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ATWT Thursday June 14 Episode

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They have dummed down Craig to fit the storyline. Craig has never been dumb that's for sure. I cant stand Jade. I want the character gone. She doesnt even interact with her family. What is her point in the show? She along with Cloe need to leave Oakdale.

I cant wait to see Agim tomorrow. Looks like Maura is sporting a new do.

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Holy horse apples, is there one plot that doesn't feature someone (usually a very SMART person) being dumbed down to within an inch of their life? It's usually the women (*ahem* CARLY falling for Simon's oozy charms? Puh-leeze! At least Meg is a character currently on the show...Simon's still being pimped on this show, SIX months after he left!) but how both Paul and Craig are buying this crap of Meg's is beyond me. That "she's so wonderful, honest, yadda yadda" speech Craig mouthed today almost made me sick. You wanna bet

"Outrageous" plots points aren't outrageous when you can sniff them out a mile away.

It's too bad Carly's (probably) not going to Craig's wedding. THAT would be something I'd pay to see...Carly going off like a howitzer, trying to keep Meg from marrying him. *images of Hal bringing Craig a donkey at his marriage to Babs are filling my mind. LOL*

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I wish Carly would show up and tell her if it's Craig she wants? She should marry him. Meg doesn't deserve Carly's advice on how to get out of this when she could have done it with just a simple 'NO' to Craig at any point if she really wanted out.

In fact, I wish PAUL would say that. But he'd require a backbone for that and sadly, he hasn't had one of those in a while :(

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No, Meggie probably doesn't deserve Carly's help, and she probably wouldn't even take it. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if Meggie just likes bring a pricktease/powerplayer/GOD. I just think it would be a great way to tie in Craig's history, and let SB and Maura share some scenes. Characters shouldn't exist in vaccuums, and to not have Carly know that Craig's divorced her sister, and marrying Jack's cousin seems stupid.

Katie in a punchbowl...heck I'd even settle for her face hitting the wedding cake in some coughhilariouscough "accident". Like Carly's hand hitting the back of Katie's head. :D

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You know, I didn't think of it that way....you're exactly right, Carly SHOULD know.

But then again, Emily should know too...she was there when one of Paul's other women married Craig...lordy I would love her to be able to say "I told you so" about little Ms. Morals LOL!


But admittedly? I'm biased LOL!

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