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Posts posted by SFK

  1. On 6/1/2020 at 8:25 PM, NothinButAttitude said:



    Does anyone know the name of the actress playing Beatrice? I know I know her from another show (maybe TCS?), I just can't place her at the moment.


    This is around the time I first say Patricia Barry as Isabelle (my mother: "They done changed that picture for the thousandth time..."). I missed the chemical burn stuff when the face cream turned Celeste Holm into Patricia Barry. I'm guessing that was late '92?

  2. 4 hours ago, Darn said:


    WOW I've never seen this but it's exactly like Ellen Holly said. Carla gets not ONE solo closeup at her OWN WEDDING. Every time they get close it the camera pulls out to show Viki or makes sure Viki is in the same frame. Pathetic. 


    There's literally a white woman blocking her shot during the cake cutting scene.


    Totally. I watched this the other week when it was posted, and I could practically hear the register printing out all of Ms. Holly's receipts. At least Erika Slezak had the good sense to admit that Viki didn't deserve to be Carla's matron of honor (which Holly took as an ungrateful affront). I can't help but laugh at 4:00 where Viki gets yet another closeup and Erika seems to be thinking, "WTF am I doing here..."

  3. 4 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Is that the scene that Strasser describes as her running from one side of the studio to the other during commercial breaks to finish the scenes?


    She certainly spoke highly of it well into the 1990’s, 2000’s.


    Yeah, Robin talks about being visibly pregnant IRL and fans not believing she was actually expecting as she ran up and down the staircase during those scenes. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh gosh I don’t know how I managed to forget this one. It started in the 70’s as well right?


    I remember asking my mom if Victor had ever been on the show and she was like, "Oh my God, yes!" It was so fascinating to me, learning the Lord history in reverse. Victor is perhaps the most influential dead character in soap history, still driving story thirty years after his death.

  5. We only saw five years of it onscreen, but Myrna Graves vs. Clarissa and Judson Tyler began thirty years prior to where the action started on Capitol in '82.


    Shown in flashbacks, Myrna and Clarissa were best friends and Myrna was giddy telling Clarissa about Baxter McCandless who she'd fallen for... hard. But Baxter had his eye on Clarissa, Clarissa broke sis code, Myrna sought revenge. She accused Clarissa's dad, Judge Judson Tyler, of being red during McCarthyism and he was blacklisted, his political career destroyed.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jonathan said:

    Did Daniel Cosgrove's Scott and Cornelius Smith Jr's Frankie have any scenes together?  I'm watching old episodes from 1987 and I had forgotten that Scott and Frankie were BFFs and actually lived in the Hubbard home when they were younger.


    I don't recall but you've reminded me that Frankie and Bobby Warner were also buds, they were a few years older than me when I was a kid. I don't think they were ever on the canvas at the same time as adults.

  7. 21 minutes ago, mikelyons said:

    Let's not forget that only OLTL has done any justice to Jewish characters.


    How explicit was OLTL about the Siegels' faith? I'm thinking about how some years later on AW, Iris' mother Sylvie's Judaism was "heavily inferred" but never outright stated. I can imagine clunky "safe" dialogue using phrases like "interfaith marriage" and whatnot, but I'm curious how often the word Jewish was uttered and how Agnes Nixon established their religion to begin with. Did the Siegels go to temple, observe high holidays?

    @Paul Raven @vetsoapfan

  8. 24 minutes ago, mikelyons said:

    Also, can we please get black characters out of apartments and condos? Like, if you're a doctor or executive, you should instantly have a two-story house on a soap! Dru and Neil's apartment always drove me MAD.


    Debbi Morgan and Darnell Williams shared this sentiment, i.e., Angie (Chief of Staff) and Jesse (Chief of Police) in their *cozy* loft. 2.0 righted this, IIRC.

  9. 6 hours ago, John said:

    Was there ever talk of using Llyod Bridges on a recurring basis as Johnny Forbes???


    No, I think the character's DEATH had something to do with it. 😜


    Bridges and Page were stunt cast to draw viewers to the pilot movie where they'd hopefully take enough interest in the rest of the action to tune in on Monday. The movie is clearly scripted to relieve the two stars of their duties by having them be the murderer and the murdered. Cranston talks about this in his book, how promos flashed shots of the various cast members teasing who would be the victim and who would be the culprit and it was evident that it would be the two movie stars.


    I have a foggy memory of a Bridges quote Seli Groves uses in her Ultimate Soap Opera Guide. I think he was asked how he liked working on the soap/would he do it again, and Bridges says something to the effect that he enjoyed the experience enough, but they killed his character so it was a moot point. Groves follows this with a quip about how we daytime fans know that soap death is seldom permanent.


    I'm a huge fan of Geraldine Page, I think she's the best thing about the whole two hours. She would have been an extraordinary addition to any soap, if only for a three-month arc. Imagine what Lemay would have written for her.


  10. 8 hours ago, allmc2008 said:

    Is there a link that isn't broken? I do know that, at one point, this link worked.


    This link was to the Capitol Megasite, ran by a lovely Italian gentleman named Claudio, but unfortunately the site is no longer online. Too bad because there were many pictures, articles, and of course things like the bibles, that I haven't seen anywhere else.


    What I remember most about the original bible was that the Cleggs vs. the McCandlesses wasn't nearly as central. Even more interesting was the strong emphasis on ingenue, Merle, a beautiful biracial coed. From what I remember, it was implied that she could almost pass but was always aware of the difference between herself and her white housemates. I think it was also implied that there was mystery surrounding her parentage. Regrettably, all of this was dropped.

    (On second thought, perhaps it was for the best.)

  11. What makes the red satin and sax opening so special to this day is that it completely broke tradition, and every other version of Y&R's titles has been a modernized take on the original with none of its timeless elegance and beauty. Sure, we got some very memorable campy shots of cast members preening over the years, but nothing can touch Sandy Dvore's charcoal sketches that captured the depth and the essence of actors and their characters in the way a great artist can do. Y&R could have stuck to the original arrangement of Nadia's Theme  (with that gorgeous sonorous cello) and charcoals forever. Imagine how special it would have been to witness forty-some years of drawings of Katherine, Victor, Nikki, et al, a visual history. But switching out flat white for billowing crimson, ditching strings, adding the actors' names (Bill Bell's response to the squish credits), the 1999 opening titles struck out on their own and I highly doubt the show will ever again think outside the box.

  12. 19 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Is the first episode of Capitol online? I know it has been before and I regret never watching it. I’ve never seen an episode of the show, but I’m curious how it was for a pilot since I know it aired in primetime. 


    Yes, but dubbed in Italian. All of the show's first few years are on YouTube in Italian. I don't think I've seen the pilot movie in English since WoST.

    14 hours ago, gimmetoo said:

    The Capitol pilot was shot on location in DC.  


    And in nearby Potomac. I was too little to remember them shooting in my area, but I've read old articles in the Post about how freezing it was and poor Bill Beyers was sick as a dog.

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