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ATWT Friday December 7

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Other than SpermQuest, this has been a fairly balanced week.

I'm floving the Bob/Chris/Kim stuff. Shout out to Kim telling Dusty that Jen had a special place in her heart because she was named for Kim's sister.

SpermQuest: Barf. I think Carly wasn't acting out of jealousy (but I wouldn't blame her if she did...) but I'm tired of everyone dumping on her. Even Brad joined in, whining that she's not acting like a friend to him. She's doing exactly to him what he kept doing to her when Jack was caring for her and she hoped for more. Actually, Carly's the one making sense. What she hasn't factored in is that she's dealing with Katie, who doesn't have the sense God gave a gnat. What's hilarious is that Brad throwing Carly out, is the one sure-fire thing to get Katie humming, kwim?

Jack...nice scenes with Parker...but he seriously needs to STFU with Carly. Katie's been making air-headed decisions since the minute she rolled into town.

Ho-hum...some dayplayer blackmailing Rosanna? REALLY? Like she couldn't buy and sell him 500 times over? And there's something creepy about Eli, lab tech.

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I'm ready for a progression in the Memorial Hospital story. Of course ATWT is a soap opera like any other, and too cowardly to infuse current events into their stories. But at this point I need to know why Evan's research is important. WHAT is he researching in the first place? Stem cells? It's time to get more specific about this, because Bob's vague worries about the board's approval are just as empty as Chris pushing the issue so forcefully. He argues with Bob like there's somebody who will literally die any minute unless the research is done. Why hasn't Susan weighed in on the issue? Or Alison, who also works at the hospital again? Even Eli! Isn't Lucinda on the board? I thought she had a stake in Craig's failure with the project? It simply doesn't work to have a far-reaching plot only affect 3 or 4 people.

Parker's drive to put Jack and Katie together is annoying. Carly needs to find out that her boy is helping to keep her off Jack's mind. She should be spending her time reasoning with him instead of worrying about where Brad's sperm winds up. Why interfere with Brad and Katie when La Peretti could potentially forget all about Jack in the process of getting pregnant?

Can't Rosanna just stay in the darn hospital bed until her inevitable vegetation happens? There's no point to her running around eavesdropping on Paul anymore.

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I actually enjoyed today's eppy. I didnt care for any of the Brad/Katie./Jack/Carly nonsense. Jack sounds like a damn broken record. Get over yourself Jack. You are not the saint you are. :rolleyes: I am hating Parker more. Gosh...talk about being such a [!@#$%^&*]!!

Wow!! Bob and Kim as a cliffhanger ending and on a Friday? I almost fell of my chair in awww. :huh::o:P

I loved Eli blackmailing Rosanna.

Next weeks previews look good.

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This was MUCH better than Thursday's disasterous episode. Bob and Kim were great, but what's new? SO glad to see these two with a more prominent place in Oakdale. I just have one question...WTF happened to Lucinda and Worldwide? Where is Susan? Does Lisa even live in Oakdale? lol It's like they rotate the vets for what little screentime they do get.

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Today's show was much better than Thursday, still way to much baby crap, and as much as I like Katie and Brad and I do, did we need a soft core porn flick, good grief Luke and Noah can't kiss, but we can get soft core porn from straight couples? Dare I hope Luke and Noah's love scenes will even be half of what that was. I agree with PJ that is was a balanced week, minus Thursday's eppy, that one was just not good, that and Luke and Noah were missing the entire week so that was not a good thing. Totally loved Bob and Kim getting lots of airtime this week, and like Ron said great seeing vets in a cliffhanger on a Friday show, so thumbs up to ATWT for that.

I wonder who did what to Bob, because I don't think it was Chris.

Next week does look good.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Dec 7 2007, 08:27 PM)
Bob and Kim were great, but what's new? SO glad to see these two with a more prominent place in Oakdale. I just have one question...WTF happened to Lucinda and Worldwide? Where is Susan? Does Lisa even live in Oakdale? lol It's like they rotate the vets for what little screentime they do get.

I wouldn't say Bob & Kim have a more prominent role...yet. They may be 2 of the most important employers in Oakdale, but the past couple weeks will mean nothing unless their inclusion is sustained for the forseeable future. They're only being utilized to prop up Chris. Lucinda and Susan definitely should have a part in the medical research drama, but of course they're nowhere to be found.

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