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AMC: Friday

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Sleep Hollow Ryan

Here we go now we got Dr. Joe telling St. Ryan that he ought to get some sleep since his holiness is feeling a tad bit tired but then again when you are a superhero you are always burned out at times. I mean it must be so hard trying to master the Greek, Spanish, Dynamite Kiddo, and English alphabets while taking on the dumb blonde known as Muffy who is trying to read through The Cat In The Hat (Dynamite Kiddo has yet to meet this challenge). Geez all of this makes a superhero like Dynamite Kiddo into a tired bug so the question is will he have it in him to take Dr. Joe's advice and take a nap? Maybe we can all get so lucky that the naps lasts for eternity and he manages to actually never wake up and tell you that you are wrong for eating potatoes with gravy and you manage to mash them like Ryan mashes his "car" into Annie's "garage" geez you just have to always get it right when you are around the perfect man himself known as Ryan. Now if Ryan goes to sleep, I just wonder what the dream will be about. Could it be that he has superhero healing powers as Dynamite Kiddo and can heal Spike's deafness? But in the process, Ryan is the one who becomes deaf! No more pontificating, no more singing the Star Spangled Banner while scratching your a$$, no more telling Erica that she ought to use the word grandma (although here I would agree with his holiness), and no more telling stupid Knock Knock jokes to Annie and the Green Butterfly. Hey hey something good may come out of Ryan's nap

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It's funny the ryan stuff doesn't bug me. I can see why it bugs others and I find his character irritating btu I find all this SOO dead on to hischaracter--and maybe it helps that I know a guy who has the same complex--basically hero complex. Like Ryan it is his downfall and at the least ends up making everyone annoyed with him

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I honestly thought the ending was sad, but lame. Maybe had it been directed better, or made more sense to make a really loud noise to show that Spike might be deaf....but when Sabine 'tripped' over herself and 'accidently' made the bedpans crash to the floor...I was rolling my eyes, asking 'really'? lol

Anyway - I reallllllllly loved the Annie/Ryan/Emma scenes. They were the highlight of the episode for me. That Emma is so adorable, and we haven't seen her too much lately. I really think it's important to have her around right now, as it shows Ryan still has a daughter he loves just as much that is alive and well. And Annie is just so cute and loving too...I loved the picnic thing.

Honestly, the Ava/Lenny thing....eh, I don't really care. Ava has annoyed me lately with her attitude. I thought she was turning a new leaf when she's around Lily - but once Lily is gone - all she does is bitch and bitch and bitch! It gets old quick....and we don't know Lenny THAT well to care whether he's caught, runs, or is just killed. Eh. And Derek was back to being a little bitch to his friends (Jack) - which I thought we had gotten over with the writer change...

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