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DAYS: Thursday, Sept. 27

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Well, as everyone said, this was simply a fantastic episode stuffed with soapy goodness. I can't think of anything I would want done differently. And how fantastic is it that this happened after Ed Scott was there so everyone and everything looked so damn pretty!

Where to begin...

I wish I had the power to nominate Joseph Mascolo for a best supporting actor Emmy right now. Command performance today. Then again I could watch this man read the phonebook and be content (especially when he got to the Rs!). Frank Parker did well too with what was required of him. That graveyard confrontation was so awesome. And I love Stefano's cane! I wish they had got him one sooner.

I know most people hate the letters, but I'm personally going to miss all the supercouples just sitting around and getting together like this when they are over. As weird as it sounds to make note of it for as few lines as he had, I felt like Drake brought more energy to the letter scenes than he has on other days.

One fun side effect of Roman being missing has been more Abe. It's good to mix it up every once in a while and let him do some of the police work, not just the Bradys, and I liked him being there with Steve. And it was such an amazing moment when it started out with Steve consoling Abe when they thought it was Roman but then... it was BENJY!!! EEK!

The EJami/Lumi drama today was probably the best damn thing this triangle has produced since it started. Bryan Dattilo's defensiveness at the hospital with Bo and Steve and then quiet rage when talking to Sami was exactly pitch perfect. I don't feel bad for Lucas that he is losing Sami since I don't think those characters belong together, but I can like this Lucas that we saw today, if that makes sense. I can root for this Lucas to get other things that aren't Sami in a way that I couldn't when he was just yelling all the time and either being a controlling bully or aloof lapdog and Lumi scenes have grown about a 1,000 times more tolerable for me since Ed Scott took over. Ali just rocked it when Sami was talking to EJ and telling him they would marry but that one little tear crept down her cheek and then she started to cry a little but then she pulled herself together and said she'd meet EJ outside. I liked how she was obviously pissed about being cornered when talking to Stefano, but she still was trying so hard to feel in control and come into the marriage on her own terms because that's the feisty beaten but never bowed Sami I love. This shrew will NOT be tamed! Colleen's resignation when telling Father Mallory she would take her vows was heartbreaking. I also really liked what James Scott brought to the show today. He was very subtle as EJ, I thought, and I liked that because I honestly have no idea what he is up to and I'm dying to find out. I thought there were little hints that EJ may be up to something or have something up his sleeve in his sly smile after he left the warehouse and after Stefano told him he'd won, but there was also something else there in those moments and in his talk with Sami that made it clear that for as cocky as EJ tries to be there is still vulnerability because even if he gets to marry Sami he knows he still won't have her heart right now. Santo was shady in trying to bribe Shawn, but while I thought the character sounded just like a slimy douchebag based on the spoilers I felt like seeing it on screen that James struck just the right notes of desperation in his talk with YOMB that I could sort of understand where he was coming from, even if what he was doing was wrong.

And I'm so happy the writers made a mention of the Marlena-Stefano stuff. They didn't make a big deal of it, but they mentioned it and that's all I ask for because that has been a huge elephant in the room from the beginning for me with this whole EJ and Sami stuff. Yay for Jodie Scholz. I don't know who the hell she is or how long she has been at DOOL or what her history is with the show but I feel like she gets it (and she writes Sami the best of anyone) and I don't get that sense as much with some of the other script writers. Because Jodie was also the one who incorporated the Roman/Marlena/John stuff into that talk Marlena had with Sami last week.


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Little Stefano and little Shawn are amazing, both. Whoever cast them surely got lucky as I can definitely see those boys grow up to be these old men.

Stefano (JM) is my favorite ever Days character. You can tell quality in every move and every sound he makes. Simply the best. Frank Parker is really much better an actor than I've had the opportunity to see previously, too.

I cannot tell you how much I loathe Sami and EJ. They just are making me ill so I cannot watch, but today I totally laughed out loud at Sami telling Stefano exactly how it all would be, silly little snipet, thinking she had all that power.

You know, what, those babies would be dead by now in a real life pregnancy. Sami has no concern about her responsibilities to her immediate little family and the tiny new lives she is about to bear. That should be her priority so I have no respect at all for her running around with a hatchet to save the world....delusional. Hogan really messed her up.

How I long for the day when Sami and Lucas were happy and looking forward to wedded bliss, which they surely deserved and their fans so wanted for them. Hogan nearly killed Days with this Santeen mess. Made me hate Sami again and loathe EJ, but there is one good thing, I'm fully a Lucas fan and supporter now. Not that I really like him, but just think he is in the right.

Even knowing that Benji was to be in that coffin, what a shock to see him there. So sad. Actually I dreaded to see Steve's reaction, but he did it really, really well.

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How did Andre have time to kill Benjy, dig up Roman, and bury Benjy without being caught? And how come Steve was out digging the dirt when he'd just been stabbed a day before, and Lucas was released just hours after being shot in the leg? Sami was in the hospital for weeks all because she was in a sauna room (and before that, it was something else)!

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These are very valid questions and I don't have a good answer for you other than for once I got so sucked up into the drama of the story that they didn't bother me much. Although it is a problem on Days that they seem to stretch time and space logic to suit their plots so much.

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