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ATWT: Friday July 13 Episode

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I am surprised no one started a thread...LOL. I thought it was the best show of the week. I loved Barbara telling off Meg and Craig. Meg is beyond boring now. I cant stand the character. She needs to just shut up! I was LOL when Fluffy discovered she was duped! I loved the ending with Jack and Carly. And Allison must leave....LOL. I cant stand the character. Duphney needs to return. I dont like the way this current actress is playing Ally.

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Carly/Jack are the only reason I watch this soap. Their my ship. So mostly just here to rave about the CarJack scenes. I loved that Carly just went out and told Jack the truth. That she loved him and she stopped all the tricks, games, mainpulations, smokes and mirrors and just told him that she loved him and wanted him back. It's just so wrong seeing Katie and Jack together.

Also big fan of Emily sacking Dusty and her betraying meth addicted-hobag sister

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I just thought everyone kind of was bored with ATWT. Plus, I started yesterday's thread and managed to get the date wrong. I'm obviously untalented at some things. :D

I loved seeing Babs ream the hell out of Meg and Craig! Loved seeing Susan! Even loved Lily giving Carly some worthwhile advice.

I'm a little sad Vienna has become a worthless Friend of Fluffy, but you can't always get what you want.

I'm torn on the Carjack stuff. I'm glad Carly just finally 'fessed up to her feelings for Jack. She so doesn't need to play these games with him. But Jack is deep in the clutches of that She-Wolf, he can't really hear what Carly's saying.

Em? See ya, bye-bye you hypocrite.

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I do think everyone is bored with ATWT. There is no doubt about it...LOL...sad but true. Babs is always a treat. I hate Vienna now that she is helping out Fluffy. I liked CarJack today. But Jack is an idiot...LOL. He doesnt have the balls to admit how he really feels for Carly.

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I have a feeling that Kack is dead party is not all that far away. It feels to me now like they are building up to a major crash and I can't wait!

I also hate the Vienna/Katie friendship. I never understood before that the way to get a friend is to stab them in the back and they become yourfriend. Seems to work all the time for Katie. :rolleyes:

I liked the Carly/Lily conversation and am glad they are continuing the friendship between the two of them. I'm glad Carly told Jack the truth. Of course he is going to tell her he is over her but his body language and eyes said something very different. And now he can no longer use the excuse he thinks she still wants Simon.

Loved Barbara going after Meg and Craig and hope it continues. They both have it coming. A Babs/Craig fight could be fun.

I like this Alison a lot! I think she is doing a great job with a tough story. Good riddance to Emiloon the ultimate hypocrite! Obviously she gets it from her mother though who seems to forget her own past is pretty checkered and if it wasn't for Dusty Emily's loony butt would be behind bars and Ali would still be living the "high" life in Vegas. But Dusty is the bad guy :rolleyes:

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I don't necessarily blame Susan for wanting Dusty out of her daughters' lives. I'm sure Susan feels if the girls had come to her, she could have helped Ali with her addiction.

I suppose I should be grateful Carly has a friend in Lily. Lately (since Molly and Ro left), Carly's practically had no one.

Teehee...unless there's a totally misleading future spoiler, the end of Kack is nigh. Our long national nightmare might soon be over. :D

FLOVED that Carly said she regretted choosing Simon over Jack! Could that Simon-haze she's been living in finally have lifted? Could I be that lucky?

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I'm thinking the same thing as you that the end is near for Kack. Or course spoilers can often be misleading but there are too many signs pointing in that direction. Plus I do think the show is trying to deal with some of the things that are going over so badly and Kack would be one of those! And Michael isn't even trying to sell it in the magazines lol.

That was music to my ears hearing Carly say she regretted choosing Simon over Jack. Now hopefully she remembers that forever, should he ever return to town!

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Question about Alison/Emily/Susan.

Who is Alison's biological mother? I don't remember if Emily carried her mom's child because Susan couldn't give birth to a child or if Susan carried and gave birth to Alison and used Emily's egg. And who was Alison's father?

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Emily is Alison's biological mother. She donated her egg, Susan gave birth. Alison's father is Larry McDermott, who was a doctor. He originally was brought on as Frannie Hughes' philandering ex-boyfriend.

BITE YOUR TONGUE!!! I hope to NEVER hear of or see Simon and/or Paul Leyden coming back. EVER. I am so sick of in-and-out casting stunts...if they ain't staying, I ain't interested. They do not bump ratings, they do not create story. They ruin what's here, period. Or should I say, they give TIIC the opportunity to ruin the characters that are here, with some of the awfulest story choices ever.

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