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Days: Lots of Rumors

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I also think the January ones (with the exception of Willow being Jan) are plausible. They seem like educated guesses based on spoilers we already know.

I could see the Shawn & Belle stuff happening. HS said they would be going on the run together. EJ raping Sami also would not be shocking. He's already assaulted her plus we know he wants to get her pregnant.

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Wow.......so David Tom is gonna drop his return to Y&R to join DAYS? Right....

Sarah Brown joining DAYS as Carly Manning? Hmmm.....I guess anything is possible. Who'da thunk she would have joined ATWT or come close to joining OLTL as Marty (and she'd rock). I doubt it though. I wonder if this is the same "reliable" source that told GHH2 that Sarah Buxton was "CONFIRMED" to be the new Carly after Tamara Braun left.

Some of the other stuff just sounds too outrageous to be true. I doubt DAYS would have gotten rid of all the people they did just to bring on a whole SLEW of new actors. Especially actors who carry a hefty price-tag.

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Yeah...so fake.

Big plans for Abe, Lexie, and Tek, eh?! Since when did they re-hire Renee Jones?

And uh...Austin Peck just landed a contract role on ATWT and he's already booking episodes for DAYS...just so his character can appear at a wedding? And furthermore, it's the wedding of SAMI and his brother...the same SAMI that kept Austin and Carrie apart for so long? If I were them, I'd say "Love ya, Lucas. Wish I was there. But your wife is a *beep* so I won't be a-comin' ".....

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Aww...I started reading and got excited...but then thought..."Wait...how is this possible...since when do they plan things out for that long?"...ah oh well...

I really dislike the actress playing Willow...it's just a horrible character idea as well...but I guess they have to postpone something fans would want (Belle/Shawn)...

I'll be somewhat mad if they do this to Sami again (get to the alter, then her secret exposed and bang the weddings off)...if anything let the paternity be secret...!

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