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DAYS: Why Nick & Chelsea should be backburnered

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DOOL, I am going to give you a word of advice. If you want to be respected, you have to respect others. Telling people what to think is not cool. Please, we know who you like and what you would like to see happen on Days. It's not what everyone else wants. You have to respect that other people will have differing opinions. If you continue to post the same thing over and over again, it gets aggravating. Please bring it down a notch. You will have a better experience here. Just a word of advice.

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First off, doolfan you need to stop repeating yourself. If you want to be taken seriously, think about what your posting. You sound like a tape recording that one keeps rewinding over and over again. By now, we know what you like and dislike but alot of your posts and alot of the threads you create come off as just posting and started a thread just for the hell of it. Also, could you please check your spelling too. This is not meant to be insulting but it's just friendly advice. You can't contribute to discussion if you keep repeating things and misspelling things. Plus, forcing your way of thinking on people does nothing for your likeability around here. It's ok to debate but you can't repeat yourself over and over. If you can recognize these issues and correct them, things will get better for you.

Now...backburnering Nick and Chelsea won't do nothing in my opinion. They have their fans too. Liker Keith said, BALANCE. Bring back the balance we had in the Fall where Chelsea/Nick/Shawn/Belle were on like two days a week or something like that. The young cast can be featured and I think they are all great actors but even I am getting sick of them. Chelsea/Nick are going around in circles right now and that is from using them way too much early on and then backtracking because they are being pushed too fast. They got together way too fast IMO but I still like them. The young cast can be featured on the frontburner if they are involved in story with their parents too. If Chelsea/Nick, Max/Abby, and Shawn/Belle are involved with the big 4 and Steve/Kayla athen that's fine and that helps the audience like them.

NOBODY should be bacjburnered. Just balance is out like this past Fall and things will be fine and the audience will invest interest in the young characters. That is why people started liking Shelle in the Fall...because they weren't shoved down our throats.

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