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Posts posted by SFK

  1. 5 hours ago, slick jones said:












    CLIFFHANGERS: STOP SUSAN WILLIAMS    Jennifer Selden      1979

    CAPITOL                 Myrna Clegg            1983-87

    DALLAS                    Bernice Billings         1985

    SANTA BARBARA      Pamela Pepperidge Capwell Conrad   1987-88; 1991

    SONS AND DAUGHTERS  Daisy Mercer    1991

    DAYS OF OUR LIVES      Vivian Alamaine....   (temporary)    1992-93

    GUIDING LIGHT          Alexandra Spaulding Von Halkein Thorpe Foley 1993-97; 1998-99; 2002-09

    ALL MY CHILDREN       Vanessa Bennett Hayward DuPres Cortlandt  (aka Proteus)


    GUIDING LIGHT         Radio show Organist     2007  (GL's 70th Anniversary)




    STAR TREK   Kara that stole Spock's brain   1967

    THE FACTS OF LIFE      Monica Warner    1981-87

    BRET MAVERICK     Kate Hanrahan    1982

    Countless Prime-time guest appearances.



    MURDER IN PEYTON PLACE    Ellen Considine         1977




    I loved Marj, in all her roles I've seen.  She will be missed  😞


    She also starred in A Darkness at Blaisden, a telefilm under the Dark Shadows franchise, which I believe was originally intended to be a series pilot. 


    I loved this commercial which used to air during Guiding Light. Pure Marj.



  2. I saw Lisa's IG post and my heart sank. I DM'd Lisa a few months ago about Marj but she never replied. Same with LSV who I know from college. Marj has been on my mind off and on for a long time, and it's always a treat when I'm up at some ungodly hour and catch her on FOL or Hart to Hart.


    I had the pleasure of meeting her in 1997. I was a freshman at Marymount Manhattan College, only stayed a year, but apparently there was a soap opera course (that I didn't know about!) and I saw a flyer for a panel discussion with Marj, Richard Culliton, and Courtney Simon, who moderated. Marj was so charming and funny (she did her killer Kate Hepburn impression), and I got to ask her about GL and Capitol and being a frequest recast. After the panel, she came up and shook my hand and purred, "Well, you're quite the fan!" We chatted a bit more and I made her toss her head back and release that gorgeous laugh with an off the cuff impression of her Alex.



    As we filed out, she gathered with the other panelists and some of their guests and they made their way up the block. Wrapped in her long trench coat, I watched Marj light up a white 100 with flare and disappear into the night in a puff of smoke. 


    This was not long after she'd  been let go from GL and I'm so glad that she many more years of soap ahead of her. She will always be one of my very favorites, and I'll continue to steal from her whenever I feel a character is "having a Marj moment." 💖

  3. 7 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:


    How long was she on before Cady replaced her?


    She was on for just a few months. She's the one who discovered Silver's body while swimming in the pond on Palmer's property ("I keep my eyes open for snakes!").

  4. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Sorry but RS is cukoo for cocoa puffs. The whole point of reply to someone on twitter is to "@" them. I don't get why she doesn't understand that. She blocks for stupid sh*t 



    I'm so confused. She certainly replies to some posts, but then goes off on others as if they've dared to speak to her directly. She follows 0 people and seems like she wants her Twitter to be an echo chamber.

  5. Yes, that jiggles the handle of my memory. I remember watching with my mother as she tried to explain to me how Clay was no longer Clay.


    In that second interview, Susan is saying without saying that they were looking for someone who looked like AW's Rachel. Of course they wouldn't mention this at an audition. I forget which poster said this years ago, and it may have been at WoST, but he said that some of Susan's early performances were so close in terms of mannerisms and delivery to Robin Strasser that he wondered if she'd been encouraged to watch her on AW.

  6. 5 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I was reading up on the history of Cathy Craig.. and hearing that was the first role that Robin Strasser had been offered... long before Dorian was a reality for her.  Based on what I've read, she didn't want the actress playing the part to be fired.. which made me wonder why the show was trying to fire the actress playing the role of Cathy at the time.  


    I know @vetsoapfanwas a viewer at the time.. any idea why the show wanted the actress (named Dorrie K.. I think) to be fired?  Was she not well liked in the part, or was she a difficult actress behind the scenes?




    Dorrie Kavanaugh. I didn't know about the firing angle, I've just read interviews where Robin says she didn't want to be a recast. She had a change of heart when offered Dorian.

  7. On 1/12/2020 at 2:52 AM, DRW50 said:

    A news reporter put up various behind the scenes clips of trips to AMC and Loving. The Loving material, which includes short interviews with John Gabriel ( @safe ) and Roya Megnot ( @SFK ) airs starting about 16 or 17 minutes in. 






    Thanks, looking forward to watching this!

    Do we know why Roya left Loving? I assume on good terms as she came back to fill in for Lisa. I don't remember, what was the span of time between Roya and Lisa? Did Ava go away for a while or was it rather immediate?

  8. On 12/25/2019 at 2:22 AM, victoria foxton said:

    All My Children- November 17, 1992 (most)


    Re: the OLTL commercial at 18:35, I didn't know that MKA was ever on the show. I totally missed this s/l.


    Would love to see more of the housing discrimination story with Tom and Livia (who is absolutely gorgeous here).

  9. 9 hours ago, Franko said:

    And now that I've looked it up, Lexi Randall ("Randa Oliver") is 40. She was born on the first day of the next to last decade of the twentieth century. Which means Mrs. Oliver got a visit from Barbara Mandrell, I guess.


    😆 She's my age. My parents said that I was absolutely obsessed with Barbara Mandrell and The Mandrell Sisters when I was little. I would sit right in front of the TV and be dead silent for the entire show, just staring. I especially loved the flashbacks to the younger versions of themselves.

  10. Robin said she left Louise a message once she arrived in Burbank. I think Robin was going to accept the offer with or without Louise's blessing and figured it was best not to reach out at all at the risk of looking disingenuous had Louise not given her said blessing. I just find it extremely suspicious that Louise was given such short notice to return. There are so many people involved on a television show, so many working parts, planning, and organizing going on behind the scenes. I can absolutely see someone being offered a last minute recast position but giving they're vet less than a week notice seems unusual. 

    Also, you know damn well Robin would see red had she been unemployed and they approached another actress to play Dorian. It was different when they hired Elaine because Robin was happily out of Rauch's orbit and doing quite well in primetime out on the coast. This whole scenario never sat right with me only because I distinctly remember the interview where Robin talks about how she and Louise promised (even if jokingly) not to accept one another's parts. I dunno, I'd be interested to hear Louise's take, maybe she couldn't give a damn. 

  11. On 10/28/2019 at 10:08 PM, BetterForgotten said:

    To be fair, it doesn't take much to be "soapier" than Generations...



    On 10/29/2019 at 7:13 AM, amybrickwallace said:

    I still wish Unsung Hollywood would dedicate an episode to this show.


    Totally. Lots of familiar faces in the cast to hold the interest of viewers who never watched the show.

  12. 23 hours ago, jam6242 said:

    The rep from Retro TV posted this elsewhere today.




    That's wonderful news. I really admire Retro's dedication to TD, a classic soap and an "obscure" one at that. I wish other outlets would follow suit.

  13. Although they weren't in the same class, Ms. Payton-Wright and Erika Slezak were at RADA for some shared years.


    I'd love to watch the beginning of the Addie storyline, I was in middle school and we weren't taping much as my mother could watch at her desk. My mother maintained that the Addie/Blair/Dorian dynamic was particularly gripping in the beginning with Mia Korf and Elaine Princi.

  14. Was George gone before Robin joined the show? I know Robin had scenes with Jacquie, just wondering if there was any point where they tried to strike Another World gold. The Dorian and Tony relationship seemed to be a rich one but I think it was Pinkerton who had the most involvement with that storyline.

  15. 21 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I'm behind so I can't give much of an opinion, but wasn't Roseanne sort of always a continuing story? 


    Yes. I particularly appreciate the way the writers crafted Roseanne's job journey, introducing various locales and vivid new characters. Somehow, it never felt hokey to me, nor desperate ("shaking things up"/"keeping things fresh" for the new season), it all felt pretty organic.


    Add me to the chorus re: Jackie and Darlene's blow-up. I love how the writers are exploring family dynamics after the loss of a loved one, particularly how Jackie and Darlene who have always been so close (I don't recall them arguing even once in the original series) are now at odds.

  16. On 11/22/2019 at 12:21 PM, j swift said:

    Santa Barbara premiered around the same time as Dominique Deveraux on Dynasty, and I would have hoped that every soap would have their own version of a wealthy minority who became a threat to the established families on the show (although to be fair that does seem to have been the plan for Santana, but she was no Gabi Hernandez).


    I assume the stunt casting of glamorous Lola Falana as Charity Blake was Capitol's answer to DC/DD, at least in terms of appearances. Did SB have any black characters in front burner storylines?

  17. I foolishly flipped to DOOL and missed the end of the episode, did they do a title card celebrating his anniversary?


    I agree, PB did lovely work in the scene about the baby's heart being donated, I wonder if that was an Emmy year for him.


    That scene where Jack hurls the chair out of the window always gets me, could have spawned a whole storyline about second degree murder. *SPLAT!*

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