV. annie said a few weeks ago that she got pregnant with Emma through a sperm bank, which meant that Madden had nothing to do with the conception of Emma. The only link between Madden and Annie is that he was her doctor while she was pregnant.

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Not so, at least not what was acted out a few weeks ago. Annie told Ryan that they (Annie /Terry) went to Madden because Terry had some sort of genetic problem so they didn't want to use his sperm. That is why they went to Madden.

Blame the writers for the confusion.

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