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AMC: Thursday, August 26, 2010

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AMC is doing pretty much everything I wanted for Kendall with her return this far. She's starting to go back to work and do what she does best (loved those scenes at Fusion today, she took charge and came up with a brilliant cosmetics idea in a snap); she's interacting with other characters more like Jake, Opal, & Bianca instead of the usuals. I hope she interacts with other different characters, to. She is staying true to herself and voicing how much she wants to stay home. So glad Zach understands, and has decided that they are going to stay in PV. Way to go. I'm also glad that AMC is keeping Zendall together. I think it is better this way, and Kendall is actually fully committed to Zach this time, and the boys, and Zach is the same with Kendall! It just works and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

I was LOL during those scenes between Kendall and the guy who wanted to by her and Zach's house! Kendall was hilarious, especially her facial expressions! I loved the way she handled it, she was funny and serious at the same time...more comedic Kendall, please.

What is AMC doing to Madison?? Omg why is she making friends with Greenlee, encouraging her to stay away from David? Madison WAKE UP, you should be encouraging her to STAY with David, or at least go back home to him, so she can stay out of your mans way! Do you not see that her and Ryan are getting closer??? I HATE what AMC is doing with Madison. Get her away from Ryan and Greenlee, AMC. Put her in the Hubbard orbit again, please. Anything, have her cross path's with Scott....just get her away from the butterfly and the ape. There is just no use!

Krystal and Caleb are so natural together! What a great pairing, AMC is taking this slow...it is just right between them. Also love David/Liza!

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Kendall ripping Joe Pescie's stand in was hilarious. I feel Kendall, but Zach IDK why he brings Kendall down for me. I think Madison being nice is to make Greenlee not chase after Ryan and Ryan is falling for Madison. I think Greenlee is going another direction, would not be surprised if JR and her cross paths.

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That's definitely not what I'm seeing. The direction she's going is straight into Ryan's brain, heart, & soul! That little moment at the end between them sealed it for me. They were about to kiss! Sharing memories over that picture, UGH...

Would love if Greenlee moved on, JR would be great...imagine that. Annie/Greenlee rivalry would come back in full force, and that is always awesome! Maybe she might go to him but I am not seeing the signs! All I see is Ryan/Greenlee getting closer by the second.

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The picture was for down the road. I don't think they were about to kiss, he just looked at her like 'what are we doing, I almost fainted' he's trying not to while clearly falling for Madison. I don't like this home maker version of her, WTF is that all about?

I would love that too, just imagine if she were to get in JR's orbit while Annie becomes what JR was when he was w/ Marissa, trapped. I think there is a chance of this b/c Greenlee told Ryan that she wants to hate Madison, but she can't, they have an understanding, they are friends. FTFs :lol:

Obvs. Greenlee will attempt to not go there and get him and David off her mind w/ someone. So far I can't think of a more perfect person than JR.

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I guess I can see what your saying, you brought up some good points, we will have to see....Honestly I really predict that Greenlee will turn out to hate Madison and she'll start to put the moves on Ryan more, and compete against Madison or something. But I REALLY hope I'm wrong, and your right!

I really think things will be different with Kendall this time around. These days she doesn't seem to be ALL about Ryan/Greenlee. We have seen the show exploring the other parts of her life besides them, in these last few episodes she's been in. I don't know if that's the reason you aren't going to watch her LOL!!, but just thought I'd point that out. To me it really seems like the show might aim her in a different direction, she'll always be connected to RyLee, but they'll drift away from that a bit with her...Future Fall spoilers seem to indicate that.

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For someone who could never stomach Zendall, Rylee or Krystal, this was a bad episode just because they dominated it.

I have no problem with Madison being nice to Greenlee, especially since they bonded when Madison first went to work at Fusion over their boarding school memories. What I don't appreciate is how Madison is comparing David to her abusive husband, Henry. I'm sorry, but this is nowhere near the same situation. Greenlee entered this marriage with her eyes wide open about who her husband was and she was his equal.

I think AllmyDaysatGH is right about Rylee. That scene with them looking at the picture clearly was meant to convey a closeness that they haven't felt in a long time. It looked like Cameron Mathison either played against what was written with the near faint or isn't talented enough to portray wanting Greenlee back.

I don't care for Tad helping Caleb dig up dirt on David. Lorraine Broderick did a great job of giving Tad a story of his own with Damon and getting him out of the constant "David is Evil" ranting. I hope his part in this story is short term.

I can't get behind Liza & David when the chemistry between her & Damon just leaps off the screen.

As far as Krystal & Caleb go, I've said it before and will again: He has the most chemistry with Opal and there is no need for Krystal to stay on the canvas!

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I hope I'm wrong, but it is starting to seem like AMC is dropping, or just moving on, from Damon/Liza. I think they are going to move forward with Damon/Colby/Asher, instead. Even though I really like those 3 together, I still wish AMC would do something more with Damon/Liza!! But I like David/Liza to so for me I'm torn...

Opal seems to dislike Caleb but that could change. They haven't had as much interaction as Caleb has had with Krystal these past few months, so idk. I just think Krystal/Caleb are so natural with each other and it just fits. Caleb/Opal could be good to but I want to see more interactions between them to really see if it could happen.

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