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ATWT: Weekly Disscusion for Aug. 4- Aug. 8

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I am just tolerating this stuff because I hope it will be ending soon. The poison story and the teen story. But boy Carly sure is back tomorrow....not seen with Parker. Instead helping jackass Holden save his marriage...ughhhhhh

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Ugh...don't you just pray Carly slaps him upside the head??? How stupid can he be?? Even pious little Luke knows the first step....stop running to Carly. For anything...sugar, the weather report, help with the groceries. Just. STOP.

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Maybe it's because there was no attempt at a clean-up of any kind after said bumping of the uglies, no shower, no damp towel, not even a handi-wipe. Those two must have been as ripe as rottening fruit on a scalding hot summer day.

Liberty is her mother's daugther-- so not surprised at her Katie induced " turn around ". Parker has had this "tude" for over a year now-- time for somebody to step to his butt.

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For the first time in a long time, I actually watched the whole show today. I watched it live so I couldn't fastforward. Usually I ff through the stuff I can't stand so today really killed me when we saw so much of the teens and Jack, janet, brad and katie. I use to love bratie but no with liberty there I can't stand them. Its all Liberty all the time and I'm on overload of that crap.

The poisoning stuff is super campy but its the only thing I'm watching because its involving more then just one character or couple in the storyline. I would perfer if Aaron and Chris would kill each other in this storyline but I'm thinking I won't get my wish. lol

Oh and about Meg its about time something terrible like her going crazy happened to her.

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OMFG!!!!! Can you believe Holden had the gall to stomp over to Carly's and beg her to go to Mike? Why does Carly continue to humiliate herself this way? As penance? Holden is a truly ball-less wonder.

At least when Carly tried to talk to Katie, post-Montana boink-oops I don't have a brain tumor, to get her to forgive Jack, it wasn't at Jack's request. It was her idea. Jack actually told her to stay out of his business. FCOL, how long is Holden going to act like a moron? How long is Carly going to romanticize this jerk as her "friend"?

Oh...and is it wrong that I

I did like the Bonnie/Henry stuff...even if I don't quite buy that Bonnie would give up lawyering at the drop of a hat.

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I actually didnt think the show was half bad. The bad part was Holden and Carly nonsense again. I kind of liked Mike with Lily. I saw a little something there. Henry is so much better without Vienna. If only Meg would have shot Paul when she had the chance. Tomorrows show looks good. Looks like this story is coming to a conclusion.

Ummm..as for your questions PJ. They were pissed.....lol

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STFU Holden! Lily needs to wise up and dump him for good. Here is Holden saying he misses Carly, but he has to do the right thing. Give me a break, how can anyone feel bad for him. He makes me sick. It will be hell if Holden and Lily get back together.

Meg going crazy is the best thing that ever happened to that character only because its about time she expierenceed pain in losing herself.

Henry needs to finally put Vienna behind him and more on. What is the girl's deal with breaking kind, funny Henry's heart.

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I agree with your post. I am just tired of this nonsense with Holden & Carly. This is one of the worst if not worst stories that ATWT has had on air.

I loved Meg losing it. She deserves it for sticking with Paul. I am enjoying it too

Yes, Henry needs to drop Vienna. Henry was more enjoyable today than when he is with Vienna.

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I still don't understand why ATWT went this direction with Carly and Holden, it goes against some core traits of these characters.

I'm a Paul fan so I like that after Meg with all of her bashing on Paul for being who he is, is now losing it. Its about time for some payback.

Henry is sunshine on this show.

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I used to like Vienna. However, it's clear TIIC don't have a clue about what to do with her, and making her into a Pepperkakor diner-frau is boring. She's as irritating to me now as Katie is. So, if they want to go Henry/Bonnie, I'm all for it.

What irritates me most about the Holden/Carly story is the fallout is all about pushing Lily and Parker. Oh...and the TINY fact that Holden still doesn't have a clue about what (or who) he wants. If he's with Lily, he wants Lily. If he's with Carly, he wants Carly. I still can't believe Pissy let the ball drop on this one. The reaction everyone wants to see is Jack's...and so far, that was about a 1.8 on the Richter scale.

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