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AMC: Monday, July 6, 2009

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I have another question.

Why is it that every time I do catch an episode of AMC the next morning on SoapNet, it's always an episode involving a scene with that horrid actress making me laugh my ass off?!

I'm still waiting for Judy Blye Wilson's and Michael Bruno's belief of "You can teach a beautiful person how to act, but you can't teach an actor to be beautiful" to kick in, here. It's been a year, and it looks like this beautiful person wasn't even taught to play "let's pretend" let alone ACT!

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I'm with you. I'm on a hiatus. Maybe in the fall when things tend to get better in general I'll come back. But actually watching every day like I did this past year? Nah! That's out. I don't like the majority of these people right now. I'm willing to forgive a shoddy, unoriginal plot if I like the characters. But combining the two makes it must-leave TV for me.

And as I've said before and will continue to say again -- DENISE VASI COASTED ON HER SUPERFICIAL BEAUTY LONG ENOUGH! If you (TPTB) insist on giving the Randi character heavy story, either get this blank slate an acting coach or RECAST THE ROLE!

It's bad... I mean, baaaad, if Randi's in danger of getting sexually assaulted, and I'm LAUGHING at her because I'm too busy watching the actress's performance rather than feeling for the character.

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I've read on her twitter of times where she's going to see an acting coach LOL.

They need to progress this damn Who Killed Stuart storyline - at this point I don't care! (as long as it's not Annie - the perfect scapegoat for Queen Erica and Princess Kendell RME)

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I hope it's pro bono... because otherwise she's getting taken for a ride, the viewers are suckered and this "coach" is laughing all the way to the bank. Even Ambyr Childers showed some signs of improvement after five or six months... and then she was immediately replaced with... Oh, mon dieu, it's MonGrief!

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AMC is very good at killing off promising characters. And giving piss-poor followup.

The level of interest in AMC here and at some other boards seems to have dropped markedly over the past few months. I wonder if people have just finally given up.

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