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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 6 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Its an "Unpacking party", whatever that means. It was set up when Gizelle came to visit her and she had boxes everywhere bc her house wasnt done. Production is creatively bankrupt and trying to find some cutesy concepts for a get together but this sounds dumb. Im guessing they will help her decorate over wine? It wasnt made clear

    So free labor? If I was Wendy, I'd say F that. This quote from Vulture makes that point that why would Nneka want to invite Wendy into her new home if she was sooo convinced that Wendy and her mom are engaged in shrine work? Isn't she worried about Wendy putting a curse on the new place? As you say, completely creatively bankrupt.


    I don't know if reunion has filmed yet, but these HWs (with the exception of Karen) need to be put on notice. Because it is all starting to look like S4 RHONY. At least S4 RHONY was highly watchable!

    And we know how S4 RHONY ended -- half the cast was fired. Nneka is the Cindy Barshop of this current enterprise. Gizelle is the Jill. Robyn = Kelly. Poor Wendy may be Alex McCord, I fear, but without the audience love. Ashley is giving 'bare minimum' and should also be on the chopping block. Who is Luann, future FOH? Candiace? Because I'm getting annoyed at her perpetual grumpiness and ultimatums, too. Basically, Bravo needs to break the chokehold that Gizelle and the other two GEBs have over Production because this is what started the downward spiral. As soon as they were able to get rid of Monique (with the help of that female EP who trashed Monique in the Diamonds & Rosé book), they thought they could pull the same trick going forward and get rid of anybody they wanted. 

  2. 22 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    That season will never air. Sigh. I hope they get filming a new Girls Trip soon.

    What's interesting is Caroline didn't sue Brandi personally, but Bravo and the production company. 

    Erika really doesn't get it. She still thinks of herself as a victim on par with the actual victims of Tom Girardi. I actually have some sympathy for her position and can almost understand why she's fighting the litigation...but it's such a PR nightmare in doing so. 

    Flopmarie's antics at that dinner were lame AF and it's a credit to Crystal that she didn't lunge across the table and strangle Flopmarie with that hideous bow shaped pendant necklace she was wearing. She's just such unspeakably bad casting. 

    Vyle is trying to distance herself from Flopmarie, now claiming they'd only met once before she joined the show. 

    Lord help us she must be a one and done. 


    She absolutely should be a one and done. However, I worry that Flopmarie being a weekly trigger for the audience, Bravo decides, Brad Bell-styles, that an enraged audience is an engaged audience. It is this tactic which kept Teddi hanging in there for 3 straight seasons. 

    Do I believe Crystal said those things about the women? Sure. She's said them for some time. Do I care? No. In the words of Kyle, Crystal is an entitled Millennial, and if you can't act snobby and entitled on BH, you don't belong there.

    Flopmarie is a nasty, gaslighting piece of work, but she didn't come up with this Crystal 'bombshell' on her own. I'm almost convinced the remnants of the Coven have put her up to it. Kyle has never liked Crystal, Dorit knows Crystal doesn't like her, and Erika's getting her jabs at Crystal in about the earrings. So Crystal is the target this trip, and it's a pity that Garcelle and Sutton aren't looking out for her just a little bit more.

    21 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Kathy made her RHOBH return at the season 13 reunion



    Andy said there would be no RHUGT filming this year so unless something changes we wont see anotehr season till late 2025 if not 2026


    And Brandi has no money. Suing her wouldnt get Caroline anywhere Technically this happened at work and as their employer, Bravo is liable especially since they created the scenarios were her SA could happen

    Kathy appearing on reunion is music to my ears. Rinna must be SO pissed!

    Re: RHUGT 4. We will never see that season. I don't think Caroline wants it to air, perhaps for many reasons, and I'm not sure Bravo wants to air it. either, because it asks uncomfortable questions about producers and whether they egged this on and let it happen. 

  3. Just leaving this slice of pure greatness here. Now THIS is how you bring real receipts to a reunion. Nobody has topped this unmasking, this deliverance of just desserts, ever, and it is making me miss Monique on RHOP. God knows the show needs her right now.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    Oh I know that. Im just saying DMV stands for Department of Motor Vehicles in most parts of this country and was wondering if thats what Gray Bunny first thought of

    It was my first thought until I figured it out! I thought the Department of Motor Vehicles was centrally located in Potomac or something. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Well I learned something new today. The "DMV" has a different meaning for people living in a certain region of the country. Cute. Pardon my Midwestern ignorance. 

    I think they're going to try to replace the dead weight (now, which castmembers are the dead weight can be debated). It's kinda nuts there's EIGHT full-time housewives and I could ditch half of them. 


    Meanwhile, are there whispers as to which show is coming back next? I would think New Jersey is up to bat. However, since Bravo is taking their sweet time on some shows (i.e. Atlanta), it might be best for them to spread 'em out, instead of airing 4 franchises at the same time. 


    38 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    lol...were you thinking of Department of Motor Vehicles? Thats what first comes to mind for me

    DMV = Delaware Maryland Virginia. Basically the wider area around DC.

    2 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Monica’s interview in The Cut highlights why she’s been canned: she continues to talk about production and blame them and get into detail about allegedly happened behind the scenes.  

    Bravo simply can’t handle someone like that who won’t tow the company line. 

    Heather appeared on WWHL after the reunion finale because it’s the signal from Bravo that all is forgiven. Her new face looks amazing by the way. 

    According to Danny Pellegrino, Heather also said on WWHL that Tinisha still does her hair.  And that doesn't make sense to me, if Heather is making the point about being betrayed and Jen Shah being betrayed by Reality von Tease. As Judge Judy said, if it doesn't make sense, it's not true... Anyhow, just some food for thought. The mystery deepens.

    ETA:  I  agree that throwing Production under the bus is not the way to get back on the show. Especially when you are on the outs with everyone else. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Would not be surprised. It would all make sense as to why Heather has an undying loyalty to Jen. I've been seeing these types of tweets the past 24 hours. Some folks suspect that Jen might've funded a lot of these women (Lisa, Whitney, Meredith too) lives. Meredith and Whitney, I don't believe. 

    But Lisa, I can believe. 

    And this is all ALLEGED (in case someone is lurking). 

    This is taking me right back to Season 1 reunion when Lisa breathlessly praised Jen's business and her smarts. (This was just before the news came out about a Federal investigation). Meredith was silent, and she seemed to already know something wasn't right with Jen's money. But Lisa was gushing to the point where I thought 'Oh, she wants a cut of that.'


  7. Interesting interview The Cut did with Monica:


    8 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    People on Twitter are starting to suspect that Jen might've "allegedly" funded Beauty Lab for Heather...

    I wondered if it was linked to Beauty Lab. Maybe Jen Shah used it to launder money.

  8. 1 minute ago, Cheap21 said:

    @Cat Heather is STILL using the black eye as a storyline. She revealed that Jen hit her but she conveninently didnt tell us why. Jen didnt just accidently punch her. There must have been an argument and we dont know what prompted the fight. Watch next season she is gonna drop little nuggets and then tell us what really happen. OR she is gonna save that for her second book which she teased that she was writing

    Jen Shah is a vicious, abusive, ruthless, violent person, of that I am sure. But I also wonder if other stuff may be going on between Heather and Jen Shah which could involve money or something like that. Something Jen actually cares about. And I've also wondered if it suits Heather have Jen as her bogeyman in order to gain sympathy from the viewers.

    I feel awful even writing this. A lot of people are in physically abusive relationships, and are disbelieved or minimised, like 'But what did you do to make him angry?' I really hope I've not done this with Heather. I don't want to diminish what was indeed an abusive and toxic friendship.

  9. 16 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I saw the same...but time and again Monica failed to save herself. She played her cards especially wrong when she implicated production in knowing about the Instagram account from her casting interview. Andy was clearly mad that she brought that up and did what he could to dismiss it.

    But do I believe that happened? Yes, I do. I think production did have knowledge about Monica's activities. Do I also believe that production withheld this information from the rest of the cast, knowing that when/if it was revealed it would be explosive? Absolutely.

    What we're seeing is a major lack of trust between production and cast. That usually doesn't end well for either side. 

    From what I observed, Andy spent a lot of time giving Heather the floor to admit what she did and mea culpa for it...which I think she accomplished. I think Andy conveniently blamed everything on Jen Shah, about "this person" who lingers over them. 

    I fully expect Bravo to give Monica some kind of holding deal so she can remain "On Pause" and probably get a season of The Traitors out of her. 

    This is why I can't abide Monica. She is a very poor liar and cannot help but exaggerate and lie, lie, lie some more, even when it doesn't serve her and actually made her look more desperate and psycho. I don't feel any sympathy for her at all. She's a bad person and revels in it. 

    IA. Monica blew her chance.

    Bravo was open to giving her another go. Andy was bending over backwards to facilitate a coming together. Monica herself flopped with the FBI lie, the Burn Book (the most awful idea ever) and her complete lack of empathy regarding why the cast is aggrieved.

    She's so ready to do absolutely anything to bring down the other women, so much so that they are unable to trust her even a little bit. As that famous line in Chinatown goes "Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of anything." The cast recognizes that Monica is capable of anything.

    It pains me to write this because I found Monica's SL by far THE most interesting to watch. I wasn't too interested in anybody else's personal story. Monica makes for compelling viewing. Like @NothinButAttitude said, "the group of Meredith, Heather, Whitney, Lisa, and Angie cannot carry the show. All of them are supporting characters in the ensemble." This, totally. You know who was a standout at reunion? Mary Cosby. Who obliterated the Whitney-Lisa-Heather Brain Trust every time they came for her. I love Meredith but she's too reserved to carry. I'm beyond over the Brain Trust Three. Social media needs to stop telling Lisa Barlow that she's 'iconic,' because it is a lie.

    Yes, Production knew who Monica was -- the season was simply too perfectly constructed and paced for them not to have known. I imagine this was their revenge for Black Eye gate.


    A final word on Heather. I'm starting to disbelieve the 'trauma' of her friendship with Jen Shah. That she protected Jen for an entire year regarding the black eye. It's not that women can't have dysfunctional, manipulative friendships... of course they can. But I believe Heather wanted to propagate a mystery for SL purposes and it failed. She foolishly and selfishly threw Production under the bus to keep it going.

    The weird thing about her admission that she is "no longer Jen Shah's b!tch" at reunion was her on Tuesday's WWHL essentially fist-pumping and saying 'This one's for Jen.' WTF are you doing, you fool? Increasingly, I wonder if Jen Shah doesn't have serious blackmail on Heather and that's why H routinely acts like her ride-or-die on national television.

  10. 13 hours ago, Cheap21 said:



    Now paging Dr. Tiffany. Dr. Nicole. Dr. Wendy. Annemarie, Jennifer, Nneka, Heather. MARIAH. What if they used this as the premise for an upcoming RHUGT season? Take women across the franchise that are connected to medicine either working in the field or married to someone that is? Here's my cast and reasoning

    1. Dr. Nicole, RHOM - She's a fan favorite and has existing drama with Annemarie
    2. Dr. Tiffany Moon, RHOD - Another fan favorite with Annemarie drama. She deserves another chance onscreen after RHOD was cancelled under her
    3. Dr. Wendy Osefo, RHOP - Its a stretch bc her PhD isnt in medicine BUT I'll allow it
    4. Nneka Ihim, RHOP - At first I didnt want her but she is actually married to medicine. I think it would be interesting to see her outside of the GEB's grip and if she and Wendy can actually connect under a different setting
    5. Jennifer Aydin, RHONJ - Also married to medicine. She's such a ditz and will be the comic relief
    6. Heather Dubrow, RHOC - Married to medicine. She uses her wealth and position as a source of power on the RHOC but I dont think that will fly with these women. Like Kyle, I think she will come across different alone and not in her city
    7. Annemarie Wiley CRNA, RHOBH - Cant stand her but every show needs a villian and someone we hate. She fits the bill and Im here for Nicole clearing her to her face
    8. Mariah Huq, M2M - She IS Married to Medicine. If Bravo can put Phaedra on M2M, then I dont see why they cant it Mariah on here especially since she came up with the concept. This would be a good way to pay homage to her

    This is a GENIUS idea. Given that Mariah has been suing Bravo or Purveyors of Pop (or both), she will be the most difficult 'get.' Nevertheless, I think she'd be integral to this entire idea. I like that there is a lot of variety in your potential cast, too.

  11. I'm excited about this news. For SO long we have seen mediocrity rewarded in Daytime and bad HWs fail upwards into another HW position. For decades, what I would have given to see Mulcahey co-head-write GH! Well, now we've got him. I imagine, if he's coming out of retirement, that this is a labor of love for him. I'm cool with that. I'm cool with this announcement being an experiment, and one that may not work in its entirety. I know Mulcahey is best known as an insanely talented breakdown writer. I assume Korte will be there to provide structure and SL continuity. I'm happy to take it. Soaps having nothing to lose, and if I gain some great scripts and less of Frank's 15-second zip-zip scenes of nothingness, I'll be thrilled.

  12. As someone who grew up watching Santa Barbara (and Days of our Lives) -- both were THEE formative soap operas in my life, but especially Santa Barbara which was my pre-teen obsession. At its glorious height, SB was better (in my humble opinion) than most night-time and Daytime shows. I thought of it the way loyal fans thought of Moonlighting, with which it shared a lot of similarities -- ground-breaking, witty, romantic, emotionally cinematic. The Dobsons were the reason for this. Talented visionaries. I remember in recent years checking out their work on Guiding Light and As The World Turns on YouTube and getting a frisson of excitement in recognition of their bold style.

    RIP, Bridget Dobson. Her contribution to the genre won't be forgotten on SON, it is fair to say.

  13. 7 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    8.5 is clapping back at ASA and production. Yeah she's so gonna be a 1 and done



    She's a gaslighter. Blaming Sutton for a narrative she pursued, and then the ASA for calling her out on her falsehoods. Which she then apologises for. She's ridiculous. She has the arrogance of a Teddi without the brainpower.

    Sounds like she's pissed at someone on the cast (Kyle? Production?) for encouraging her in this.


  14. 12 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    Kyle lives through people like you, who can believe all this. Don't get me wrong... it's cute you believe this... but no.. her marriage did not end when he didn't show up to her dead friend event. Kyle is acting, so is Mauricio and all these scenes where she is acting like hiding something and hinting something... are LOL level of bad acting. Kyle wants to stay and survive and be trendy. She will sell her soul to be in the news.

    Uhh... why can't "people like us" believe Kyle's marriage is done? We're not engaged in magical thinking here. Neither @Cheap21, nor I, nor others on this,thread, are breathless Kyle stans hanging onto her every word. Far from it!

    I agree with @Cheap21 post because I also initially thought this was going to be just a SL for the show. But picking up on the non-verbal cues, it seems pretty clear to me that the Umanskys are near estranged.

    We've been watching these RH shows a long time and become quite adept at separating out the scripted from what might actually be going on.

    Even if you viscerally disagree.... others are allowed to voice different opinions, and that difference be respected even if you are expresssing an opposite viewpoint.

    12 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Prior to this season airing, I thought Kyle's story was going to be 100% fake but seeing it play out, she is not that good of an actress. She and Mauricio cant stand each other and Im full of the belief that their separation is real and not just a "story" for the cameras. Im seeing a lack of chemistry and actual disdain for each other that I may have not picked up on before or just wasnt there. I think the moment where their marriage died was him not showing up to the event she had for her dead friend. That spoke volumes. All throughout the season, she's been giving him passive aggressive digs and he does not move like a someone that is in love with his wife. I think they are both over it. Im not too convinced on the Morgan angle but even without her in the mix, Kyle and Mo are dunzo and the only reason they'd stay married is bc it makes sense from a business/financial standpoint

    Couldn't agree with you more. While there may be an element of Kyle 'exhibiting' her marriage breakdown for the car cameras, Mauricio was following a different script and seemed blindsided by her overt digs and the fact that she wasn't playing along.

    The mics are picking up comments like "Is this pot or alcohol?" just before they slip into rictus-grin Umansky Couple Mode at the gala. Non verbally, they seem like they can't stand each other. Kyle appears to be biting back fury. 

    The turning point-- I'd go back to one year prior and speculate that when Kyle first found out her friend had just died, Mo was nowhere to be found. Cut to the one-year memorial, and he's vacationing once again. 

    Like you, I'm not sure what the Morgan of it all is. I'm irritated by how coy Kyle is about her 'friend'. She made such a show of watching Morgan sing that song before the memorial. She's wearing heart eyes but won't clarify their relationship.  Yet has no problem showing just how disdainful she is of her husband? It makes no sense.

    I agree -- figuring out the financials is keeping the Umanskys married right now. 


    Meanwhile.... Flopmarie keeps digging that hole

  15. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    Honestly... I find both Kyle and Mauricio to be vile.  

    I still remember in season 1 how Kyle would joke about how much money she spent, how she would manipulate him, etc... and I thought to myself 'He should really divorce you, but he'll take the cowards way out and cheat'.

    Quite frankly, I don't blame him for cheating and being stoned all the time... she's a lot to take and I imagine whoever dates Kyle next would probably be checked out as well

    I don't know... I do blame him for checking out and possibly cheating. He knew what he was getting into with her and her family, and for a while those Hilton connections launched his career. He's got 4 daughters with Kyle, two of whom work at the family firm, one of whom is still in high school. He's now able to live his own teenage dream life of partying. I find his himbo/lovebean shtick when they are in the presence of others so grating and fake this year. JMO.

  16. 13 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    The Instagram post infographic is even better than the Twitter post:


    A damning indictment from Flopmarie's profession. She thought (and i use that word loosely) she could flap her gums about a medical condition which takes Google seconds to corroborate. She has single-handedly destroyed her career on national television. 8.5 must refer to the number of braincells she holds.

    2 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    BH - Kyle is so thirsty to have storyline, it's cringey. Aaaand Mauricio looks yuummmyyy. 

    Which part? Kyle forcing her way into Sutton's fridge? Baiting Mauricio in the car? Casually pointing out Morgan's shoes tucked in her wardrobe?

    Honestly, I find Mauricio lowkey awful this year. Maybe it's the new chompers. Maybe it's the video of him spraying down a Mexican popstar with champs in Aspen. He gives off the impression that Kyle exclusively has the brains in that couple. She is clearly so furious at him. She was already over the constant pot-smoking, I think. But he must have done something really bad because she can barely stand to look at him. And by bad, i mean cheating. It feels a lot more personal than "We grew apart."

  17. 14 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    You would've thought after Nicole and Tiffany's initial draggings of Flopmarie would've just made her kept her mouth shut but it didn't. And to think Flopmarie said that Nicole needed her for clout? Girl, what? You've had about a total of about 15 minutes airtime this entire season and Nicole, who is on season 3 of her show needs you for clout? 

    I will be so glad when this season of BH airs and we see the backside of Annemarie for one final time. She might've surpassed Diana in being the worst casting choice of all time. 


    4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    It’s wild. I didn’t like Diana last season but seriously I hate Annemarie so so much more. She is aggressively the WORST.

    Flopmarie's aggressive targeting of Sutton (for what reason? To have a SL? At Kyle's behest?) contrasts with Nicole who is using her medical expertise to support her friend through breast cancer. It is the polar opposite of Hulkmarie practically launching herself at Sutton and Crystal. Flop thought she was targeting 'the weak links,' but it turns out that she is the weak link. 

    If we are choosing between Diana and Annemarie -- I'd have to say Diana was worse.

    1. Raging bore.

    2. High-class madam rumors she tried to whitewash with her charity work.

    3. The bots that attacked Jax (plus her crazy obsession with Garcelle). Still think she financed those.

    Flopmarie is way, way dumber than Diana, though. Literally nobody can take her seriously. Not Sutton, not Garcelle, not even Erika. Kyle is starting to put some distance between her and her 'exercise friend.' And then we have Marcellus. She's one and done.

  18. BH

    Flopmarie is not just one of the worst newbies on Bravo (which takes some doing), she's one of the dumbest (also a crowded field). Lying that Crystal, who struggled with an eating disorder, is the one who said Sutton had one. A lie that Bravo can easily refute. Kind of like the lie she told about small snuffleufaguses not being a medical condition. Sutton literally just has to stand there and watch this loudmouth dig herself a deeper hole.

    And speaking of dumb, Kyle forcing her way into Sutton's fridge to keep that narrative going? Sutton handled it coolly, so you might have missed it, but I never want to hear Kyle boohooing ever again about Sutton asking mean questions about her mawiage. The mawiage she has no problem displaying all over this show. Poor me! Look at me be a victim!

    Crystal had a nice scene with her brother. That and a real gala on BH. It's been a while since we saw that on the show.

    8 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    I got you, Boo. ;)


    Dr. Nicole cleared her effortlessly. What a goddess. 😍

  19. RHOBH

    I'm behind, but I did catch Kyle's memorial for her friend Lorene. Morgan singing the song about doing it with Kyle in a NYC hotel... This was not the place to debut her latest single! The whole evening was about Kyle and it was so interesting to me how she picks up new BFFs like she's shopping for outfits. Sutton reached over at one point and Kyle barely acknowledged her. Faye (Kyle's BFF before LVP) was hugging an emotional Kim. Teddi was flitting around trying to be seen by the cameras. Dorit was talking about the days when she and PK, Kyle and Mo would hang. I saw today that Kyle is now backtracking on how often she and Dorit would vacation together; I guess Dorit now knows what LVP felt like. Kyle has no more use for her and has found a new girl to refocus her personality around. It is really stark how Kyle adopts friends to adopt their personalities and then jettison them.

    Annemarie is objectively awful. I can't wait for Crystal to shut her 'medical' qualifications down.

    Dorit and PK's marriage now appears to be in name only.

  20. 3 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    If you needed more proof that Karen Huger is the glue and the foundation that Potomac is built on you just need to watch last night’s episode. Outside of the dinner everyone came together to have fun to celebrate Karen’s triple 20 and it made for a better episode.

    Nneka is such a hater and a flop like AnneMarie. How did we get two such just ugh people at the same time on two different franchises. 

    100%. Karen made the episode light-hearted and fun, and not one person was excluded from the festivities. Some of thecwomen (namely Giz)  actually seemed thrilled to be putting this together. Karen lifted the entire episode.

    Nobody is working harder than Candiace and Robyn to keep this feud going, but I really do not care about it. The one thing I noticed was Robyn calling Juan for his,weekly airtime segment (which he refused to turn Face Time on for) and promptly hanging up on him in anger.

    Nneka is a flop and I keep forgetting is on the show. Apart from the shrine allegations, she has contributed zilch. 

  21. BH

    While lost amid the SLC finale of it all, BH's episode harked back to ye olden days of RH, showcasing a lot of the women's individual stories.

    Crystal surprisingly had some stuff going on, re: her background, her dominating her brother, and an unexpectedly candid appraisal of the other women on Ozempic which leaves her comparing her body to theirs. 

    Sutton had a date. It actually looked like somewhat of a success. 

    Garcelle and Dorit had a face to face. I'm sure everyone will have thoughts because the subject matter is emotive. Both women expressed their viewpoint well, which was good in some,ways, but also left the situation intractable. Some corners of social media accused Garcelle of purposely trying to destroy Dorit in the eyes of the audience. Well, Dorit kind of did that herself with the 'diverse help' comment a few seasons back, but like I said, she was no pushover when it came to Garcelle's points. And overall I thought Garcelle had good points. At the end of the day, these two are oil and water (or rather fire and water signs!) and just don't mix. I also think that Garcelle has held back in past seasons before accusing anyone of microaggressions, but that last season with Diana and the bots changed her and she won't tolerate them poking her anymore. 

    The standout scene for me was Kim and Kyle talking about their family dynamics and Big Kathy. Kim is never not an authentic presence and her childhood pain is close to the surface. This was the first time she openly admitted to past anger at her mother. What surprised me is Kyle, who'd usually be hero-worshipping Big Kathy as the bestest mom ever, admitted to close to the same thing by alluding to the chaos in her childhood and why she purposely went the exact opposite direction when raising her family. 

    8 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Salt Lake City:

    I bet Meredith is secretly wondering if she should have maintained her 'disengaging' iDEA that she had in season 1.

    I knew Monica was not to be trust and I'm glad I was proven right.. and I hate her deceit will be rewarded because evil always gets rewarded and good is always punished.


    I respect Julia's stance that she doesn't say she's sorry unless she means it.. and I love that she tries to play devil's advocate and to think logically.  These are traits that will take you far in life, but are roadblocks on a housewife show.

    First of all, I love Julia, she is one of my faves, and I love that she is both logical, empathetic and kind. It helps balance the show IMO.

    But I take your overall point about Bravo being attracted to the crazy and rewarding the villains while punishing the good. I'd like to hope that they will handle SLC and Miami with more balance than that (old seasons of RHONJ and SLC show what happens when the crazy are let out of their cage), but we will see. 🤞

  22. SLC

    That was truly epic reality soap. The way that entire episode was structured, the pacing of each bombshell. I had to wonder if production knew Monica was a blogger when she was hired... and went with it anyway, with this kind of explosive reveal episode in mind.

    That's the question: did Bravo know beforehand? Or did Heather piece it all together, and got in touch with contacts to confirm her proof?

    This triggers a slew of additional questions about the RH-dependent eco-system. We know the ecosystem involves people who make a side hustle on RH commentary and breaking news. We know that most of the HWs co-exist with this eco-system. The additional coverage beefs up their profile, their brand. They give them exclusive interviews and brief against their other cast-mates (Marge of RHONJ is one egregious example). 

    So Monica was part of this RH-adjacent eco-system. She and Heather's hair guru Tenesha blogged about Jen Shah. The goal (according to Monica) was to expose Jen Shah's dirtiest secrets and bring her down. Monica has set herself up as some kind of truth-teller, exposing Shah for the good of the SLC audience. But is she? Let's not forget that this frenemy circle is not the first job she has infiltrated. She was undercover as Jen Shah's assistant. Tenesha was Heather's hair person. The question is: did they overstep the legal boundaries of their jobs, or did Heather leak stuff to Tenesha knowing some of it would get out there? 

    Probably a little of both? Because the RHs and the RH ecosystem go hand-in-hand. They need each other. And RHOSLC, as a fledgling new show, needed the boost.

    Heather making her very practiced monologue about what she discovered and how horrified she was by Monica -- I'm not sure I believed it in full. She breathlessly hid the fact that Jen Shah gave her a black eye and was involved in a Ponzi scheme -- but this is beyond the pale?

    I can see @DaytimeFan's point about Monica's presence on SLC and what that might mean for the show going forward. SLC has a tendency to burn bright and then go down in flames. I, too, remember RHOV flaming out in S2 because Jody Claman was allowed to ride roughshod. I also recall the bad old days of RHONJ when a host of random fans (the real estate agent, Penny, Zorba the Greek) turned it into a sh!tshow. 

    Monica has issues for sure. Her relationship with her narcissistic mother is highly toxic, and i keep thinking how that must have formed a person growing up. But I'm not sure Monica is going anywhere. Her dramatic presence turned SLC's fortunes around, not just this episode but throughout the 16 episodes.

    It is worth acknowledging that SLC is a cast endeavour. Monica is perhaps the necessary ingredient in the pot which up until now did not taste right. Her interaction with the other women was on point. Indeed, the reason why the reveal was shocking is that, despite her lack of aspirational wealth, Monica looked the part of a RH, was immersed in the group, and was very strategic -- she had to be, to stay one step ahead of the suspicions.

    However, the trailer for reunion, Monica showing up with her Burn Book... hmmm. Not sure how that will translate. Reunion can make or break a HW. Heather had a great S1 but reunion turned people off.

    Apart from Monica, two things about the finale.

    1. Meredith has never looked so beautiful, and I felt I could read every emotion on her face. Her reaction of delayed shock was awkward enough to be completely believable. Meredith for me is a RH heroine, steadfast in her assessment of what is right and wrong. The moment Meredith referred to the security footage -- cut to Blonde Monica walking around on CCTV, cut to Brunette Monica acting like it was her first time there -- I actually got the f*cking chills.

    2. When Lisa was shouting, and producers were falling over themselves to open the glass door behind her. 😆

  23. Lisa has a literal lifesaver in the form of quiet, centered Jody, but she's so hung up on Lenny, his breakup with her, his family's rejection of her, and the lifestyle she had, that she cannot see the wood for the trees. 

    It's hard to let go of all that wealth, but she will have to manage her expectations. That lifestyle will be very difficult to replicate even with alimony. Hopefully her priority is maintaining primary custody of her two adorable children.

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