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AnotherWorld Week 5/19

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I LOVED todays Another World. Jake and Paulina really brought it home and FINALLY helped bring some movement to this who shot jake storyline. Am I the only one out there that was wondering how Judi Evans would have been in these scenes today and in this storyline? With that said....I did like Cali today.

I suprised that no one has mentioned the original Iris versus the nuIris - while talking about recasts. I found it next to impossible to get used to nuIris....but I did. It's so hard to compare because Beverlee McKinsey was AMAZING....and she had the perfect writer in Harding Lemay. NuIris had to deal with less than stellar writing for her character IMO, and the untimely death of Doug Watson (Mac). However, Carmen Duncan really made it come together...and I loved her Iris in the build up scenes in the who shot Jake storyline. Carmen was strong, vibrant and brought Iris out of the mansion and into the workforce and gave her some style. I loved both Iris's....however, given that Carmen had sooooooooooo much going against her....I give her the nod...she's my favorite because she made it so fun to watch Iris....

Now...don't get me started on the CRAZY and stupid way they wrote this major historical figure on the show out of the show! And that was BEFORE Jill Phelps even got there. However, I'm looking forward to enjoying Donna Swajeski's next couple of seasons and looking forward to Jensen Buchanan. Anne Heche was brilliant...however, I enjoyed seeing Jensen grow and settle into the role of vicky...Never liked her as Marley. I feel she brought the best of Vicky and Marley and molded them into one character.

Good show....Love it. Nothing...I mean Nothing like it on the air currently. However, I wonder if Another World was allowed to continue on...would it have been as good today? I think not...It's last couple of years it was on life support....and I think with the networks obsession with youth demographics...our show would have been destroyed just like most of today's current soaps....

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Judi can make anything work. I know I didn't think that when I heard she was taking over the role of Paulina, but I soon came to realize the truth of the matter.

I liked Cali all the way through her run as Paulina, but now, I can barely remember why.

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Great shows this week...loved Tayolr and that creepy caraousel music. Really looking forward to Jensen's portrayal of Vicky coming up soon...Judi's Paulina, and the arrival of Lorna. The show has just been so great...good acting, producing, music, lighting etc. along with great writing....just wish we had more Iris.

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