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ATWT Wednesday October 24

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Thank goodness for Lucinda, she rocks. Well, well what do we have now with Lily and Dusty--- wait, wait-- have to much to drink, spill something on your clothes, take a shower, put on a bathrobe, fall asleep, get caught by hubby. Gee how novel.

So Maddie bites the dust. To bad this character was never developed to full potential. I really wanted her to be Katie's pain in the as s. Oh well.

What a waste of TG's Iris.

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Completely bored. At least when either Quad from Hell is on, I can rant on their combined stupidity. That's fun.

Seeing Holden and Lily's 1 bizillionth misunderstanding/breakup isn't fun...it means they're too stupid to live. Did Holden even see Lily lying like a passed out lump on the bed? I wish TIIC were brave enough to let Lily get her groove on, instead of playing the eternally frumpish housefrau. (BTW...whoever gave Martha that haircut or style, needs a serious beatdown. It makes her look like David Lee Roth, circa 1987.)

It may be refreshing to see a couple talk about their motivations and misunderstandings...but spare me it being Nuke all the time. It just neuters them storywise. These are 18/19 yr old kids. Show them being idiots about love.

Nice Maddie/Henry/V scenes...too bad we can only see them once in a blue moon. And sue me...but the last thing V and Henry need is a child.

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Today's show was so-so. I loved Lucinda! I didnt care for Gwen and the baby mess. Henry and Vienna are just boring. Great seeing Emily. It looks like KMH is refreshed and ready to tackle Pissants bad writing. :lol: And doesnt NuChris look like Aaron to you? :huh:

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He kinda does, doesn't he? With the messed up hair....and he looks way younger than Bailey Chase. It's shocking to see Ali and Chris both looking in the mid-20's. Before it was like a 40 yr old man with a teenybopper. :D

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Haha..yeah...I liked the two previous Chris's. Not sure if I will like this one. He looks way too much like Agim Kaba. And he has the same damn smile as Agim. :lol:

Forgot to mention Nuke. I am getting bored with them. I dont know what it is. Maybe it is Noah's doom and gloom look everytime he is on screen? Or Luke stuck in that wheelchair? Or maybe it is because Luke and Noah haven't really discussed why they were attracted to each other? Are we ever going to get an explanation to that question? Their chat was nice but a bit boring. Jean can even bore me with my favorite couple. <_<

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I may be just tired and delirious but I could swear I read somewhere (in one of the mags) that the show, when casting Chris, was looking for a 'younger Bailey Chase' type...so was their intent to de-soras Chris?

I didn't watch the whole show but what I did watch of Nuke was wonderful! I'm going to try and catch up on clips soon.

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I should direct you to the wacko on YouTube who attacked all my problems with the holes in their story. :lol:

I liked seeing Lucinda too, but it's apparent to me that La Walsh has been de-clawed. She can't really meddle in her family's life, because everyone's old enough to push her away. She's been completely shut out of Rosanna's plan to hurt Craig too. :angry:

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Yeah, the real Lucinda would have stomped all over Holden. I am sure missing the real Lucinda. And it would have been great had Rosanna given the company back to Lucinda instead of giving it back to Craig. So much [!@#$%^&*] writing from Jean P.

And the scene with Nuke was nice but something was missing. What's next for them? Going around town holding hands and kissing in public? Going to a social event and dancing together? Having hot sex!? :P I am getting bored and thats not a good sign.

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