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Favorite TV characters (non-soap)


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I know the rules of what is a soap have become blurry over the years, so I'll leave that up to you. And this can apply to any show from any country, not just the US.

I hope someone replies so I won't feel completely pathetic...

Ellen Jackson, Mama's Family

Jessica Tate, Soap

Mary Tate, Soap

Lucy Papandrao, St. Elsewhere

Jack Morrison, St. Elsewhere

Meldrick Lewis, Homicide: Life on the Street

Kay Howard, Homicide

Felicity King, Avonlea

Adebisi, Oz

Shirley Bellinger, Oz

Laurette Barber, China Beach

Mickey Maguire, Shameless

Phyllis Lindstrom, Mary Tyler Moore Show

Rhoda Morgenstern, Mary Tyler Moore Show

Sarah Jane Smith, Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Adventures

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Doctor Who/SJA

Tegan Jovanka, Doctor Who

Donna Noble, Doctor Who

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Captain Kirk & Mr. Spock - Star Trek

David Banner (aka Bill Bixby) - The Incredible Hulk

2 Martin Landau characters - Rollin Hand (Mission:Impossible) & John Koenig(Space:1999)

Archie Bunker - All In the Family (Carroll O'Connor was simply pure brilliance in his portrayal--the kind where you totally forget you're watching an actor)

Ziva David - NCIS

Thelma Frye - Amen

Oscar Madison - The Odd Couple

Laverne & Lenny - Laverne & Shirley

Jim Ignatowski - Taxi

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Shirley Bellinger, Oz - My God, I could watch her for hours and hours. Completely spellbinding.

Anya - Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - My favorite character from my favorite show. I am still absolutely livid they gave since a quickly glanced over death. More and more I am starting to hate Joss Whedon. Ugh.

Robin - How I Met Your Mother

Dick - Veronica Mars


GINA - NIP / TUCK. - THE BEST THING ABOUT THE SHOW. PERIOD. "Eat [!@#$%^&*] and die !@#$%^&*]!" :wub:

Maggie (Tatum O'Neal) - Rescue Me. STEALS EVERY SCENE

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Poor Anya. They gave up on her years before her death. Weren't there some rumors about her having issues with Nick Brendan or something. Nick seemed to be having a lot of...issues in the last years of that show.

Yay, another Shirley fan. I thought I was alone! Even the Oz fans I knew in the day were freaked out by her.

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The episode where Xander goes off on her after she slept with Spike, forever ruined the character of Xander in my eyes. Ass Hole to the max. But hey, knowing that Xander was supposed to be the the gay one originally, having Anya as a character at all was a blessing in itself.

And no, I'm not just another Shirley fan. I am THE Shirley fan. Didn't you just love the friendship she had with the guys on death row? It's a shame that a show like Oz can write more genuine friendships between murderers than any soap can even wish to accomplish today.


On another note, reality series wise ...

JANELLE (BB6, ALL STARS) & AMY (BB3) from Big Brother.

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Why did they change their minds about him being gay? For all the endless hype Whedon gets, you are lucky to ever find gay men on his shows.

Xander should have been written off years before the show ended. Everything after season 3 was just bad. I remember that pathetic episode where he was kidnapped and put in his underwear -- there was some rumor that the show did that to Brendan to try to get him to lose weight.

I loved the friendships Shirley made. Poor Ritchie, where she showed him hers if he showed her his. And her lovely friendship with that Charles Busch character.

Oz sort of petered out but some of it was so damn good.

My favorite reality show person was Heather on the first Real World.

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The only gay man on Buffy was violently killed, so I don't know what that says.

It's funny because I can believe that they wouldn't want Xander too buff, yet they did have the episode where he was in a Speedo, and he looked pretty good then. Maybe they wanted him not too muscular but not too out of shape.

My favorite character on Buffy was Giles. And Cordelia.

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If it had been up to me, Buffy and Xander would have been gone years before the show ended, and they would have focused on Spike, Willow, Giles, and a few new characters. Or Spike and Willow as love/hate (not romantically, just as friends/enemies), Willow taking over Giles's old role, Giles making recurring appearances. SMG was beyond checked out in her last 2-3-4 years on the show anyway.

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There was a rumor that Emma Caulfield wanted Anya to die so that if there ever was a Buffy movie she wouldn't have to be involved.

So I don't off topic (sorry Carl)

Alex Mac, The Secret World of Alex Mac

Shelby Woo, The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo

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Get rid of Buffy? That I cannot get behind. Her name IS IN the title, after all. Though she was never a huge favorite, I never didn't like her.

Did you like season 6? I know I'm in the minority as I loved it, at least the latter part. How can someone not have loved Dark Willow beating the [!@#$%^&*] out of Buffy. I don't know why, but it made me smile. I know you have criticized the whole, Witchcraft as drugs SL, but it was one of my favorites. However, Tara was boring. Amy should have been the Tara role. I don't know why the show created another character, it wasn't needed.

Damn, sorry for going so off-topic LOL


Lilah - Angel. Such an unappreciated character.

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They could have changed the title. The ratings crashed in the last few years anyway I don't think they would have dropped a lot more without her. I think Buffy just became unbearable starting around season 4, mid/late season 3, and SMG was such a cold, unpleasant actress.

I thought season 6 was better in theory than in execution, especially Buffy/Spike. They came across as very bad fanfic. I liked Tara a lot but I understood why she had to die, and I thought the Willow story was very good.

She was great. She and Wesley were the best things on that show. Oh, and Doyle. Loved Doyle. I don't like to think about Glenn Quinn characters anymore but I did like Doyle.

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