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Mutya Buena applies for rights to Sugababes name


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Yesterday the Splendababes did an album launch concert for Sweet 7. I found it very telling that all the songs they sung were from the Muyta/Keisha/Heidi days, meaning two of them weren't around so it's basically karaoke. Why didn't they sing more of the singles from the Amelle days? I see why they would frustrate Mutya and Keisha. The new group is trying to trend off the old Sugababes glory days not their own achievements, which are few. It's even more odd watching the performances of old tracks because Heidi often had so few lines so you basically have two new girls with no connection to these songs butchering them.

I hope the original and real Sugababes can win the name back and return with a smashing new album. This is my favorite girl group and it's a shame what has happened. Now granted I do like a few of the songs on the Splendababes album, but it's very dated, cheap and throwaway. Just kinda party music, but inferior to the Keisha versions of the same tracks and no heart. Especially the ballads which used to be a Sugababes strong point.

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They've been dead to me for a while, I hate to admit. I used to think they were brilliant (at least on album--never great live) but... Splendababes! HA!

Though I have to admit out fo the rival UK girlgroups (who have made next to no impact outside the US and initially both used primarily Xenomania productions) I'm much more into Girls Aloud--just love how unabashedly camp and pop they are, no pretense at R&B 'respectability' ore pretense of co writing their own tracks ;)

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