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Days: Tuesday, Feb. 12

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Great show today..I actually loved all the plane drama..I think this is going at the right speed..I like them working up to the enevitable crash..From reading spoilers, we know this isn't drawn out very long...Also John had some hillarious dialouge today..My favorite line of his was "guess that ends my cocktail hour."

I was pretty scared for everyone on the plane by the end of the episode..and I really want to commend the young actress playing Claire..She is quite the find..

Finally, i loved the Victor, Caroline, and Chelsea scenes..Great interactions, and i enjoyed them telling Chelsea about their past..With Victor helping Chelsea, i can see her wanting to get closer to him and find out about her heritage..And that flashback was perfectly inserted and really intensified the scene..

We can all blast Dena Higley for what she did before, but if she's writing the show now..So far i'm impressed..

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Maybe it's too early to tell if Dena is worth all the trouble to get since it is a "sweeps" month and bad HWs like to write very crazy overbudget storylines compare to the borefest during the non-sweep months. And, having a EP like Ed Scott couldn't be the worst idea in the world to help with Dena's overdone stories. It goes to show you that we need more acclaimed EPs for all the soaps and what HWs are willing to write when they about to lose their job.

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i loved how the show can suck one day and everyone can say "damn DH! yep shes writing now!!" then its great and its "oh, its to early to tell. is DH edven wsriting yet?" lolz.

anyways, the show was great today.

philip/chloe talk about love was good. belle/shawn/claire was good. i also liked they didnt say they ever loved eachother.

bo/hope/patch/kayla/mar was good. john rememberd about planes was annoying.

but the ebst part VICTOR/CHELSEA/CAROLINE! holly [!@#$%^&*] where did that come from!

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It wasn't that bad.

The plane stuff was good and I liked the little things like Shelle trying to comfort Claire, all the emphasis and concern for Shawn Sr, all the technical plane talk. Also loved John calling the people on the plane his family and kind of wondering why he said that. Putting him in this position to help him remember being a pilot and all was great. I love hos one liners too. Phloe was good too. Loved their talk about love. Nadia did overact today though. Wow...

I don't mind Roman and Kate and was happy to see Kate remain a bit feisty but if I see her get any softer, I will be pissed. She needs to maintain her edge or they will lose me with this one.

Caroline and Victor started out great. I love their interaction and talks, especially today with them talking about his softer side and how she brings it out. I also liked their interaction with Chelsea but damn did they botch her asking about how they conceived Bo. I mean, it's natural for her to want to know and since Victor was away for awhile I don't mind her finally asking now but they could've had them talking and gradually work to that subject rather then just having her blurt it out. It was just awkward. Loved the flashback and most of the scene.

All in all, not bad but the dialogue was hurting in this episode. It tends to come and go with the scabs so hopefully it's better later in the week.

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