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DAYS- Jack Casting Spoiler

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Well unless you work on DAYS, you don't know that. No one really knows that. Maybe Matt Ashford just wants to be recurring instead of signing a three year deal.

I do know that daytime TV is changing at the expense of veteran actors. I mean, obviously Joy Bisco and the guy who plays Duck are probably relaiver cheaper to acquire than, say, Matt Ashford. It may be in Matt's best interest just to be recurring unless they plan on recasting the role with someone else.

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Contract status doesn't mean that much on DAYS. Tanya Boyd has a fairly pivotal role in the Sami/EJ story and she's still on recurring. Also, I remember them putting Steve Blackwood on contract in 05 and yet Bart disappeared within barely a week. Same happened with the actress who played that Sophie woman.

I think contract vs recurring has more to do with whether the show can rely on the actors to be available. Ashford and Boyd have always been loyal to the show so Corday doesn't have to tie them down with a contract.

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Beth was recently offered a contract though but chose not to keep it. She makes more money and has more outs staying on recurring. She and Liz Keifer both turned down the contract. Plus just reading between the lines I don't think they wanted to be stuck like Crystal Chappell was if a better job offer came up.

I think they all love GL but even Crystal was willing to leave for more money when OLTL came calling.

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Well, that's what I mean...I think GL has risen to the occassion where their recurring players, especially Beth Chamberlin, are concerned. I'm not saying that if a better deal didn't come around, she wouldn't take it. She auditioned for Paige(and she would make made a great addition to the OLTL cast). Same for Liz Keifer.

But there is something to be said about a show that uses its recurring players just as much as they do their regular cast members. So, just because Ashford isn't on contract, doesn't mean he won't have a story.

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Oh I agree with you on that last part. He could very well have a story on recurring but with the current trend of Days right now I highly doubt it. The only ones who are getting contracts right now are the ones Hogan has long term plans for. Until they can resolve this issue with the Big 4, I don't see anyone not on contract getting a lot of air time. The only thing that Jack has going for him is his ties to Steve & Kayla. That will help him.

I mean it doesn't even look like (since this is a spoiler thread I can post this here) that Marlena is even going to appear at her daughter's shower. She will on 3 days in a row before it involved in the Steve/Kayla story but then be off the day of her daughter's shower. That is posted in another spoiler thread. I am holding out all hope that it is not true but I have my doubts. I mean just recently she was there for Kayla but then didn't appear when her husband was kidnapped from the hospital.

Ashford also doesn't make as much money as Hall does so he has that going for him too.

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