Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 BS. This whole thing. If he wants to debate Obama, why did he say he wanted to postpone the debate? And why is he threateing not to go to Old Miss for the debate? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Thanks for this article. It hasn't been mentioned by some that McCain nor Obama are on the commitees negotiating this why are either there? It kills me that McCain is coming off like HE is "The One" who will have saved the country from this mess. Forgetting that he is one of the Senators who never voted for regulating the industry in the first place. I know, Ryan. People stay on that BS when issues are smacking them in the face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 And Casey, you blasted the MSNBC poll yesterday....but have had no problem posting poll numbers when they benefited McCain. Just wondering where the flip-flopping is coming from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Palin won't reveal her finances until after debate By SHARON THEIMER – 51 minutes ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Sarah Palin requested and received an extension of the deadline for revealing her personal finances, until the day after her only debate with Democrat Joe Biden. The Republican vice presidential candidate received a four-day extension Thursday from the Federal Election Commission. The federal financial disclosure report was initially due next Monday. Now, Palin has until Oct. 3, the day after her debate in St. Louis with Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee. Earlier this month, Biden released a decade of personal financial records that showed the veteran U.S. senator from Delaware earned less than many of his congressional colleagues. For example, Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in 2007. On Thursday, Biden submitted an updated report to the Federal Election Commission Presidential, vice presidential and congressional candidates must all file ethics reports outlining their assets and liabilities. That includes such things as sources of income, real estate held for investment purposes, stocks and debt. Trevor Potter, general counsel for the McCain-Palin campaign, told the FEC that the campaign initially thought it had until Oct. 4 to file the report, but then learned the FEC set an earlier due date. "Most importantly, because Governor Palin has not previously run for federal office, it is clear to us that additional time is required to compile and prepare Governor Palin's financial information," Potter wrote. "As you are well aware, the Executive Branch financial disclosure form is vastly more complex than most state disclosure forms, and requires the assemblage of a quantity and level of detail far beyond that reported previously by the governor in Alaska and therefore readily available." In granting the extension, the FEC said that if Palin requests still more time, the last possible due date would be Oct. 6. Palin's federal financial disclosure report will provide the most complete look yet at her assets and liabilities. For example, it will show whether she and her husband Todd hold any mortgages for real estate investments, and roughly how much any property held for investment purposes is worth. The financial reports that Sarah Palin filed as Alaska governor list property the couple held at that point, but not how much it was worth; how much, if any, profit they made on real estate sales; or how much, if any, mortgage debt they held. Such information is a standard part of the personal financial disclosure reports that members of Congress, administration officials and federal candidates must file each year. The reports allow the public to see whether politicians may be receiving favorable financial treatment from people with issues before government or have any potential conflicts of interest. They also offer a glimpse of their ability to manage their personal finances. The financial reports that Palin has filed in Alaska over the years show the Palins have often had several sources of income. Last year, for example, Sarah Palin earned $125,000 as governor. Her husband took in $46,790 as a part-time oil production operator for BP Alaska in Prudhoe Bay, $46,265 commercial fishing for salmon from June to July in Bristol Bay, and $10,500 in Iron Dog snow machine race winnings. Hosted by Google Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 So if I question McCain's inabilty to multi-task it will be because I'm against bi-partisanship? No, it will be pointing out a flaw in his abilities to handle more than one thing at a time. Had McCain recognized at the onset that this was a problem I would have some empathy but he said several days ago that the fundamentals of our economy are sound. He also hasn't said anything that makes me believe he's Mighty Mouse coming to save the day. He lied to David Letterman saying that he was on his way to the airport when he was in fact getting made up for an interview with Katie Couric and this morning he was still in New York so he could appear at Bill Clinton's Global Initiative. It doesn't seem as if he were in a hurry to get back and take care of any urgent business. The basic compromise has already been pretty much worked out since the Democrats are going to give in on their request to allow bankruptcy judges to be able to modify mortgage this is the White House photo op....look how we're all working together taking pictures. Excuse me if I don't applaud while our elected officials are posing for pictures instead of working on Capitol Hill. Who should reimburse 'Ole Miss the $5.5 million the non-event would cost them? When McCain speaks everyone is supposed to listen? Is McCain the word now? You were saying that Obama is like a kid on a playground which is what I've been saying about McCain for quite some time. He can't have his Town Hall Meeting so the whole tenure of the campaign has to be dictated by him....even though he said he wouldn't go negative. I've said he's the school yard bully and every time you say something that sounds like do it McCain's way or you're wrong, you give it credibility. Since we don't think the same thing and you're going to go with your mystery with what I'm going. Your words are lost on me since I'm not concerned about them amending anything. I am more concerned that they weren't doing their jobs in the first place and that all the President's men failed to see this coming and that one presidential candidate didn't know it was a problem until several days had passed. When did it become an asap situation? It sounds to me as if the fire started when McCain discovered excuse me if I'm not more worried about it today than I was say....uhm several days ago when it dawned on me that something isn't right. If the members of Congress are that naive as to be inspired by the presence of these two men they've seen many times before, charging in to save the day....hmmm....we need a new Congress as well. Unless you are telling me that those two are going to threaten some members of Congress into voting on some bill that maybe these members want to think over a little bit more....since billions or a trillion is at stake...then I say smile for the camera candidates...this is your moment to get a really nice friendly picture taken. Since I'm not partisan, I don't see why I should think bi-partisanship should be applauded. These people get elected and paid to work together for the good of the country and its citizens and I'm supposed to pat them on the back for doing their jobs....because working together is so hard? When they do something extraordinary then I'll be wowed. And yet he couldn't tell there was trouble a brewing in the economy.....gee that's disappointing. It's a good thing he stepped down then. In closing my friends, I would like to say that if even though I support Barack Obama, if he were doing what McCain is doing and has done, I would take great issue with him and would post to that effect as well. I also think, Casey, that you would be joining me in lanbasting Obama and you would be extolling the virtues of McCain....oh wait you do that even when McCain is wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 And it has now just been reported that the WH is resisting cutting the $700 billion price tag. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Well, I've been holding off posting anything because I wasn't sure I'd have the energy to debate the latest "issue" of McCain's statement on the financial crisis. I really have nothing more to add on this topic that hasn't already been discussed. However, I firmly believe that this is just a political ploy by the McCain campaign. If McCain was so concerned or worried about the financial meltdown, he would have returned to Washington last week. But he waited until Obama's numbers started going up and they cooked up this faux issue of postponing the debate. This was all over Fox "News" this morning and all supportive of McCain (shocker). They had Newt Gringrich on (of course, there was no Dem in sight) and Newt said that unless McCain can completely change the entire bailout plan, it will more than likely backfire on him. He said the only way that McCain can come out looking like a leader is to have the entire plan that Congress is now close to agreeing upon thrown out and begin again with NO bailout ($700 bil). What are the odds of that happening? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Constituents have been calling reps against the bailout..I heard 70% against it this morning but since they didn't say the total number of calls then I just take it that of the people inclined to call, more than two-thirds are against it. Congress is right to want to trim the amount to see how the plan is working before sending more money after it. If it's not working then they leave themselves the option of trying an alternative. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 What will be interesting? If McCain comes out and supports the Bush WH on this. If it looks like he is backing not cutting the amount..... What will the spin be then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Newt? Talking sense? Surprising. This whole stunt reeks. If he doesn't show up tomorrow night, I hope Obama calls him out for being a coward. This is amazing. Just now on MSNBC, C. Brewer asked a reporter form the WP that, if McCain were so worried about this bill.......why hasn't he voted on a single bill since April? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 he missed a prime opportunity to take charge when he was busy saying the fundamentals of the economy are sound, explaining that fundamentals meant workers, calling for a firing, changing his mind.....what a bad break. How about that Rick Davis getting money from Fannie Mae when he wasn't working for them? Why does Fannie Mae pay people not to do anything and why does McCain have a lobbyist or former lobbyist running his campaign when he's all about reform? Will he ever come up with the right words for Carly Fiorina's pot of gold? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Hold up! WTF?!?!? Didn't McCain say he was suspending all campaign-related activities? Then why the [!@#$%^&*] did I just see a NEW ad saying that McCain and his congressional allies "lead tough rules on Wall Street, stopped CEO rip-offs and are protecting our savings and pensions"???? First of all, the CEO and Saving/Pension stipulations were suggested by the DEMOCRATS. It wasn't until like yesterday that the Repubs finally caved. Secondly, if he's suspending all ads, again I ask, WTF is this doing airing to begin with?? This is looking more and more like a political stunt and diversion to distort the issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Com'on. Don't you know, Wales, that these things no longer matter? McCain is sacrificing his candidacy for the good of the nation. He's showing such strong, non-blinking leadership on this issue! Can't you see that??? Why can't you just put aside all this partisan bickering and get behind our new self-appointed "leader"??? So anyway. If you want, you can hold your breath on a response to those questions with me and Roman. We're still waiting for a rebuttal to ours a few days ago. It'll be fun! Join us! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Let me borrow a Republican hat....wait I'm putting it on.....I can now confidently answer this question...he's been busy campaigning because America is desperately in need of a maverick who is going to change and reform and none of those bills were about change and reform or the very wonderments of being a maverick....but my friends America is now in a real financial crisis and he not only needs to lead the charge to fix this but now it makes sense to vote on this sort of thing as opposed to the non-changing non-reforming bills of days gone by. Forget about last spring, last month, even last week, because da maverick is now in da house about to rock the vote on the bailout bill. Can I get a woo woo? I'm giving the hat back now....I don't think I should borrow it again. Get McMighty Mouse a cape he comes to save the day. Are you sure he said suspend and not revamp? Maybe they mean the same thing in maverick speak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 What Greg said is true. McCain negative ads are running across the country. When did his word no longer mean anything to him? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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