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Lack of Racial Diversity in Daytime

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giggle! more like your need to pretend to use the ignore button, but then indirectly reply to literally everything i write. hee hee! obsessed much?

but back to the TOPIC: the actress that portray ameera on atwt is again another instance of the lack of racial sensitivity and diversity in daytime since she is racially miscast.

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lesli kay mentioned that she would have liked to play a bisexual felicia and get involved with............... brooke!

lk knows if your character is paired with brooke, you automatically gain frontuburner status!

felicia's bisexuality was always hinted at on b&b. even when lk arrived and first played her, stephanie had "the talk" with felicia and sally joked that if felicia were gay she's be a leather wearing lesbian or something to that effect. felicia even told steph that she'd never understand her love life.

as for gay characters, don't forget stereotypical sergei the wedding coordinator on b&b.

i think bailey was gay. the show never went there, but that was the subtext. that was the way paul williams played him IMO. anyway the way he was devoted to pierce and the way he broke down and cried when brooke busted him with the hypnotic crystal showed how far he'd go for pierce. he even cried when pierce threw him out, and i thought he would've made a very complex villain. bailey was after all the replacement for sheila when she skipped town with baby mary.

even bailey's rivalry with ridge was great since ridge was his typical pigheaded self. it was a good contrast. bailey's insecurities with his height could've easily been the reason why he didn't have any gay relationships, and this would've reflected the superficial nature of queer aesthetics that often uphold muscular and white as the standard of beauty. bailey could've resented ridge and the other fashionsitas of b&b since they conformed to the mold of what is beautiful. that and his obsessive crush on pierce could've been good drama on b&b.

but brad bell's too unimaginative for that.

however, since tc greene doesn't want the topic to be hijacked, onto RACIAL diversity then.

b&b had a black female designer in a bit part. her name was vivian. she would help eric. complete dayplayer/background character. then white margo (lauren koslow) kinda took over her part when margo set her sights on eric.

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Fluency in multiple languages is a staple of several cultures, and soaps could demonstrate that with simple greetings. Was Dru "ghetto" as much as at the bad end of a socioeconomic reality? Despite being illiterate, she was a talented dancer. The best time to have explored ethnic conflicts in Lily's relationships was when Davetta Sherwood played her. Her diction and demeanor was consistent with that of many urban African-Americans, let alone her look. Christel Khalil has no business in the role when her ethnicity is harder to identify. That's what I find SO insulting about daytime casting. People of color are always subject to inaccurate representation. GH's Gia was a black woman...played by a Latina. Biracial characters aren't played by biracial actors. Look at the actresses who played Lien and Bonnie on ATWT. Keemo on Y&R. There's no way in hell that Davetta would play a white girl though.

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@ DeeDee

Dru is such a proud character, it would've been nice if she discussed her background or African American history in general or African American models who came before her or African-American ballet dancers before her with Lily every once in a while. Or when she adopted "Day-von," as Rowell pronounced it LOL, I would've loved if the writers explained Dru's own situation more in depth now that she was helping out child that had been in her situation. They were way too general about it. Or if Dru and Neil remarked about the what it's like being Black executives. Or if they commented about how they're the only Black family in their circle of peers. Or how Gina's cooking at the GCAC is nothing like Aunt Mamie's. For goodness sakes, something!!!

Why on a half-hour weekly program like "Sex and The City," which didn't even have to invest as much information in their characters as a soap would because soap operas are daily, are the characters more realistic? When Charlotte became Jewish, she even hung the mezuzah to hang near their door Am I asking too much? Even campy, night-time soap shows like "90210" had a Catholic (Donna) and a Jew (David) and they stated their culture every so often.

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But Lily wasn't raised in an urban environment. Her parents are upper-middle class executives (I used "are" cause Dru WILL come back to Y&R this year, I can feel it) and she moved to Paris when she still a child. So, the weird thing about Lily is that she doesn't have a French accent. Even when she was introduced, Christel could've faked some sort of accent. Like Cady did on AMC with Dixie. Anyway, I totally buy Lily speaking and acting the way she does. What I don't get is why she's so dull. I guess children end up as exact opposites from their parents sometimes (i.e. Michael J. Fox on "Family Ties" LOL).

Davetta was a little firecracker, though. Loved that girl! You never knew what she was gonna do next.

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Regardless of where Lily was actually raised, the show could have found a middle ground for an audience starved for representation. Dru wasn't from Easy Street, and her experience should influence her children somewhat. At least Davetta was unmistakably African-American. That's much more understandable than hiring an actress without even a vague resemblance to the people portraying her parents. As far as faking an accent, Christel Khalil's valley girl airhead sound is completely inconsistent with being a Winters, let alone someone who lived in France. I don't care if you went to the whitest schools on Earth. How do you come home to Neil and Dru every day and not pick up their speech patterns?

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Well, Neil does speak without an accent.

And, coming from personal experience, both of my parents are immigrants and I 1) can't speak their language without sounding like a bad imposter and 2) speak more "American" than any of my peers from elementary school- high school.

I don't know how it's possible, considering how I'm from the Bronx, which is probably one of the most diverse environments in NYC. But I did watch a lot TV growing up LOL.

Y&R's not very particular about people's speech patterns, though. No matter where people are from or what age they are, they speak perfect English.

I always noticed how EVERYONE would say, "between him and me," which, of course, is correct. But would it be nice if someone was wrong sometimes LOL.

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