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AMC: Wednesday

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The Ryan Down Under

Well you get voted off of a dance competition but better beware because Super Ryan is still active and in pursuit of someone that has a lot of information for him! Yep he has to put up his dancing shoes but now his new assignment is to track down this person who claims that Ritchie actually killed someone. Well lord knows Ryan's cuckoo wife has flown over the nest quite a few times that she would be crazy enough to pay him off to implicate her brother. After all, she seems to have no shame in sending him to prison for a long time over zip nada split dip kit lickity lickity. What is seven years really to people? I mean that is not necessarily a long time...some married couples wait that long before they have some spawns with some even giving birth to a devil's spawn and naming it Damien! Yep now Ryan just has to get in touch with this thing and try to find out from him who, what, when, where, why, how, duh, does he have a brain, is he dangerous, is he armed (oh oops that would be the same as dangerous but idiot Ryan would not know!), does he wear nylons, should he be banished to Australia to get kicked in the nutz by a kangaroo. A lot is at stake for this mission but heaven knows that Super Ryan is there to take on the task and will be making some pukeheaded actions all the while he does it. So sit back, relax, and just enjoy the nice little thrilling show of Dynamite Kiddo locating the "I know a killer" dude and see what he figures out in the process. I bet he will realize that Ronald Reagan really did not win The Cold War (for once he would be right because that is the truth) but he also may think that Vietnam was a true victory when it only raised communism. Well Super Ryan can go after those communists and pontificate to them about the evils of the practice and get his head blown off (both of them)....he may even come to realize that the square root of 100,000 is a rather large number, not a little meansly two (the two part corresponds to how long his wee wee is in millimeters). This mission shall be one full of stupidity, conning, scheming, lying, and stealing. And no one takes greater pleasure in those things than the HIGH H0 of Pine Valley. He may even sail away on a ship to get to meet this person....while he does that, who knows he could be convinced that he is a pirate and pilfers people out of money..ARRRR ARRRRR! I see the Mutiny on the Bounty, I see France, I see Dynamite Kiddo's underpants! What else is new, eh? Get that HIGH H0 out to sea and maybe drown a nice little slow and painful death. Blub blub blub so long farewell au wiederstein good night. Bon Voyage, Hasta La Vista dipsh*t, au revoir, adios, hasta manana (oh wait not tomorrow! Forever!).

Ava's hair

Okay I have a question. How did they manage to get rid of that mohawk super quickly and get her regular hairdo back on the way it is now? Is that a wig she is wearing while she shaved the rest of it off a la Britney Spears? Maybe she and Johnny will pull a 55 hour marriage in Las Vegas and she will tell him to "Gimme More"

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I can see why Tad would not want his son around Adam...after all, Adam has a checkered past and nearly sold Tad's daughter on the black market and almost prevented him from raising her. Tad has every right to be concerned for his child....Adam has also sent someone to a mental institute when it was unnecessary, switched sperm samples to tear apart someone's dream of fatherhood, gaslighted two of his ex wives, blackmailed his daughter in law, and that is just a short list. Sure Tad did kill someone but that is beside the point. This is his daughter we are talking about here who Adam almost succeeded in selling off the black market. Why should he not be concerned?

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I think the only difference between Tad and Adam is that Tad (and apparently everyone around him) believe that the end justifies the means. Case in point, torturing Dr. Madden. He did so because he wanted to find out where his daughter was-- not knowing Greg would take the secret to his grave (no pun intended). I guess because Greg Madden was such a scumbag, people were okay with what Tad did to him. Cheating with someone's wife? It's okay if you're Tad Martin mourning the loss of your child all over again. Being the victim of a cheating wife? If you're Adam Chandler (you're always up to no good) you had it coming, bub.

And Krystal needs to STFU about Adam kidnapping Jenny b/c she kept Bianca from her child, so she had that ish coming to her. Karma is a bitch. There isn't a single character on this show that can talk down to anyone else, because no one's hands are clean. But, that's real life as well.

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that may be so but that negate what Adam did?. Tad is supposed to be trusting of Adam around his daughter considering what he did. Yes Tad has done wrong to Adam as you have pointed out and this is all reason why Adam hates Tad and would hurt him through his daughter which he already has. Tad is completely justified in wanting him to have no contact with Jenny. Im an Adam fan but looking at this objectively, I would be cautious about him myself if I was in this storyline

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THAT'S where these discussions start to grate on my last nerve because people tend to think all because one side brings up a certain bundle of situations as evidence that a certain character needs to shut the hell up that means that side is trying to negate the things another character has done.


I know that where I'm coming from is that Tad needs to shut the hell up because he's done a lot of despicable things in the name of love and in the name of his children just like Adam has. One person's "crimes" doesn't negate the other's, but let's be real, here. Why is it that Tad can go around screaming from the rooftops how evil Adam is, when Adam has yet to bury a human being alive and subsequently murder them -- and then get off scott free after framing two people who were innocent of the crime? All because Tad suffered in silence with the burden of guilt for, oh, I dunno... three weeks, and then had Father Clarence absolve him?


Tad doesn't own up to his horrible actions towards others, but wants everyone to pay for their trespasses against him. He doesn't see how sleeping with Adam's wife, getting her pregnant and then unlawfully moving into Adam's house and then having Adam drugged and stripped naked in Adam's place of business could even possibly trigger Adam's actions. No. He's just an innocent victim to evil baby selling Adam.

Give me a break, sit the f*ck down and shut the hell up, Thaddeus. I would understand if Tad had grown from his mistakes and has developed a greater sense of compassion and understanding about how people can make extremely bad decisions in the name of love and heartbreak. But it hasn't.

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