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Could Brad Bell tell LML to take a hike?

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I don't think Latham is going anywhere, but yes, Barbara Bloom and Brad Bell would have the power to fire her.

BTW, there has been lots of talk about some of the changes she's made (no flower shots, faster pace, etc.) and I went back to read the interview and it seems those changes were made by Brad Bell and Bloom/Latham collaborated with him. So Brad Bell is involved in Y&R more than we may think.

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Wait, I remembered wrong, I was think BILL Bell, Jr. not Brad Bell. I'll type up the relevant parts....

"The changes were initiated by Bill Bell, Steve Kent and Barbara Bloom, wo wanted to maintain the rich look of Y&R while picking up the pace in storytelling and production. Because they were in agreement about their vision and clearly defined their goals, it made the transition easier for everyone."


"Bill, Steve and Barbara wanted every second of airtime focused on the characters. So we replaced some traditional Y&R stylistic devices--like slow arcs and pans at the beginning of scenes -- withmore dynamic blocking and camera movement. We're cutting away sooner, rather than taking multiple reaction shots."

So for all the talk that Latham is a Nazi making all of these changes, we see that these weren't made by her and that there are people higher up she's collaborating with. I've always gotten the impression that she was very open to suggestion and discussion with the people around so it's nice to know she didn't just jump in and make these changes herself. We really don't know who all is involved in the decisions made behind the scenes.

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I would say that Lee Phillip Bell and Bill Bell Jr. still control a good part of Y&R and B&B since I think Bell Jr. is head of the production company the Bells own...something along those lines and Barbara Bloom I'm sure has a say as well.

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I read in an interview that Bloom said that while she did have a say in what goes on at Y&R she doesn't have any say with B&B.

I saw another interview before Bill Bell died and when Jack Smith was in control that Brad had input in story meetings at Y&R.

I read another interview,this again pre-Bill's death that Lee Bell had an input in story meetings at B&B but not at Y&R.

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Bill Bell Jr. should tell his brother, Bradley Bell, to take a hike & never return. I'd bet he'd do it if people like LM Latham, S. Hamner , J. Griffith, L. Moonves, N. Tellem, B. Bloom, S. Kent & his mom, LP Bell placed a lot of pressure on him to do so.

Blood should never be thicker than water. B. Bell ruined his dad's vision of B&B. He continues to spit on his father's legacy by turning it into a rompfest filled with incest & extreme camp. How's this: Extreme Camp: Incest Edition? :lol:

Imagine if Latham/Hamner/Griffith (LHG) joined forces? LHG vs TPTB = DANGER! :lol:

Hit the road, Bradley, and don't you come back, come back, come back, come back no more. Hit the road, Bradley, and the bed hopping in L.A. will stop. :lol:

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