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What Will the Morning Bring?

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The network has little to lose by dumping some, much or all of its daytime lineup for a "Today" supercast (possible slogan: "All day, suckers!"); the daytime roost has long been ruled by CBS soaps and its "Price is Right." Naturally NBC's costs would decline, especially since "Today" lends itself so readily to product placement, promotional tie-ins, 800-number crapola and "You can buy Meredith Vieira's dress" or "You can have a mirror like the one Matt Lauer loves." Morning means money.


Money really does rule the world.

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It's just disgusting to me how these and other people seem to have no remorse. There's no sadness. There's no consideration for the daytime fans... they're not even PRETENDING to be torn on the issue. It's just, "Soaps suck, they bring us no money. Buh-bye!" We soap fans are being completely shat upon. I mean, even if they decided to do away with every soap airing, it would be easier to swallow if they didn't seem to jubilant and carefree about it. There's no consideration for the fans of the shows at all.

What other entertainment medium allows for a program to air for one hour a day, five days a week, 52 weeks per year? The possibilities for amazing character development and issue exploration is staggering... BRILLIANCE can happen in this medium. And there's just no respect for it or the fans whatsoever.

I'm not so upset about them wanting to cancel the shows... I understand, from a business point of view. More than anything, I'm upset by the fact that they're doing it so disrespectfully with no care or sympathies being given to the shows OR the viewers. It's revolting.

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Now that the "news" is television's new form of serialized drama (tune in tomorrow to see what stupid [!@#$%^&*] Bush does next! Are we going to be bombed... will the terror alert rise? TUNE IN TOMORROW! Is Lindsay Lohan going to snort herself to death? TUNE IN TOMORROW... only on... THE NEWS!) they're wanting the news to air all day long. They don't want creative programming on the networks... they want the news all day long. Because in today's world, the news IS the new form of entertainment. They'll turn any national tragedy into a ratings blockbuster.

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In a couple years, when it's news 24 hours a day, just think of the money I'll save each month when I cancel my cable!

Seriously, do these TV people actually think this is creative programming? Do they think people will actually tune in for this crap? I cannot understand the reasoning behind this. I mean, this is supposed to be intelligent, educated, businessmen running these networks. And to treat the soap fans so callously is ridiculous. Don't they realize we watch other stuff, too? Why do they want to alienate us this way? I'm so frustrated and upset by all this. And non soap fans should be concerned as well, because this crappy programming is bleeding into prime time. ESPECIALLY on NBC. They have Heroes and the Thursday night comedies--that's it. Everything else is stupid reality TV and dumbed down game shows that take no intelligence whatsoever. It's absolutely maddening!!!!!

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All this talk about soaps not making money and about to die is making me sick.

Why don't the networks realize they put soaps in this mess with their poor decision-making and emphasis on the young demos and such. They are the ones that caused the ratings decline so why should the fans and cast and crew of these soaps have to suffer because of the blunders of the networks? I know it would never happen but it would be nice if the networks and higher-ups took at least some blame for how everything has turned out. :rolleyes:

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Well keep in mind, this *IS* NBC, which is totally gonna be DuMont in the next 5 years. On the verge of collapse. BRING IT ON CW. BRING. IT. ONNNN!

We will see our soaps cut down to a substantially paltry budget on SOAPnet when daytime TV dies(yeah, because without soaps, there is no daytime!).

And OT: GMA can totally take over TODAY in the ratings. It just needs a different strategy and NOT to be a 3 hour morning program!

Without a daypart, NBC is going to start looking like FOX, CW, and MyNetworkTV stations. The affiliates in the midwest that don't have the financial resources will start airing crap like 9infomercials, 700 CLUB, and JACK VAN IMPE PRESENTS during the 11-2PM timeslots.

NBC has already screwed themselves by not developing quality shows to fall back on after FRIENDS, FRASIER and even as far back as SEINFELD. NBC is not looking good to any advertiser right now.

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I used to ask the same questions as others have asked in this thread about who in the world watches the news all the time. I just couldn't even see the purpose for 24 hour news channels. But recently in the Civitan Club which I am a member of we had a dinner meeting and got to really talk amongst ourselves. It amazed me to learn that there were many of them who can't wait for the 4 hour Today show. They currently keep their TV's on one of the news channels all the time, and can't wait for more news to be on the regular channels and then they can cancel their cable.

I myself find the news depressing. And I hate politicians. There are not any of them that I want to hear anything about anymore and so many of the celebrities that constantly hog the headlines are sickening too. I am so tired of Rosie O'Donnell and her celebrity feuds, tired of Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, tired of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Jesse JAckson, and on and on. And I definitely don't want to watch shows that cater to news about them.

All this talk reminds me of being a kid and only having 3 channels to choose from - ABC, NBC, and CBS - and sometimes we might be able to get PBS to come in. And on nights that the President spoke you were screwed. Sadly that is what the networks are trying to make it for many. Now the news is going to be on every channel and we are screwed once again.

So glad I have my DVD player and plenty of movies.

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