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Days:- Phyllis and Linda

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Can someone please tell me some of characters Phyllis Anderson and Linda Anderson?, Linda was Mickey`s secretary i think sometimes, wasn`t she also Madame Duprix, she dressed out as her?... I think both there women where villainesses, or bitches... Anyone kows a little bit about them?...Thanks...!

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IIRC, Linda wasn't just Mickey's secretary; she was his mistress, too.

At the time, Mickey was married to Laura, but Linda was determined to steal him away, and even claimed he fathered her daughter, Melissa. Blood tests, however, would reveal that Jim Phillips, not Mickey, was Melissa's biological father. (Plus, there's the fact of Mickey's sterility, which I don't think he would discover until he learned Bill was Mike's real daddy.)

Jim and Linda married, then left town. Linda, however, returned to Salem several years later and eventually remarried, to Bob Anderson, who had previously married (and divorced) Phyllis and Julie.

As for Phyllis, she came to Salem with Bob and their daughter, Mary. She and Bob moved Julie into their home after Julie's then-husband, Scott Banning, died at Anderson Construction. Phyllis would come to regret that decision, however, once Bob became attracted to Julie.

Once Phyllis and Bob divorced (after she tried to shoot Julie, but shot Mary instead), she married Neil Curtis, whom she genuinely loved, but who nonetheless was a gambling addict, and in love with Amanda. Needless to say, Phyllis and Neil's marriage was doomed from the start.

IIRC (I'm trying to remember from all the stuff I've read about DAYS over the years), Phyllis gave birth to Neil's son, but there were complications, and the child died. Neil began having an affair w/ Mary, who was supposedly involved with Chris Kositchek. Phyllis thought telling Chris about the affair would be a good way to get back at Mary. However, when Chris not only forgave Mary but continued seeing her, Phyllis became fed up, divorced Neil and left town.

Some time later, Phyllis returned to Salem in order to take care of Bob, whose health was failing. She and Bob were supposed to remarry, but he died at Mary's wedding to Alex Marshall. Mary blamed Phyllis for her father's death; Phyllis left town again.

Phyllis returned one more time after Mary was murdered by the Salem Strangler (ironically, Chris' brother, Jake). Mary left her part of Anderson Manufacturing in her will. Phyllis, though, has not been seen or heard from since.

Yep, lol. In 1984, Linda posed as Madame DuPrix in order to buy up many of the local businesses in Salem. This was several years after her marriage to Bob had basically imploded, and she left town with Melissa in order to stay in his will. Linda wanted Melissa's shares of Anderson Manufacturing, and when she didn't get them, she led her to think she was sleeping with Melissa's boyfriend, Pete Jannings, as revenge. (Some mother, huh?)

Also, Linda encouraged Alex to burn down the Anderson plant, so they could collect on the insurance policy. However, someone (Larry Welch?) found out, and then blackmailed the two. After that, Linda was forced to leave again; and she, like Phyllis, has not been seen or mentioned since.

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