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AMC: Monday

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You hit IT! Hopefully, with the new writer, Frons will stay his ridiculous ass out if the day to day writings, and this show can possibly be watchable again. Erica is the only character that entertains me, and that is largely due to Susan Lucci.

The show has to get away from Babe, Kendall Ryan and their supporting players. It just has to!


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What I believe, is this. A GOOD writer, a SMART writer, will be able to write entertaining stories no matter what Frons says. And, if we're lucky, they will be able to write something better than Frons's limited ideas and make him think it's his idea.

But the thing is, daytime has a stigma of being poorly and lazily written -- due, no doubt, to the contributions of hacks like McTavish. So any writer who has good, smart ideas has an agent saying, "Nooooo... you wan't primetime and movie deals where the big money really is. Don't waste your time with soap operas," because hacks have given the shows material that cheapens the genre. So finding a fresh, new, smart voice is really a rarity. But I still believe AMC will rise again! So all hope is not lost.

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