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Infuriated over ATWT's Carly and Holden? Join the Debate

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Sometimes a soap can use a little unexpected shakeup (See Nick/Phyllis first encounter Y&R). However, this one is not igniting much spark, though I'm not as enraged as others. I have no investment with Lily/Holden with NB in the role, and even prior to that they were on thin ice with me. Plus, I'm done with Carly, and especially the insipid pairing of Carly/Jack. An affair every year is truly tiresome. In the end, both couples were pretty much destroyed before the pairing, and Carly has been acting like a ditz for months, so this affair just finishes it off.

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I can see what this mysterious "pjs" is trying to say. Both Carly and Holden have been unhappy for the past many months. On paper, the story seems pretty good. But what I, as a viewer, see on screen is Carly and Holden, two people who have known each other as relatives for the past several years, suddenly getting together. These two people have very little in common, and I just don't believe that they'd go for one another.

Also, this isn't the first affair that either of them has had. Both Carly and Holden have thrown their marriages under the bus for cheap sex before. This isn't nearly as ground-breaking as "pjs" makes it sound. Also, and this really gets to me, no matter how amazing you, as a producer or writer, think a story is going to be, it's the fans that have the final say. Simply writing the fans off as ignorant or shallow is totally nonsensical.

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I really don't feel strongly on this topic. I'm ok with Carly/Holden. I hope it's not long term, but like MD said, affairs on soaps really aren't ground breaking. This one isn't any different to me. Holden and Lily needed to break up, imo. It's fine with me if they get back together down the road, but I'd like to see one of them in a long term relationship with someone else before they go back to each other. My only complaint is that I wish Carly had hooked up with someone more interesting than Holden. Craig, Paul, Henry, Simon, Chris...anyone else.

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Like you I don't feel passionate about the storyline one way or another. I take it for what it is and accept it. I also happen to enjoy it once in a while. Like this week its been pretty good for example as opposed to some weeks past when it was dead boring.

However regarding your last quote I think "interesting" is the last thing she needs now. Carly's had plenty of excitement in her life. I think at this point Carly just wants some peace and relatively calm happiness with a guy. And for all his faults Holden is a relatively "safe" choice free fo drama. So I can see why she'd be steered toward him.

It'll be interesting to see just how far they push it with this couple. And for how long. I mean are they going to have the affair and then break up? Is it going to lead to them being an official couple (albeit Oakdale's most unlikely and least loved couple). Marriage and a baby?

Just pure speculation on my part but I'm very curious to see just they're gonna deal with the fallout. I mean Carly and Holden in one ginormous house with their huge brood of children just sounds like way too many kids to me...

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It's no secret I loathe them. I know affairs are common place, and why this one has generated so much disgust in me leaves me somewhat puzzled. It's as if TIIC went out of their way to smother this affair as understandable, using the kids, animals and meet-cutes so we'd ignore the smarmy undertones of Holden bedding Carly at summer camp, then hopping right back into Lily's bed out of "guilt".

I know I should sympathize with Lily, no matter who plays her. But I feel more sympathy for Carly, who is getting used with her permission and forced to watch Lily jump through hoops to "please" Holden too.

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Dear God!! They already have more children between them than the Brady Bunch. Holden doesn't need a sixth bio child. This Quad has way too many children between them and it's ruined Lily for me and is very close to ruining Carly. Stop the madness!!

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