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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. 1 minute ago, BoldRestless said:

    I'd say that was the end of the transformation. It happened after he married Nikki and started wailing about wanting a son. The Terry Lester version of Jack visibly cringed when Nikki mentioned marriage and kids, and only married Patty to get a position at Jabot.

    Yea, you're right come to think of it.

    I can see TL's Jack marrying Nikki but the story would have had a whole different flavor.

    Of course, Jack had to evolve and grow but I think 'Smilin Jack' still had a lot of gas left in the tank. And if Terry had stayed... 

  2. That story was a dud from start to finish, culminating decades later with another blandly written character (Ally) who also was quickly forgotten.

    Could you imagine TL's Jack heading for Vietnam ?-he would have done everything he could to avoid the draft.

    That was the beginning of Jack's transformation  into Cliff Abbott.

  3. @Beachstorm Yes I think AA is anonymous and whatever is spoken about must not be shared.

    It took away from the poignancy of the scene when Nikki started detailing how a crazed woman had kidnapped her and used an IV to load her up with booze. IRL I'm sure the other attendees would think she was still drunk and hallucinating.

    Had to laugh when Nikki was told the name of the song . It sounded like he said Titty Roll, which was quite appropriate.Think it was actually Kitty Roll.

    And Nikki couldn't recognize that music? Even people who've never been near a strip joint would associate straight away. Maybe the alcohol is clouding Nikki's memory.

    Jordan is  graduate of the Phyllis Summers disguise course. Lesson #1 -if you don't want to be noticed wear a ginormous hat and glasses that would immediately draw attention as nobody gets around like that .

    PS how did Jordan know that Nikki danced to that song?

  4. 2 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Sharon hired Esther to manage Crimson Lights a few months ago, so that Sharon could concentrate on her corporation she inherited from Cameron Kirsten.

    So Esther joined the job hoppers by moving from the short lived position at Chancellor/winters?

    I was ffing -did Esther just have that one scene? If so, why not have her at least in another scene at CL? Of course, it was odd she was there at all.

    I thought Nikki's AA scene was good and effectively staged-was that just a wall on the GCAC set? Goes to show what a little creativity can acheive. More than 2 extras would have been good,especially when one wider shot made that too obvious. I didn't like how the scene was used for recap with Nikki talking about how she was kidnapped. It took away from the mood of the scene. All she needed to say was that she was forced into having booze.

    Then they went to the trouble of having the pianist who spoke!!

    Those extra scenes add a lot, instead of Nikki just telling Victor about her AA or her playing the piano herself.

  5. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    Excuse me for being a bit catty, but Robert has not aged well.  As an infrequent, mostly sweeps viewer, it is surprising to see him in his current state.  Meanwhile, Anna is still vibrant.  She was constantly in love scenes as recently as last winter while she was stuck in the cabin with Valentine.  So, at this point, their pairing seems more like an endgame if both actors were to leave the show, than a viable option to maintain Anna as a leading character.  (my only excuse for the ageism expressed in my comment is the projection of hating the process myself)

    I was just about to make the same observation when I saw your post. 

    Tristan is 77 and Finola is 64 so there is already an age difference. And Finola has had (good) work done and presents younger. Its just a fact that on TV these days just about every woman above 50 has some type of enhancement and it has become the norm. We are taken aback when we see someone who has aged naturally.

    I don't think Tristan took much care of himself when younger so a lot of wrinkles and sun damage. I don't think its ageism, just facts.

  6. Quote


    They put Nate into business as that was JG's(misguided) direction for the show.

    As a doctor he would have limited interaction with other characters unless they kept coming up with medical crises. They were trying to cut down on sets so a hospital/clinic set was untenable.

    It might have worked had Nate arrived in town already disenchanted with medicine due to some happenings before he arrived.

  7. 9 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Marlena came in to 'replace' Laura basically,

    I've read that before . Does that mean that when Flannery left they were thinking of killing off Laura so Marlena took on the role of town shrink?

    Or simply Laura was offscreen for a while and Marlena took on her cases?

    How much time was there b/w Flannery and Susan Oliver coming on? 

  8. 45 minutes ago, j swift said:

    But, IGS, Jaime Lyn Bauer brought a frenetic energy to Laura that felt uncharacteristic.  Susan Flannery was such a cool Hitchcock-blond and JLB was much more neurotic in her portrayal, regardless of the dialogue. 

    It was a miscast on a  number of levels. Especially for those who enjoyed JLB as Lorie.

    It was also a retcon that played against history.

    Firstly if Kate had have been Kate Winograd that would have been better. But Days didn't want to tell a story with people that old so they knocked at least 10 years off everybody's age and made up stuff that contradicted what we saw on screen,

    Otherwise have Bill involved with a woman after he left Salem in 1980.

  9. I wonder what days Marlena was on? Was it a full 5 day thing?

    Maybe people tuned in and that story wasn't being played?

    Or more likely, people tuned in to see Marlena and there wasn't enough follow through or other interesting stories to hold their attention. 

    Was there any explicit reason for the jump with GL?

    Regarding AMC (or any soap) if they decide to go a little out there to grab viewers they also need something more grounded to counterbalance and satisfy long term viewers .

  10. Yes, is surprising.They are quite random about what plot points get shown and have a set and extras.

    Whole storylines eg Aria's adoption pretty much happened at Crimson Lights.

    13 minutes ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Tomorrow, I was shocked we actually SAW Nikki at the AA meeting.VS-FibeTVWatch-2836345917.jpg


  11. Didn't know that Knots Landing did rank first for the week during its run.

    The season finale airing May 23rd 1985 was #1 for the week earning a 22.9/38.

    Falcon Crest, airing its finale the following night manage  a #12 ranking 16.4/30.

  12. Deceptions aired in  May 85 and was based on a Judith Michael novel. Pt 1 ranked #4 for the week Sunday 9-11 beating Crazy Like Fox/trapper John on CBS and rerun of Indianpolis 500 on ABC.

    Part 2 was #2 for the week airing the following night. Despite that success I don't think any more Michael novels were adapted for TV


  13. @DramatistDreamerOne our expert fellow posters will know more but I recall Porter playing Jack for more than a few episodes. Physically there was resemblance but that's as far as it went. 

    Terry Lester was irreplaceable. Porter had a longer role on Search for Tomorrow.

    Best pics I could find including that Golden Girls ep

    The Golden Girls27th Annual International Film & TV Festival - November 2, 1984

  14. @j swiftYes, Scruples had significance from that aspect also. One point to correct is that NBC's daytime Scruples (which came very close to making it to air) did not have John Conboy involved as he was working on Capitol at the time.

    Doris Quinlan was the EP mentioned.

    Her follow up Princess Daisy was aired on NBC but Mistral's Daughter, I'll Take Manhattan,Till We Meet Again and Dazzle all aired on CBS.

    Her 1990 novels never got the mini series treatment. She was an 80's lady.

  15. Scruples had significance as the first hit miniseries of the 80's, the first based on a woman author's 'sex and shopping' genre. 

    Up until then those old standbys Harold Robbins '79 Park Avenue' and Arthur Hailey 'Wheels' 'The Moneychangers' had been the source for those more 'salacious' entries in the genre.


  16. In the late 70's through the 80's mini series were in their prime and pretty much ratings winners. But networks got greedy and started scheduling way too many and they lost their unique standing.

    The first out and out flop was ABC's Nov  1979 sweeps 'The French Atlantic Affair'

    Part 1 on Thursday 22 share  was demolished by CBS showing a movie special 'Silver Streak'  40 share.

    Pt 2 had a 17 share up against 2hr Dallas 50 share and Pt 3 on Sunday improved to a 25 share.

    They admitted it had been rushed to air  and there was talk that it was the beginning of the genre losing its luster but there were many hits to come before that happened.


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